All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1063 Is this what you like? Is this love?

Qiuqiu saw that Xing Ruisi suddenly grabbed his chest during the conversation.

"What's the matter with you?" Qiuqiu: "Are you uncomfortable? Your chest hurts?"

"No." Xing Ruisi shook his head, "Just listening to you speak, I have a strange feeling."


"I'm so envious." He grabbed his chest sincerely, his eyes were crystal clear, "Suddenly some envy him."

Qiuqiu had no way to answer these words for the time being, she blinked, "Don't be envious, you will meet in the future too."

What happens next is clear.

Xing Ruisi didn't want to think about it, he wanted to know: "Is it like you and Mosi, just like it?"

The topic immediately turned to the love part.

"I can't say that either, liking is not necessarily like me and Mosi." Qiuqiu knew, "There are many expressions of liking, and Mosi and I are just one of them."

It turned out to be so, he was taught.

The conversation had just come to an end when a motion detector outside rang.

Xing Ruisi immediately walked over, his fingers quickly tapped in the void, and then he let Mo Si listen first through the microphone, and sent another mecha.

The new mech is a medium-sized combat mech that looks 'stronger' than the small mech that Moss drives.

"You use strength-type moves first."

After thinking about it, he added, "It's not the best material, and don't use too much force."

The Moss inside made a knowing gesture.

Qiuqiu also followed, she was very curious, "Is the one with Moss PK a drone armor?"


Combat is actually quite smooth.

Looking at the PK inside for a while, although Mosi has the strength, he is the only 3s mecha soldier in the Federation, and the state he is showing in the PK field is by no means the level that ordinary people can achieve.

But the mech he is holding is very smooth, and the humanoid mecha has a lot of joints. It is difficult for AI to control such a mecha.

"UAV A and Mosi collect data in the battle to analyze the opponent and then learn?"

Xing Ruisi also shone when mentioning his field of expertise, "AI plays against multiple people and collects data for learning."

"The virtual mecha AI I created has a strong learning ability. In theory, as long as there are enough samples against him, he can derive a complete battle system."

"It's just that we have too few individual soldiers here."

There are really not many individual soldiers in Pirate Star, even if some members are recruited later, there are only a few hundred people.

Only a few hundred people, what is it?

Moreover, among the hundreds of people, there are no high-level experts, and the samples collected are not strong enough, which will also affect the AI ​​​​calculation.

"That's one of the reasons I'm willing to leave here."

"My AI... is too barren." Xing Ruisi looked at the mecha in the test room as if he were looking at his own child, "Our Xing family has paid for him for too long."

The atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

Then, Xing Ruisi said solemnly: "I don't have a girlfriend now, and I don't know if I will get married in the future. If I don't get married, I won't have children. Even if I have children, I don't know if I'm as smart as me or not As smart as Daddy."

"If you're not smart enough, you can't study AI mechas."

"Then the inheritance is broken."

He was serious, "So I have to work hard."

Strive to carry forward AI technology in your lifetime.

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