All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1066 Mosi: I've become bad, but I feel you like bad ones

A bright morning.

A tiny spot of light shot in from the pores of the curtain, and the sensitive Mosi opened his eyes first.

He slept not long, but the young man was strong and didn't feel tired when he closed his eyes a little.

The spirit slowly returned to the cage.

Reason also gradually awakened in the daytime, Mo Si looked at the mess around him in reason, narrowed his eyes, and his cheeks quickly turned red.


He lightly broke free from Qiuqiu's embrace and placed her in the soft cockpit. She was so tired that she slept sweetly.

Although there is a cleaning robot in the cockpit, but——

Mo Si grabbed the things on the ground, and the tips of his fingers seemed to be dripping with blood.

Such a thing, even if it is called a robot, I feel embarrassed.

Holding his breath, he quickly cleaned all the things inside. He thought while doing it, the car will be put in the basement after driving back, and he can only go out with Qiuqiu in the future.

Time passed minute by minute, and soon, it was past eight in the morning.

Xing Ruisi, who was in Pirate Star, came to Mosi to continue to enter the data. After fluttering, he sent Mosi a message.

"What's the matter with you? Didn't you come back after going out last night?"

The Pirate Star is full of monitoring facilities. Last night, the AI ​​detection prompted Xing Ruisi Mosi to drive the hover car, but he didn't think much about it, he just thought that the military department had some secret things that he had to deal with on the starship.

"There's something else."

"Oh, then when are you coming over today?" Xing Ruisi asked: "I want to finish it early, and then go to the Federation Star early. After you entered the data yesterday, the AI ​​learning was not very good, and the materials I have here are still too bad. "

The implication is that if you go to the military department earlier, you will also get materials earlier.

This is also in the arms of Mosi.

So exciting.

Really exciting.

Although the stimulation was good, he was a little overwhelmed when it came too much.

Going to a familiar environment will make Qiuqiu feel better.

"I'll go right away."

"Well, come."

The former partner, the tacit understanding is still there.

When he went there, Mo Si was still driving the small hovering car. He lightly picked Qiuqiu up and put her in the back seat.

The hover car glided in the air, and soon, the research institute appeared in the field of vision.

Suddenly there was a soft tap from behind, and Mo Si knew that she was awake without looking back.

"Qiuqiu, don't make trouble."

"what's wrong?"


"Hee hee." Qiuqiu had been awake for a while, she moved forward and sneaked her head into the cockpit, "Can you move your feet that night?"

He had never answered such questions before.

But now, I don't know if it's because of being teased by Qiuqiu for a long time, the bottom line of a gentleman suddenly burst.

He clicked on the semi-autonomous cruise, turned his head slightly, and smiled, "Yes."

Qiuqiu was stunned.

He added, "As long as you keep moving."

This is a very suggestive statement.


"You you you—" Qiuqiu wowed, as if he had discovered a new world, "You have learned badly."

"Yeah." Mo Si nodded, "I think you like bad ones."

Qiuqiu laughed.

Mo Si heard Qiuqiu's laughter, and his eyes gradually softened.

Xing Ruisi, who was a little sloppy, came over with his research materials in his hands, and what he saw was a scene of two people getting tired and crooked.

In fact, it is not greasy and crooked, it is just standing on the side and talking.

I don't know what to say, Mosi and Jiang Qiuqiu both brows and eyes, like synchronous copy and paste.

Cold partner of the past.

Also found a lover in the impossible.



Suddenly envious!

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