All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1068 Find Yang Nuannuan's Disgusting Evidence

back to the Commonwealth.

As soon as the person landed, Xiao Qian always sent greetings directly from Xinxing.

Professor Mei also came to Xinxing's headquarters to find her once, but she was not there. Several generals came to the starry sky for a while. They wanted to meet Qiuqiu through Mrs. Ayre, but they didn't expect it.

Qiuqiu thought about it, and went to Xinxing for the first stop.

Mo Si was going to go with her.

But he brought a confidential officer Xing Ruisi to the Federation, and he had to take him to the military headquarters, hold a short meeting, and then give Xing Ruisi a privilege.

This is also the most important thing, Qiuqiu understands his work very well.


She went to the building alone today, took the elevator upstairs, and went to the office area on the roof. Wanxing saw Qiuqiu alone and asked, "Why are you here alone, Qiuqiu? Isn't your boyfriend here?"

"He has something to do today."

"Oh." Wanxing then reacted, "He was with you every day before, I almost forgot that he also has a job."

That's right, Qiuqiu smiled.

Wanxing also smiled, "By the way, Qiuqiu, you said to find a way to restore the source files, did you find it?"

Qiuqiu nodded, "It should be found."

"Then the relationship is good!" That is the double happiness, she pulled Qiuqiu, "You go to the small conference room with me, we also have good news here!"

The group of four reunites in the small conference room.

Because there is no precedent for 'repairing deleted source files' before, Xin Xing and Xiao Qian are worried that Qiuqiu's search will be fruitless. When the lawsuit is imminent, all reasons will be suppressed, and the publicity and operation department will include some fans. Heads are staring at another breakthrough point.

[Yang Nuannuan's various superb behaviors]

According to Qiuqiu, Yang Nuannuan was the biggest variable in the rehabilitation training she planned for the police officer Wang.

A filial daughter who still needs to eat her own mother's therapeutic meal after all this, really wants to die of filial piety to her old mother.

After continuous screening, a lot of browsing, and some clues based on Yang Nuannuan's own attention time, everyone found clues.

Wanxing screened some screenshots, "We found out that Yang Nuannuan's ID in the food circle of Tweet should be called Master Yang's family."

"During the period of Qiuqiu's volunteer work at the Qishi Sanatorium, Yang Nuannuan has posted many times in the food circle. She has eaten a lot of Qiuqiu's own food, and she can also order dishes."

"But during that time, everyone thought she was a p-picture bragging, and the post never caught on."

"In addition to claiming, she sometimes posts photos." The photos taken by amateurs are always not so careful, even if Yang Nuannuan took some thought and cut out some words, "But the patterns, backgrounds, and quilts here are not so careful. The patterns are all from the Strange Stone Sanatorium."

"In the photo, some food can be shown in separate plates. Ms. Yang Nuannuan's bowl is obviously more than that of Officer Wang."

In addition to these, even more extreme is the bento she ate in the company.

"It was also made by Qiuqiu. Looking at the weight, we compared it to 100% of the therapeutic meal that Qiuqiu made."

Who would believe the people who did not follow the doctor's orders and scrambled for food with the sick mother, who stood up to accuse Qiuqiu of doing the real thing with Wei Guangzheng's tone?

These evidences are enough to overthrow the character of Yang Nuannuan Xiaobaihua.

"Okay." Qiuqiu also looked at it, "Thank you everyone, everyone has worked hard for my business during this time."

"You're welcome." Xiao Qian always got up, "You are also the half-boss of Xinxing."

"Cleaning up the stigma for the boss is justified."

"Okay! When the lawsuit is over, I will also exercise my boss's rights~ I will give everyone a red envelope!"

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