All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1072 Dean Zhu faints, it's over

The insightful people who are really fascinated by academics and education are all attracted by the school motto of that year.


"I believe you are still you." Professor Mei also expressed regret. She has also stayed at Federal University for many years, and this is almost her second home.

In the past ten years, she has been shining here, and she has also cultivated many students. Those people also shine in the field. She always thought that she could work here until she couldn't.

"But the school is not that school anymore. I hope you can face up to my appeal and approve my resignation. I can't stay here any longer."

Every time she said a word, Dean Zhu's face became ugly.

After he had said everything, Dean Zhu's face was no longer ugly.

He stood up, only to feel the rumbling in his ears.

Countless scenes appeared before my eyes.

In the early years of the school's establishment, he looked forward to the future; later, when it was difficult, he recruited famous teachers; later, his reputation gradually spread, and later...

There was a sudden odor of blood in the throat.

The distress after the long journey has not been resolved, and the continuous mental power for his wife's treatment and release has not been replenished. The messy heart and rolling emotions flooded into his mind for a while, and Dean Zhu only felt that his eyes were dark.


Dean Zhu fell straight on the sofa.

The sound attracted Mrs. Zhu. She and Professor Mei looked at each other. Professor Mei was also very nervous. He immediately released his healing spirit and began to treat Dean Zhu.

Fortunately, he didn't have a big problem himself, he was just angry, and after slowing down, Dean Zhu opened his eyes again.

He said: "This time I was away..."

"Mr. Mei, do you have to leave? Can you wait any longer?"

"I understand, let's see if there is room for this matter to turn around."

Dean Zhu is almost praying.

Professor Mei is one of the top six professors in the academy. Although he is usually low-key, his strength is really strong, and his emphasis on teaching is unmatched.

Such a famous teacher, Dean Zhu is reluctant to let her go, and if she leaves, she will definitely not be able to invite her in the future.

If it was before the release, Professor Mei might be able to listen, and he would also give Dean Zhu the opportunity and time.


I met Dean Laofu because of what I said before, and the two sides often chatted. Dean Laofu also wanted to leave, not only Dean Laofu, but also the students of Senior Laofu, who he recruited for the Mecha Soldier Department. The batch of instructors must go.

As soon as she heard that the lineup was going, she would have to vacate 1/4 of the mecha soldier department, so Professor Mei went to ask what was going on.

Dean Lao Fu took her away and asked her if she wanted to go together.

He added: "The Federal University no longer has a central president."

This means that corruption starts with the principal! ?


I'm afraid the dean can't solve this matter, he is not as strong as Dean Laofu in the past...


"President, I can't promise you."

"Can't you wait?"

"I... I've already negotiated the start date for the next school."

She looked apologetic.

Dean Zhu paused, "It's alright, it's alright, it's all my fault, how could something like this happen... The Academic Affairs Office is too good at handling things. Don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation!"

Hmm... It seems that the dean is still clean.

Professor Mei thought for a while, "It's such a dean, it's not just me who is leaving this time."


"There are still people in the Spiritual Healing Department?!"

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