All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1083 Yun Kuan: Regret and random testing

Only after Yun Kuan was called did he know why his Majesty was so angry.

Really happy.

It has to be said that the opposing camp still has the ability.

As expected, His Majesty's prediction was correct, and this country must be handed over to more capable people for development.

"Your Majesty, rest your anger." Yun Kuan still turned towards Zhao Xun when he opened his mouth.

"Quiet your anger!" He clapped his chair and stood up, "I didn't listen to these two words."

"Losing the case! The Federal University will lose the case!?"

"I don't know why I lost the case. This is really bad news." Yun Kuan changed the subject, "But I think this is also an opportunity."


"Chance, what chance?"

"Hasn't Your Majesty always wanted to declare war with the military?" Yun Kuan revealed Zhao Xun's ambition, "Why don't we just follow the words of these two people from Federal University."

"Such a lawsuit should be the business of the federal court. This time it is heard in a military court. The business has passed the line, and we don't have to admit it at all."

That is, no action, no response, no apology, and no disclosure.

Yun Kuan sees people talking and talking to ghosts, "And isn't Jiang Qiuqiu still prosecuting? The content of her prosecution is all undertaken by the federal court, and we can also deny it. If we want to go to court, let her come to the federal court. tell."

The federal court is their home court, and Jiang Qiuqiu is really coming, so it's not up to anyone to knead it.

The same words, from the mouth of the dean, Zhao Xun felt that he was evading responsibility and the servant was incompetent.

But I don't know why, from Yun Kuan's mouth, Zhao Xun felt that his voice, attitude, and confident look made sense.

"you're right."

"Why should I recognize those pariah laws."

"Also, I can't be held back by these trivial matters." I still need to focus on the business, "I must get the dominance of the federation."

"How's the connection with the legion over there?"

"The ones that His Majesty said before are still on our side."

"Apart from these, it's not enough." He didn't know what to think, and his originally anxious face gradually calmed down.

This is a bad phenomenon.

Although Yun Kuan felt that Zhao Xun was not very smart, he still had some means.

Coupled with the fact that he was backed by several senior nobles, Zhao Yiran had little control over him when he was plagued by illness in the second half of his life, and he might have some trump cards in his hand.

So Yun Kuan decided to try it out.

He ignored Zhao Xun's stretched brows, his eyebrows twitched, copying Zhao Xun's expression just now, and said: "It is indeed not enough to have a legion, Your Majesty, although the inner city of the palace is indestructible, but in the entire Federation Star On our deployment—"

Still weaker.

"Maybe we want to contact more nobles?" At this moment, Yun Kuan's voice was quietly lowered, soft and hoarse, with a different kind of demagogic flavor.

Zhao Xun's eyes were hazy for a moment.

He almost subconsciously answered Yun Kuan's question, "Not a noble..."

But soon, he reacted and immediately looked up at Yun Kuan.

Yun Kuan's heart froze for a moment.

In the end, he also made a lot of mistakes that megalomaniacs would make, underestimating the enemy.

He shouldn't use his skills to confuse Zhao Xun at this time.

This is a very important thing! He is suspicious!

His heart is overwhelming, his face is not revealing, and he can be a spy, Yun Kuan's mental quality is still very good.

"Your Majesty? What's wrong?"

Zhao Xun looked at his natural expression and suppressed the vague discomfort in his heart.


"You go out first."

Yun Kuan walked out of the door naturally.

But soon after entering his room, he slapped himself.


Too impatient, too underestimated.

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