All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1101 A day when fans and fans meet

This situation makes Nova APP seem to be bankrupted by a group of people in the next second.

After discussing here for a while, everyone went to Xingwang again vigorously, and decided to send the link and pictures directly to the official account, giving Jiang Qiuqiu and Xinxing a heavy blow.

Wandering in the starry sky, everyone ate and listened to Wanxing’s live broadcast of the struggle of the fan circle coming and going during the war of resistance.

Qiuqiu: ...

Qiuqiu was speechless, "Alright, alright, it's time to put it away."

"Again, I'll be embarrassed."

Everyone laughed too.

Then during the conversation, Xing Ruisi suddenly raised his head, his tone seemed a little unbelievable, "Are you Wanxing?"


Wanxing was a little confused by his tone, "Ah? That's right, I'm Wanxing, what's wrong?" She looked at the people left and right and pointed to her face, "Do you know anyone who is very close to me? name?"

"No, it's not."

Xing Ruisi's expression was a bit complicated, and she said seriously, "I'm your group friend."


Evening Star did not know what group it was.

Then Xing Ruisi took a look at his terminal, oh, the Federation Star River tweeted the group of fan support clubs.

Because they are all in the Federation Star, they are relatively close to Jiu Jiu, and there are a large number of young fans here. Because they are college students, they also come from all over the world, with a wide coverage and great influence.

So Wanxing is in charge of the backup club here.

"You, you are in this group!?"



She looked shocked.

Her expression was too big again, making Xing Ruisi confused, "Can't I be in this group?"

"You, are you also a fan of Chiu Chiu?"

"Yeah." Xing nodded, "I'm an old fan."

The number of days of attention has exceeded 500 days. Although the circle account rarely speaks, as long as the activity tasks other than speaking are basically completed, the level is still very impressive.

Then Wanxing felt a second shock to her worldview.

She said, "I can't imagine that you are such a powerful scholar chasing Chiu Chiu..."

"What's the matter, ordinary chase."

"Also, I talked to you privately before, why didn't you answer me?" This is actually a questioning question, but because Xing Ruisi's tone of voice is not very bullying, and his expression is extraordinarily sincere, it will not make people uncomfortable .

Wanxing said quickly: "I was an administrator at that time, and there were too many people who applied to add me as friends every day.

Fans and fans recognized the scene, probably talking about this moment.

Xing Ruisi took the initiative to ask to add Wanxing's communication id during the banquet. He originally wanted to add Qiuqiu, but Mosi was sitting next to the goddess.

He weighed the pros and cons, and thought it was okay.

Forget it.

The food was delicious, so it was eaten quickly, around 7:20 pm, the prepared dishes were exhausted.

It is no exaggeration to say that everyone's stomach is now a "bulging belly", and they slack off when they are full.

In the end, the soldier, Mosi, was more powerful in execution, moved, and then called a few robots at home.

After some complicated things on the head were completed, the rest were all mechanized things. Mosi didn't do it any more. He handed over the kitchen stage to the robot, and went back to the hall to accompany Qiuqiu.

When he went to the hall, almost everyone in the hall was laughing.

The one who laughed the loudest was his sister Mo Idiom who belongs to a trumpet.

Moss: ?

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