All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 661 Her Strength

"I hope everyone can understand one thing."

"You are born, you study, you measure your mental power, you come to school, you become a mecha soldier, and even if you later join the army or engage in other industries, it is not for the pursuit of fairness."

"You are running desperately from an unfair starting point, and what you pursue is always success."

"Okay, let's not gossip, let's start matching PK objects directly, according to your usual scores and scores, AI distribution, no objection is allowed."

The class has been chaotic during that time.

There are mechas falling to the ground everywhere, and after the class is about to end, the students who have been carrying more than 20 hands are finally shaky, from desperately trying to withdraw the opponent, to the last poke me, I poke you and you can keep your balance. Get the victory.

Fortunately, after more than half a month of continuous comparison, it finally looks a bit like.

And, Jiang Qiuqiu, who was underestimated at the beginning, still showed everyone in this class that what is called your boss is your boss.

Even with light armor, she can win.


A person ranked 23 in class matched Jiang Qiuqiu.

The two stood on the pk line at the same time. The student's face was very serious. It was not easy for him to earn credits and he did not want to lose.

He had also observed Jiang Qiuqiu in class before. Her way of winning is nothing more than hooking her legs with a flexible posture, restricting the movement of heavy armor, making the opponent's center of gravity unstable in the process of pushing and shoving, and falling out of the long road of the game win.

Today, he has a new approach.

After they got on the plane successfully, the two stood at the starting point together.

Teacher Mao started shouting, and the people next to him began to collide with each other, and this classmate suddenly controlled the mecha like a low-slung horse and fell down.

Jiang Qiuqiu was obviously stunned for a moment.

Then classmate No. 23 launched his first wave of offensive. After the mecha was on the ground, he couldn't make big moves, so he directly started occupying both sides of the road and moved forward slowly.

The game stipulates that the opponent can only carry it hard, not to cross, and not to qualify.

He was lying on his stomach, and most of his center of gravity was down. Jiang Qiuqiu could never kick him up or move him. She wasn't that strong, and she couldn't walk on him.

So Jiang Qiuqiu could only confront him head-on.

Heavy armor and light armor go head-to-head, who wins or loses?

He was already winning.

He moved forward slowly, and Jiang Qiuqiu took two steps back for the time being to think about countermeasures.

While watching the battle, Teacher Mao's eyes lit up, where do I come from, with such a flexible brain?

And the classmates who just finished seeing this scene are also full of brains: ? ? ?

This, this is okay?

The naive classmates at No. 23 had a lesson.

At this moment, Jiang Qiuqiu had already retreated by almost dozens of meters, and he was only 30 meters away from the red line, so he could no longer retreat.

If you go back, you will lose.

She had to come up with a countermeasure, it was impossible to move it hard, it couldn't move at all.

So... lend me some strength?

Jiang Qiuqiu looked at it, and something suddenly flashed in his mind.

long sword.

A solid long sword.

like a stick.

The principle of leverage.

Her eyes lit up, and she suddenly pulled out the long sword behind the mecha. Before the other side could react, she lowered her body and inserted the sword. When the horse-shaped classmate saw the sword, she ducked for a moment. Get up a little bit.

Jiang Qiuqiu saw the opportunity and inserted the sword between a component in the belly of the heavy armor, trapping him.

Being stuck, it is naturally impossible to lie back.

When a master makes a move, it is often a momentary effort. He is at a loss. Jiang Qiuqiu finds the right time, mobilizes the spiritual power in the spiritual sea, and controls his hand to lift it up.

The student who was lying on his stomach couldn't control the center and fell outside the line.

0.1 minutes, evaporated again.

He stood up dumbly, a little dejected.

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