All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 804 Treatment begins

The next day, the bell rang, and the 'spiritual healers' started work.

They each returned to their own consultation room, and the door of the hospital, which had been closed for a long time, finally opened.

The refugees outside the door had not had time to get excited. The garrisoned troops with live ammunition stood on both sides of the door. The guns in their hands glowed with a cold silver light, which made the refugees stop.

It is unimaginable that there are so many people, and their hearts are full of expectations, but they stopped so quickly.

It's really hard to do this if it's not for real fear in your heart.

Seeing that everyone stopped, the air broadcast announced the details, and let the refugees on both sides line up and then——

When the first patient arrived in the consultation room, the league of colleges and spiritual healers had already kicked off.


All clinics have cameras.

In this way, it is convenient for the leading teachers of each school to analyze, observe and analyze the situation of their own students and other students.

Of course, the patient had just come in, and the clinic was empty.

More than a dozen people in charge sat around the best place for 'watching the movie'. Dean Zhu Tiansheng, as an industry leader and Dean of Federal University, was firmly in the C position.

Although this competition is divided into four grades, C, B, A, and A+, and there are 4 kinds of awards, but——

Most of the discussions among high-level personnel are A and A+ and above.

C is a basic human diagnosis, and everyone is too lazy to read it.

"How many students are A-level and above in your school this year?"

"Seven? Not bad. Is there an A+ in the seven?"

The man opposite shook his head.

"Also, A+ is rare. If you have A+, you won't come to our school."

"Are there any outstanding ones in A?"

"Basically what kind of business? Is there a group?"

The chatter was a little noisy.

At this time, on the big screen, several patients had already entered the clinic.

Suddenly, Dean Zhu tapped the table with his hand a few times, and a dull voice broke into the noisy voice. They looked in the middle, and Dean Zhu looked around for a week, "It's already started, the discussion should be quieter."

The surroundings became quiet.

Because of the organized queue, some people with slightly better health fished in troubled waters and stood at the forefront.

Some of the people who had been guarding here all night were pushed to the back.

So at the beginning, the C-level consultation room on the front side had the most people.

Some yellow and dark patients are incompatible with the white clinic. Fortunately, before entering, they walked through the clean waterway, and there would be no footprints on the ground.

Faced with these patients, different people have different expressions.

Some people feel happy, thinking that the points are finally here!

Some people feel disgusting, and even treat such a patient for a little bit of money!

Some people are also shocked. I heard so much from the guide before, I didn't read it carefully, I didn't expect close contact, refugees are so... so not human.

Those at the bottom are most sensitive to the gaze of those at the top.

They can easily accept other people's emotions and are disliked. They bow their heads and dare not speak. They just stand timidly, touching the hem of their clothes or their bodies with their hands.

Fortunately, there are more and more people entering here, and the more people there are, the more people relax.

Soon, the rays of light belonging to the spiritual healer bloomed. They had no color, like a gust of breeze, entering the refugee's body riddled with holes.

At this time, the gift of cosmic gifts shows amazing repairing power.

They run through the blood, and the unique energy takes away some of the excess deposits from the body-

Everything is short and long.

The spiritual healer pulled back his strength, and the person being treated seemed to have taken off his heavy coat, and his breathing became smoother.

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