All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 833 Jiang Qiuqiu has another choice

Funny videos are always on fire.

Everyone likes to play tricks.

The Versailles-style way of speaking that the team created for Jiang Qiuqiu was quickly liked by everyone.

Netizens made stalks, and more and more people joined this stalk, and the stalk became popular.

After this thing became popular, it directly led to the Q3 column, so that this program born at 2 o'clock in the morning became a top stream.

Xiaoxiao and his party were very happy.

The light of success enveloped them, and the number of subscribers and viewers gradually increased. Xiaoxiao thought that her talent would finally be discovered.

Jiang Qiuqiu was indeed a good breakthrough.

There is traffic, and there are topics to talk about.

They decided to continue the way they did yesterday, interviewing Huan Hospital, and then selecting people to interview individually.

Let's see if Jiang Qiuqiu has any other seedlings that can be found to be funny and hot.

Pack your bags, "We're leaving!"

"Today is a game, the atmosphere is definitely different."

You chase after me, I chase after you.

Xiaoxiao thought of something and put it together: "I heard yesterday that not everyone went to the free clinic there. Today we can interview those students who didn't come yesterday."

"If someone says the wrong thing, it's a big blowout."

The whole group was very excited.

Only Ting Mo, after following the crowd out, secretly prepared to go to the outer city to see.

On the other hand, when it was still very early, Jiang Qiuqiu got up and packed his things.

Yesterday, she told her roommate about her arrangements for the second half of September.

Jiang Qiuqiu and Dean Zhu applied, and they don't have to stay at the central hospital base here for the next half month.

While washing, two roommates woke up. After Qiuqiu greeted the two of them, she carried her small luggage on the hoverboard and went straight out of the dormitory building.

Because she has a pass, it is more convenient for her to walk through the front door.

There were too many people queuing up ahead. Qiuqiu went out through the door on the side. Not long after the person walked out, she saw an old hover car with a neat surface.

After checking the message with the driver, Qiuqiu got into the suspension car.

The locations of the inner city are not far from each other, so Qiuqiu arrived at his destination not long after getting on the bus.

The gate of the factory and farm industrial area in the suburbs of Q3.

She and Qian Qian always met.

Xiao Qian always saw Qiuqiu and said, "Qiuqiu is really careful and kind."

Jiang Qiuqiu also put the bag on the ground, "I'll be embarrassed if you say that."

"It just happened to be."

Qiuqiu: "The process of receiving patients at the hospital is too complicated, and there are too many intervals and restrictions in the middle, which is not suitable for me."

"Why doesn't it fit?"

"My mental power has reached a critical point." Qiuqiu looked at Qian Xingxing, "I need faster, more tiring, and higher-intensity output to stimulate my mental power."

In fact, at this time, it is best to find some patients with mental strength levels.

Breaking through the shackles of grades is also a very important part of training.

But without this condition, there is no need to think about it.

She said it normally, but when Xiao Qian heard about the critical point and went further, the expression on her face could almost be called shock.

"Are you going to advance again?!"


"It's the sixth sense, but in the sixth sense, it's a little worse."

"...It's okay, what do you need to feel, we will fully cooperate here."

Qiuqiu hummed.

When she arrived at a new place, the interview team went to Jiang Qiuqiu through the process of interviewing, and naturally asked for nothing.

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