All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 842 poverty, suffering, silence, extremely high mortality

[Not everyone needs to be saved, it's just a minor illness. 】

[I looked at her identity again, oh, an internet celebrity anchor, with a huge number of fans, a student and a contract anchor, I preconceived that this was a hype. I'm very angry, this is also hyped... I watched the interview videos of the past two days several times, and searched for some information. Originally, I wanted to find some clues about the heroism of this Internet celebrity, but—]

[I didn't expect this, and here I apologize for all my malice, all my preconceptions. I didn't expect it to be such an indescribable world. 】

Below are two pictures.

One is the first time the interview team arrived in Q3, and the squeaking hovering car jumped over the crowd.

Because it is a still picture taken, the picture is a little blurry, but it does not affect everyone's recognition. This is... a queuing picture? !

Wait, the spectators were shocked when they saw this picture.

(Insert to ask a question, I rely on?? How long is this queue?)

(…No, no, no? So many people in line?)

(So ​​many patients in Q3??)

Then the landlord threw out a second picture.

It is also a picture taken by Xiaoxiao when she went to interview outside the city, and it is also the silhouette left by the camera robot passing by at random.

In the animation, this silhouette may only be 1/2 second, which is not conspicuous, but cut it out and circle it with a red pen——

The overhead shot is a human head and a human head.

This slightly frontal picture is of a person's body and body. At a glance, it is impossible to see the head.

[I calculated based on some proportions, just this photo (overhead) stood at least tens of thousands of people, and this team has no head. 】

[And I searched for some information about Q3. Q3 people seldom go online and hardly ever go online. Occasionally, some news comes out, all of which are negative news, such as the mining accident in the mining area... and some people complained in the early circles in the early years. , Q3 star salary level is low. 】

She also attached a few pictures here, all of which are quite old.

It takes a little perseverance to turn these things out.

Then, she posted some pictures.

[Look at this, this is a few videos taken by the federal news interview team in that free clinic. The videos all show the scenes of students treating social personnel. Before the above information, I saw that these people were very thin and not healthy. Something feels wrong. 】

[After all, this is a letter-numbered planet, and these people are all patients. But--】

A bunch of screenshots appeared, this time it wasn't a big scene screenshot, it was a single person screenshot, or a comparison between a student and a patient.

[My lover and I carefully picked up all the scenes together, picked up all the videos in these interview topics, all of them! Almost every patient that came up was cut off, and they were all like this. 】

Every picture is a matchstick-like person.

If you want to be fat, you are fat to the point of being puffy. You don't look rich, you look sick.

Or a hunchback.

Yes, everyone was stunned when they saw it...

Why are all such miserable people.

[Blind guess, the people lining up outside are also like this, because there is really no one who is not like this. 】

【What does this mean? It's like this, which means that Q3 is very poor and very poor, and there is a ore star... The amount of ore produced every year is second to none among all planets, which is mined by humans. 】

people mining.

People have become like this.

[And I checked the brain drain of Q3——]

[According to the interstellar population report, in the past ten years, more than 300,000 people have flowed out of the Q3 planet, and they have come to the first-class or second-class planet in the name of reading, going to work, and scientific research. 】

[But these 30 to 10 million people have almost never mentioned Q3 on social networks. 】

This is a very thought-provoking question.

You could say one feels disgraceful about Q3's origins.

But that's 300,000 people.

[This is an era that belongs to Xingwang, but these people never post on Xingwang. This in itself is an unusual thing. 】

[There is another one, the mortality rate. The interstellar population report shows that the population mortality rate of Q3 ranks among the top in the entire interstellar. 】

[The life expectancy of the residents of Mining Stars is indeed generally low, and the mortality rate is also high, but the reduction in percentages is very small like Q3. 】

[Besides, I also watched the hospital taxation on their planet, which was also pitiful. 】

[Summary, ore star mining is obviously a high-paying job. This group of citizens seems to be weather-beaten and terminally ill, and the team that does not see the end also shows that there are many patients on this planet, but the tax payment of the hospitals on this planet—]

[I can’t say less, I feel that compared with the population base, there is no difference. 】

So, what did you think of?

wanan1!jiumi! It's time to sleep!

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