All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 869 Mosi is like a seamless egg

The Cabinet Senate was lit all night.

When it comes to the cabinet, we have to talk about the superstructure of the federation. The entire federation galaxy is composed of three parties.

One is royalty and nobility.

The second is the Cabinet Senate.

The third is an alliance formed by an aristocratic family like the Mohist, adhering to the legacy of the previous monarch and hoping to promote equal human rights.

However, the three forces are not completely distinct. Among them, the royal family and the Liberal Alliance are relatively distinct, while the composition of the Senate is very complicated.

There are nobles, there are free alliances, and there are ordinary people who climbed up step by step by their own means, which is the most complicated part of it.

The three forces, hostile to each other, and intertwined with each other, supported the entire federation.

In the past few years, the royal family has always been the dominance. Later, the generation of young people in the Liberty Alliance, mainly Mosi, rose. In addition, the star network became more and more developed, people's lives settled down, and their thoughts began to change. More and more of ordinary people think that 'equal rights' is good, and the power of the Liberty Alliance is growing.

According to the trajectory of history, the two sides will eventually fight head-on.

To fight for power requires strength.

The Royal Family controlled the Guard and the Praetorian Guard, some garrison troops and some regiments.

The Liberty Alliance originally had not many military powers, but then Mosi suddenly emerged, glowing on the battlefield, becoming the blade of the empire, shocking the polar stars, and the military power in his hands increased.

Not only that, because of the perennial battle, the bravery of the expeditionary army is well-known in the interstellar space.

Moreover, Mo Si himself has a very good reputation on the star network and has many fans.

The stronger and more popular, the more people will be regarded as a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh.

It's a pity that Mo Si has lived in a secluded place all the year round, and rarely shows up. He is also reticent when he appears in the media. Most of them are videos of killing Zerg with his bare hands.

That's it, it doesn't get dark at all.

Don't play with women, don't play with money, don't be greedy for power, don't take pictures of younger brothers, there is no black spot all over your body!

The royal family hated him to the point of gnashing their teeth but there was nothing they could do, this time!

Sudden dispatch!

Log in abnormally, randomly open battleships to Q3!

Such a big mistake made the royal family and aristocrats go crazy with joy. After regretting that Q3 may be dead (after all, the numbered planets are dirty, and none of them can escape public condemnation), everyone is still happy!

What if an abnormality is detected?

Do you think it's abnormal and you can't apply for an investigation? Although everyone is ready to apply, nothing can be found.

But netizens don't know.

Therefore, this group of people is ready to seize this point, attacking and annihilating Mosi because of his military exploits and contempt of federal laws.

We need to push the generals from the noble side to stand up to him in court!

Cabinet meetings are like quarrels.

Big Brother Mo was also in it and wanted to speak for Mo Si.

But this group of nobles are so excited that if they can catch a mistake, they will never let it go——

So the next morning, discussions were still fermenting on the Internet, and netizens were still wondering why the Blade of the Empire appeared in Q3 and what task it was performing.

The letter states:

Neither our company nor the military department issued a mission notice to Admiral Moss.

Yesterday, everyone from Xu sent a message to inquire about the reason why the warship turned to Q3, but the Senate is also unknown.

At present, our hospital is in contact with General Mosi to inquire about the specific reasons for the incident.

In this letter, the Senate's speech was cautious, and it seemed extraordinarily soft and useless.

The meeting took off hard, and the letter was soft in a pile.


It's the talk of adult politics.

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