All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 931 Magic Propaganda

The Federal Live Broadcasting Company achieved great success. After gaining popularity, Qian Duoduo actually sent Qian Xingxing a newsletter.

Since Qian Xingxing had blocked him at that time, he sent a message from a trumpet.

is a voice.

It means: The background of the federation live broadcast is different from what you imagined. If you are soft now, you are still my son.

Qian Xingxing: ...

Speechless, very speechless.

Qian Xingxing thought about it and replied.

'If you are willing to wait for a public apology on, you cheated in marriage, you are not worthy of being a husband, and you forced your illegitimate children to recognize your illegitimate children as twin brothers, publicly repent, kneel down and apologize to your mother, I would still be willing to recognize you as a father. ’

As imagined, after this news was sent, everything was like a rock sinking into the sea.

Qian Xingxing thought, Qian Duoduo should be so angry that he wanted to drop the terminal.

But all this has nothing to do with him, just like the content of the chat with Qiuqiu and Mingmei and Wanxing before.

The meaning of Nova's existence is not to fight with the federation live broadcast. Both Nova and him should have their own way of moving forward.

Now, there is no need to deliberately target anyone. As long as the new star moves forward, as long as he continues to support, the Federation will broadcast live broadcasts and make a lot of money. Sooner or later, he will be lonely.

Qian Xingxing felt that it made sense, so he directly ignored it.

Now, they are holding the annual meeting preparatory games with great fanfare, and the new stars are also making fragrances seriously.

In the blink of an eye, it's the end of November.

The exciting voting competition, the novel competition system, and the brutal elimination made the Commonwealth Live Annual Conference Qualifier a dark horse of viewership during this period.

Ordinary people like to watch it when they have something to do, and the highest online number of the show has even exceeded 70 billion.

This is quite a remarkable achievement. The snowflake-like product advertisements and the extremely high degree of discussion seem to have pushed the company to a peak again.

At this time, Xinxue Braised Sweet and Sour Pork Fragrance was launched.

This fragrance was first popular in Jiang Chiu Chiu's food circle.

Because everyone found out that in the food circle of Chiu Chiu, an unknown netizen suddenly posted a magic love help post in the circle.

Yes, in a food area, a special post for help in love is posted. Everyone is confused, so just post it. The key is that the administrator still sticks to the top? ? ?

[lz is an ordinary, unremarkable college student, but I like the goddess of our class very, very much. At the end of this semester, the goddess and I were divided into the same research group. Every day in the research group, I was very happy. But I know that the goddess will not like me, I am too ordinary.

I know that the goddess likes a food blogger named Jiang Chiu Chiu very much. I often can't get the things in her live broadcast room. I am excited to fry chicken and feel that my opportunity has come. I also follow this anchor named Jiang Chi Chiu Chiu, her food It was really hard to grab, but I managed to grab it with my hand speed! 】

This little essay looks quite inspiring.

The following piece of people replied: [Go to send! To the goddess! The goddess will think you are a good person! 】

[Goddess: You are too powerful, right? Can you grab all of this? 】

[You can't just grab it, your goddess likes the dishes made by Chiu Chiu, you can go through Chi Chiu Chiu's food teaching collection and study hard! If you have a cooking skill like Jiu Jiu, even if it is mediocre, the goddess will love it! ! 】

[...Upstairs, if he really has the cooking skills of Chiu Chiu, he will be upgraded to a male god immediately. 】

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