All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 939 Mentors do one thing on the surface, but one thing behind their back

The inner hall of the exam was silent, but the students on the outer layers would still chat.

Occasionally exchange questions that may come up, or see each other's spiritual meditation.

Of course, there are also people who never review before the exam room, and feel that they are getting more and more nervous, chatting with three or two friends about interesting school events.

Wuyang and Wuyang were standing, Qiuqiu was wearing a black down jacket in the crowd, looking down at the terminal, which was inconspicuous.

The estimated time was very accurate. Around noon, the examination room called her number.

When entering the examination room, someone in the same group as her accidentally looked up and saw her, and her eyes widened——

Why does this person look like the domineering student in the freshman year?

Full of doubts, but people have already entered the examination room, assigned to the room, and distributed the examination questions, and there is no time for people to think too much.

Dean I wish to preside over the exam above.

After Qiuqiu came in, several teachers and professors on the stage began to whisper.

Zhinao randomly selected four questions from the question bank, a monitoring stone was placed in the room, and the exam had officially started.

Qiuqiu followed the instructions and mobilized her mental power very skillfully. Very quickly, the sea of ​​mental power opened, and all the energy entered the monitoring stone in an orderly manner. It didn't take long for the stone to light up.

After the light was on, I switched topics on my brain. The students next door lowered their heads or closed their eyes. Everyone was highly concentrated, and they didn't pay attention to this side. Everything seemed to be silent.

But otherwise, because of the mentors in the stands, their eyes are going to be straight!


"President, did you bring this class with you in private?"

"It really doesn't look like a freshman."

"Studying on both sides? Growth is the spiritual power?"

The previous junior teacher immediately changed his tune, "If she is asked to jump to the junior year, I don't think it's nonsense."

From the student's point of view, each teacher's face is very serious, his eyes are calm, his lips move, and he will look at this for a while, and then look at that.

I don't know if I'm evaluating xxx, or xxx's actions are not standard, and my mental strength is not up to the standard. Anyway, it is a ruthless and stressful invigilation machine.

Dean Zhu: Ducks are all ducks.

There were 300 quacks, quacks, and they were very noisy.

Qiuqiu completed another question!

Xicai's professor also interjected, "You thought it was you who blew it up before, but now look at it, the one who can be admired by Al and you is a real talent."

"So the data published by the previous research institute on the Internet may also be true?" This is a fashion teacher who loves the Internet. "She seems to be an anchor, and the data also has the ability to spread."

Dean Zhu has also eaten her Qiuqiu food, and said with certainty: "Yes, it has this effect."

"Dean, have you tried it!?"

"How many layers of power?"

Zhu Tiansheng thought for a while, "It's less than 10%, but it's useful."

"Hey!" That was too high.

"Hey, I have to think about it. After she is promoted to Class A for the third year, I will first find some practical training for her." This is the teacher of Class A for the third year.

The test room looks simple, but in fact, several instructors can immediately perceive the level of the students by monitoring the data of the stone and the recording and judgment of the mental waves by the intellectual brain.

Professional things, that is, as soon as an expert takes a shot, you will know if there is any.

Qiuqiu this, at a glance, it is there.

Qiuqiu also called Dean Zhu a teacher, and he was very happy to hear everyone praise her so much.

During the conversation, the four questions have already been o.

The professor opened the door of the testing room, Qiuqiu walked out, smiled at the stand, bowed slightly, and walked out lightly.

At this moment, there is more than half of the exam time left.

A candidate next to Qiuqiu finished the second question, looked up and gasped, and found that it was already empty!

Her eyes converged—

This year, is there such a genius? Or quit the exam?

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