All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 941 Xinxing Company was investigated for taxation, and the turmoil started

The papers for theoretical subjects are nothing to look at.

The key is practice -

Inexhaustible spiritual power.

No need to rest, the shaft rotates.

Feeling at ease with everything.

Can't learn, really can't learn.

The news broke.

Well, now there is no need to complain in the small group, just go directly to the academy circle to howl.

[I'm sorry for the contrast I don't know the depths of, I can't compare! 】

【too strong……】

[Next year, I will go directly to the junior year, and I doubt that I will be able to do it in one year until graduation. 】

[Don't say anything, just work hard! I rely on, I also want to skip grades! 】

[Actually, I'm not sour. Really, just look at her and you can know what it means to practice, practice, practice. I heard her roommate say that this person trains his mental strength every day when he wakes up early and sleeps. You can also see it by watching the support video. Spiritual sea, soreness means nothing to her. 】

[Those who are smarter than me work harder than me, and I have to work hard too! 】

Because the spread is too wide, as the first person to eat crabs, during this period of time walking on campus, more people pay attention to Qiu Qiu Xing.

The spiritual healing department has come to an end, and the next thing to do is to work on the mecha soldier department.

Before you get busy, take time to order the menu for the New Year's Eve dinner.

Of course, just as the menu was being discussed, Xinxing Company was audited.

The latest order issued by the Federal Star Tax Service requires filming including, but not limited to, Nova Live Broadcasting Company, Tao Food, as well as factories and other farms controlled by the company.

This matter came a bit disrupting the general position of Xiao Qian.

Of course, not because of fear of finding out, but during the period of investigation, a group of people will settle in the company, which will affect the business.

Fortunately, after getting used to it for a whole morning, it gradually got on the right track, but it was the external public opinion that when a new star was investigated, there were all kinds of bad reviews on the Internet.

What about tax evasion and tax evasion, ready to go in behind bars and cry.

Mr. Qian:  …

Mr. Qian: "As for it? If you open a charity company, will you save this money?"

Tax evasion is a prison sentence, how could he make such a mistake.

"Why did the tax bureau come to check this all of a sudden?" Mingmei thought it was very strange. According to the tax amount of Xinxing Company, the other party should not check here.

"Who knows." Xiao Qian always thought about it, "I suspect it is peer competition."

At this moment, Merlin interjected, "I heard from a few famous ladies that your brother is still a younger brother, and you have been in contact with the pig master from the tax collector recently." The fat, ugly and wretched pig head.

"I guessed it was them... what's the use! We are not afraid of shadows, and he can't find evidence."

Really confident and sure.

Merlin also wanted to do the same. He held out his chest and said that he was absolutely right. He could live a good life without relying on those black industries.

"In this case, I hope that the news of my tax evasion and tax evasion will continue to soar. It is best for all the interstellar people to know and suppress the heat of their finals! Then there will be a reversal!"

"This is an ideal state." Wanxing glanced at the statistics table, "How could the other party buy this kind of navy."

"It's really not in the mainstream." Qian Xingxing thought of the federation live broadcast, and his expression was not good, "He defeated the company left by grandfather."

At this time, Qiuqiu was also there, and he joked, "Maybe the fake news will reach the top tomorrow, or the Federal Live Broadcasting Company will collapse in the future. If you buy the company left by your grandfather and open it, it can be considered as inheriting the legacy of the ancestors."

"Well," he said seriously, "in three or five years, maybe there will be a chance."

After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

At this time, everyone does not know that public opinion and turmoil will quickly sweep.

God, that will change in an instant.

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