All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 953 Mo Si: You don't even look at me when you come (difficult to understand)

Because the commanders led by the Sixth Army actually took weapons and no one took medicine.


【Why don't you comment? 】

[Come on, I want to hear the analysis of the Sixth Army! 】

"This, taking all weapons is a risky behavior. As we all know, the game will last for a long time. Our soldiers can't maintain their peak state all the time. Even if the sixth army can not be injured, people will inevitably get tired. Drink some spiritual nourishing liquid. Refreshing."

[Because it was unpleasant to be choked, so refreshing? 】

"I don't understand this deployment, but they may have other arrangements. After all, this is the 6th Army. It is often said in our circles that the 6th Regiment never fights unprepared battles."

After a few simple words, the judge cued Mosi, "Don't keep chasing after me and asking, the commander of the Sixth Army, General Mosi, is here, why don't we ask General Mosi."

Mo Si speaks less, and is just a cool man sitting here, "There is no special reason, there is something to treat, if you don't need it, you will take a weapon."

"The weapons supplied on the mountain are not as good as the weapons at the starting point."


"There is something for healing!" The competition stipulates that you can't bring spiritual nourishing fluid and enter. "Could it be that your regiment has discovered students who have both spiritual healing and mecha-individual training?"

At first glance, it seems that there are many people who know Qiuqiu's gossip.


"That's strange, then let me continue to wait and see."

The first round of collective speeches is over, and the rest of the itinerary is relatively boring, usually encounters. For example, No. 1 meets No. 3, sees the supply station together, and then fights at the gate of the supply station, 3 is better than 1, got supplies.

Otherwise, things are placed on cliffs, and now everyone has to use less tools and strategies to get the supply cards out.

Because of the professional and funny double reviews, the three hours this morning passed much faster than expected.

Even Qiuqiu, who said he was coming to see Mosi at the beginning, stared at the screen with his eyes fixed.

Just when Qiuqiu and her roommate were amused by a male judge's comment, her terminal rang.

Qiu Qiu smiled and looked down.

I thought it was Mr. Qian, but I didn't expect it! It's Moss!


Sitting high on the stage, Mosi, who was stared at by tens of billions of people online and offline, sat high and cold in the guest chair, like a cold blade left behind.

Expressionless, but handsome.

But in private.

[Kissing Little Panda]: You come here to watch the game, but you really don't look at me.

[Kissing Little Panda]: It's happier to see xx (the name of the funny judge) than to see me.

Qiuqiu burst out laughing, she raised her head and stared at the big curtain for a long time, but she didn't see it——

So many words, how did Mo Si type it out? !

【啾啾】: Now I will see you!

【啾啾】: Kiss~

[Kissing Little Panda]: Mmmm.

She found out that it was his left hand. He was slightly sideways, and his left hand was moving.

It should be to throw the virtual screen on the sofa, and then keep wiggling five fingers.

Just thinking about it makes me laugh.

A few roommates saw that she was suddenly smiling so happily, so they asked, and Qiuqiu replied, "Just now my boyfriend sent a message."

"oh oh!"

That's right.

During the conversation, the three-hour cooling-off period had passed.

The calm battle zone quickly became turbulent.

In the mountains that are not particularly large, there are firelights and gunshots in many places. Just three hours and 8 minutes after leaving, one of the 16 teams has more than half of the casualties.

Master tricks, really only in an instant.

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