All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 969 talk about his childhood

How to say, women chat, men exit.

When Mo Idiom and Qiuqiu came to my aunt, aunt and grandma Mo, after a few men in the family said hello, they went to the study upstairs.

This group of people is tied together by Moss.

Then the topic of chat is naturally Mosi.

Auntie has a warm atmosphere. Don't look at Mo Si, she likes to make jokes. When Mo Si is away, she is also very good at talking. "I have never seen Xiao Si so careful."

"Like really can change a person."

Qiuqiu laughed.

Grandma Mo squinted her eyes and said kindly, "We were discussing Xiao Si here a few days ago, I'm afraid we won't be able to find a match. Unexpectedly, he told us that he has a match in just a few days."

"I thought it was a prevarication, but I didn't expect it to be so good."

"Grandma, don't praise me, I'll be embarrassed if you praise me again." Several people praised Qiuqiu together, and Qiuqiu also praised Mosi, "How could he not find someone, Mosi is very gentle and considerate."

"Before today, we have never seen him so gentle and considerate."

The aunt smiled and talked about Mo Si when he was younger.

When the Blade of the Empire was sixteen or seventeen years old, it was indeed the youth and yearning of many female generals in the war zone. Unfortunately, the concubine had no intention of being a lover, and he was just a small broken stone.

I don't understand this, I don't understand that, my heart is hard, and there is not a single crack.

The girl is totally unattractive to her.

"It can be seen that people can also change." The aunt said: "When you meet someone you like, we don't need to say, he adapts quickly himself."

We are all smart adults, gentle and courteous, and pay attention to social etiquette, and we all have people we love in common. Although it is the first time to chat, the atmosphere is very harmonious and comfortable.

However, after Qiuqiu recognized a few elders, she asked carefully, "Is Mo Si's mother not here today?"

There was silence all around.

Qiuqiu reacted immediately, this is a question that should not be asked.

The idiom sister scratched her head, "When my eldest brother and I were young, my mother died of illness."

"Sorry, Sister Idiom..."

"It's okay, it's been so many years, we're all used to it, and if my mother is here, she won't mind us talking about her." After all, her mother is such a gentle woman.

Sitting in the hall is always tiring. After the aunt and Qiuqiu finished talking, Grandma Mo spoke up and asked Mo Idiom to take Qiuqiu around the manor, play with a few children, and then wait for dinner.

Take a walk to see the woods, this is not a project that Qiuqiu likes.

She chatted with Mo idiom about Mo Si when he was a child. When Mo Si was young, the idiom was also small, so some things she knew were quite limited.

But the two went to look at the photos of Mo Si when he was young.

She saw him in many periods at once.

Not only the teenage years when I took the headgear before, but also when I was around 20 years old, like a sharp knife coming out of its sheath, then 25, 26... The age gradually increased, and the temperament became more and more restrained.

I have gained a lot. By the time I finished reading all the photos, it was already past four o'clock. I came out of the small bedroom, and the living room was already a little fragrant.

In order to let everyone eat the reunion dinner earlier, Qiuqiu decided to go to the kitchen to help.

On the way to the kitchen, Mo idiom found that the juniors were gathered outside the kitchen, not knowing what they were looking at.

In such a sneaky scene, Mo Fan was actually there.

Mo idiom:  …

My cousin also joined in the fun, which she didn't expect.

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