All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 974 Moss: Make breakfast refreshed

A room is absurd.


next door.

Around 11 o'clock, Mo Fan sent a message to Mo Si.

He was looking for Mo Si for something in the Senate, but no one responded after the news was sent, Mo Fan thought, Ming Tian brother may have gone through the New Year with his girlfriend, and he couldn't find anyone.

The matter was also very important, so he went to Mosi's door and knocked on the door, wanting to talk to Mosi face to face.

But what people didn't expect was that after knocking on the door for almost six or seven minutes, there was no response at all.

It's impossible not to hear it. He is a mecha soldier with such a good quality. If he really wants to be inside, the six minutes of knocking on the door will break the whole person.


Is Mo Si not in there?

Mo Fan's eyes subconsciously turned to Mo Si's room, yes, that's where Jiang Qiuqiu stayed tonight.


Cousin went to brother and sister's place?

Still not replying the message?

Mo Fan fled back to his room.

Because this matter had something to do with the military, Mo Xin was also there.

When he saw Mo Fan coming alone, he was stunned, "Where's my brother?"

"Your brother... went with your sister-in-law."

"Oh, ah? Accompanying my sister-in-law at night?"

Hiss, after saying this, he felt as if he had touched an unspeakable topic.

Both of them were silent for a while, and then they talked about the council.

"I'm observing the wind direction here. The old emperor may really be dying. The old speaker of the council is also old. I guess it will be messed up."

In order to continue to control the cabinet, the royal family must want to have a noble speaker.

"Elections are important, but there are a lot of things involved..."

"You have to prepare early."

"We are also prepared." The plan and layout are not a year or two. Since the old emperor's poor health, all the disputes have laid the groundwork.

In fact, everyone has a bottom line in their hearts, and they are all ready to solve everything logically when the emperor is late.

Mo Xin is also a core player in the military, and knows a lot of things. "Actually, according to the development of everything, we have a great chance of winning."

"But I'm afraid that there will be problems at the border."

Last year's polar war was unclear, and the Zerg didn't know what happened.

Uncertainty is always a hidden danger.

"Try to solve the problem in non-war time."

Compared with the military department and the Free Alliance, the royal family and the nobles have the most advantage in one point: they do not regard the border people as people, and they do not regard the lives of some people as their lives.

It is natural to abandon some of the "bitches" and "slaves" without considering the consequences of certain actions.

They feel that it is common for a few people to die. As long as I don't die, my prince and uncle will be fine.


Everything was silent, Mo Si was not there, and Mo Fan and Mo Xin couldn't talk about it, so they stopped talking at around 12 o'clock, waiting to talk to Mo Si again tomorrow.

the next day.

Just before dawn, Mo Si returned to his room.

After he came out of that room, he consciously went to the kitchen and made a big breakfast. After Qiuqiu woke up from sleepiness, he ate hot, sweet and sour tomato egg noodles.

Today is love day again.

Tomorrow is the New Year's Eve!

Good night everyone, 啾mi~~~~~~~~~

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