All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 985 This is the energy that belongs to Chiu Chiu

"Don't stray from the topic, let's get back to the point!"

"Recently, in a lot of alumni circles, as well as in some junior groups, I saw our school's new canteen on the Internet."

"It is rumored that Jiang Qiuqiu, a popular food anchor on the Internet, recently opened a restaurant in the canteen of the Department of Literature of Federal University—"

Before learning about the cafeteria, the broadcaster took everyone to understand the sky-high prices of Chiu Chiu and Chiu Chiu's dishes, as well as various comments on the Internet.

There is also an analysis of Jiu Jiu's own identity, the special energy contained in food, and so on.

After the analysis, the media person successfully infiltrated the school by virtue of having a classmate who taught in the school and an expired student ID card.

He laughed hilariously in front of the fans, "Okay, after all the hardships, we finally came in, now let's go to the cafeteria of the literature department to see if the Chiu Chiu shop is as delicious as the rumored one. ."

He introduced while talking, and by the way, he told fans about other buildings in the school.

Soon, a reprint point arrived.

According to the original plan, the up mainly boarded the suspension car at this transfer point to go to the second canteen, and then began to explore the store.

However, there are too many people who reprint it.

Because the number of cars going to the second cafeteria is limited, there are queues behind the direct trains, each carrying 30 people, and there are at least 90 people in line here.

Broadcaster:  …

He was stunned on the spot, but when he couldn't do anything to cut the queue, Lao Lao tried to stand at the back of the queue and queue up.

While queuing, he would also speak a few words, so that the audience would not be too bored.

"Yes, this car has been really hot recently."

"I remember when I was there, the second cafeteria was just a very inconspicuous part of the cafeterias here."

"Well... I'll try my best to get there. If I can't make it today, I'll come early tomorrow, and I'll come before get out of class is over!"

A person in line in front heard him and asked, "Are you the anchor? Are you live?"

"Ah yes, don't worry, my camera is auto-focusing—" Just for one person's face, the others automatically blur the mosaic.

"Oh, I know." The predecessor was wearing a very cool black T, "I'm so handsome, I'm not afraid to appear in the camera."

Host:  …

[Hahaha, another Versailles has appeared! 】

"I mean, are you going to the second cafeteria to broadcast live?"


"Did you go to eat Chiu Chiu's shop?"


"Then if you wait here today, you won't be able to eat."


"Brother, what kind of department did you have before? I think your physique is a little strong."

The anchor is a graduate of a science and engineering department. When he was studying, he played a lot of iron and had a lot of energy.

"Shall we invent a new way?"

"Brother, you can run with me. I feel that running is faster than taking a car."

The anchor swayed a bit for a while.

In the end, he decided to look at the suggestions of fans, "Fans say run and run."

The fans must have agreed.

So the two ran together on the road to school.

The handsome black T is a mecha type, and he runs so fast that the anchor can barely keep up with him.

The two were still chatting on the road, and the anchor asked: "You said that we can catch up when you run away?"

"I don't know, I feel like I can't."

"?" What, you can't tell me to run! ?

"I don't want to run alone. Someone is more comfortable. It's okay if I don't catch up." It seems that the cafeteria has only opened for the second day. Why does this person seem so experienced!

"We couldn't catch up with the first wave of celestial dishes. Let's go earlier so we can catch up with the terrestrial dishes."

"...What kind of local dishes?"

"You'll know when it arrives!"

As the run was getting closer, the anchor found that there were actually not a few people running on the road.

good night~~~

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