All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 992 Designated Patient

In addition to comparing individual patients with special circumstances.

For example, there is a female patient who is very literary and wants to find a spiritual healer with a literary and artistic point. This kind of special and not embarrassing condition, under normal circumstances, everyone will still be satisfied.

At the same time, there were also two patients who hoped that they could be taken by Jiang Qiuqiu.

The principal said that the two were named by name. He looked at Qiuqiu, "These two were very excited when they knew that Miss Jiang was coming."

Qiuqiu didn't know that he had such a wide reputation.

"Miss Jiang, the one you want to assign to you is a soldier who was infected 29 years ago when he went to rescue the radiation mine star farm."

"The other is a soldier whose mental power was infected by radiation because of torn mechas with high-level mental power Zerg in the frontier battlefield."

"With us, choice is a two-way street. Do you agree to accept these two people?"

"I agree." Qiuqiu couldn't refuse without seeing him, just listening to the other party's experience.

Besides, a high-pressure player like her, the more she pressed, the more she improved.

"Okay, then we have finished dividing the people. Today is the first day here. You should go to your dormitory to rest first. I will ask your assistant to show you guys tomorrow. Take a look at your own. patient."

A few people spoke very little. After the dean finished speaking, the venue was silent.

But the dean is used to it, geniuses, it's normal to have a little personality, he still smiled and told everyone to go to rest.

A special person will lead a few people to their destination.

They are all in the same building, but the floors are different. During the process of going upstairs, Qiuqiu had already started chatting with the round-faced assistant.

"Do you often have spiritual healers here?"

"Yes." The round-faced girl looks young, but she speaks very old-fashioned, "I come every year, come and go for a while."

"Oh, what do general spiritual healers do here?" Qiuqiu asked, "Is it delivering healing spiritual power to the patients, so that everyone can maintain their spiritual vitality?"

"No." It turned out that the girl shook her head, but after shaking her head, she paused again, "I don't know if it is."

In short... it is also the loss of healing spiritual power, but the purpose is not to maintain spiritual vitality.

It's because most radiations will devour people's mental power and physical vitality. Most genetic hybrids still have very strong physical vitality, and many people who have been irradiated can still persevere.

But there is no barrier to mental power. After many people are infected, their mental power is gradually eroded, and they continue to become dementia.

Later, it was found that external input of mental power can also help radiation patients to be less invasive.

At that time, if there was no spiritual healer, everyone would ask three or two mecha friends to work together, but because the strength of the mecha soldier was too fierce, not only fierce, but also equally complex.

This kind of mental power is lost in the body too much, and before the radiation can kill the person, the mental rejection and damage are enough to make a sick patient drink a pot and ascend to heaven.

Therefore, the support of spiritual healers came out as the times require.

As we all know, the healing mental power is relatively soft. When entering the human body, it is equivalent to repairing while walking.

Using this to block the cannibalization of radiation, the effect is the best.

Moreover, the healing forms of many spiritual healers are also quite special, and they can also add color to everyone's ordinary life.

Insiders always know more information. After Qiuqiu wrote down some confidential points, he began to lie down and recharge his batteries.

Unfortunately, it didn't take long before Mo Si came to check on the post.

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