All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 996 Explore, understand

After learning the principle, Qiuqiu immediately began to adjust his mental power input plan.

Soon, she had the upper hand, but it didn't take long before she took away her power.

Not because the successor is powerless, nor because of the need to control time.

It's because Qiuqiu's patient data has been warned.

A body riddled with radiation has its own critical point.

After understanding a lot of knowledge, Qiuqiu put on protective clothing and went to the radiation area again, and found four patients with corresponding numbers. They were all lying on the hospital bed, probably because they had just been irradiated for a long time, and the radiation in their bodies was very active. , filling.

Therefore, their faces are broken in many places, as well as their limbs. Because of the collision of strength and the after-effects of being unable to eat, they are very thin, extremely thin.

Although Qiuqiu's strength was as gentle as the spring breeze and the rain, it didn't take long for them to reach the peak.

There was a discrepancy with the expected amount of energy left for the people who passed halfway through. Qiuqiu felt that he still had 5-6 points of strength when he went out from here.

She went to the ward of the three veterans non-stop again.

Probably because they knew each other before they came, these three people lived in the same ward.

This is also the first wave of "awake" patients Qiuqiu has encountered since she went to work today.

When she walked in, the assistant said that the spiritual healer who was treating several elderly people had already said in advance that there would be new people coming. ?!"

This familiar nickname simply ignited Qiuqiu's emotions.

She raised her head, and the three old men with different looks on the opposite also raised their heads.


"It's really chirp!"

They looked at Shan Go and knew Qiu Qiu very well.

Obviously they are all live streamers.

"Have everyone watched my live broadcast? You recognized me right away."

"I've seen it!" An old grandpa laughed, "We watch your live broadcast every day!"

"I'm more familiar with it after reading it~ Then I'm going to give you basic daily treatment now." She asked who came first.

The old man in the middle bed was the first to be pushed out.

Qiuqiu walked to him with a smile, and soon found that the uncle's trousers were partially empty.

Her heart felt scalded, but Qiu Qiu had no expression on her face, and she didn't even look at the trouser legs, and started the treatment directly.

The process of treatment here is not quiet.

The old men probably also liked chatting with the previous healers, and they all babbled, they looked full of energy, and there were endless things to say.

The uncle who recognized Chiu Chiu first said that they not only watched Chi Chiu Chiu's live broadcast, but also participated in the old people Chi Chiu Chiu support club, and often voted for her to support him.

With great friendship on his shoulders, trust and support in front of him, Qiuqiu also responded with a smile, "Then I will work harder to stabilize everyone's condition."

"Otherwise, you will fail your vote and support!"

During the conversation, the eldest, the second child, and the thinnest uncle were all treated by Qiuqiu.

After Qiuqiu did it by himself, he found that in the actual operation, the consumption of treatment should be judged from a more diverse perspective.

It is not that the more severe the disease, the greater the consumption.

If it is too serious, the body will be weakened, and it will not be able to receive so much power at all.

On the contrary, the situation of the veterans has stabilized, and the consumption is very large.

Because they can stand it.

There was not much time left in the morning, and Qiuqiu decided to hurry up and go to the remaining two people.

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