These people didn't know that the instigator of the tsunami that destroyed the country was right next to them.

Qin Xiu heard these words.

He just wanted to wear a hat or glasses to hide himself.

He quietly took out the devil mask and put it on his face. At the same time, he slightly adjusted his face and changed his information.

"Ugly 25%"

In an instant, Qin Xiu's face was slightly adjusted.

I don't know if it was because of the mask that the manta ray exploded, but after being ugly, the corners of Qin Xiu's mouth slightly raised.

He looked malicious.

This made other people not want to talk to him.

After an eight-hour car ride, Qin Xiu finally arrived at his destination.


It is a not-so-developed city in the coastal area of Longguo.

He came here the day after he crossed over and carried out a national job transfer.

The result was naturally a failure.

Now, he came here again, but he has reached level 99 and made a transfer.

Everything took only two days.

However, it was different from the last time he came here when there were crowds of people.

This time, the job transfer tower seemed a little deserted.

Even after Qin Xiu came, the people who greeted him at the door were dazzled.

""Dear job-changer, is there anything I can help you with?"

A young girl said respectfully, even with a little nervousness in her tone.

Her name is Zhang Xiaowei, and it was her first day at work in the Job-Changing Tower.

Like Qin Xiu, she was one of those who failed in the national job-changer a few days ago and became a civilian.

However, because of her good looks, she was lucky enough to be admitted to the Job-Changing Tower and became an employee.

Here you can come into contact with a large number of job-changers, and if you are lucky, you may be able to find your other half and become a family member of a job-changer.

If you bet on the right thing, you can even get a job-changer certificate and become a professional!

It doesn't matter if you are a little weak.

"I want to make a turn!"

""Okay, sir, come here and register. After registration, you can receive daily tasks issued by Ningcheng, and the rewards and experience are very rich!"

Zhang Xiaowei said carefully.

Qin Xiu nodded and followed Zhang Xiaowei to fill in his information.

【Name: Qin Xiu

【Age: 23

【Graduate School: None

【[Profession]: Mage

That's right, Qin Xiu falsified this form!

And this information is all after Qin Xiu used the devil mask to change it.

If he wrote 18 years old, he would be exposed directly after the information was passed on.

And 23 years old is not bad.

Those who change their profession can go to college, learn skills, and obtain university resources. After four years, they will be around level 99.

The excellent ones will naturally be higher, and even make a transfer in school.

I am 23 years old. Although I don't have a university, I also made a transfer, which is not abrupt.


Qin Xiu finally left his digital ID after the job change, which allowed him to receive daily tasks, and then submitted it.

Zhang Xiaowei looked at the information and was surprised. He turned out to be a wizard.

He looked handsome and cool, and she originally thought he would be an assassin.

However, she naturally did not say these thoughts.

Instead, she quickly entered the information into the job change system and finally took Qin Xiu to the job change room.

"Because it is your first awakening, I might say more."

"After entering the job transfer room, you only need to touch the system light to receive the job transfer task."

"The difficulty of the tasks is different. The stronger the profession, the more difficult the tasks you may get."

"Of course, it is not absolute, because some people are lucky, which is also a kind of strength, and can accept very simple tasks."

"The job transfer task is strong or weak, and the final result is to give a job transfer certificate, not the harder it is, the stronger the job transfer will be."

"If you receive a task that is extremely difficult and impossible to complete, you can choose to give up and try to change your job three months later. However, after three failures, you will never be able to change your job again in your entire life, so choose carefully!"

"That's all for now! I wish you a successful start, sir!"

Zhang Xiaowei tried her best to speak clearly and introduce quickly and simply.

Especially the fifth one.

Some people have weak professions, but they accept extremely difficult tasks and pay a huge price after completing them, but except for the first transfer, there is no improvement.

At that time, I will be very angry and even take it out on them.

Of course, there are also those who feel lucky and have very simple job transfer tasks, and even give them tips and red envelopes.

While she was thinking about it.

Qin Xiu had already said"hmm".

Then he entered the job transfer room.

The white light of the system was like a beam of energy light.

A few days ago, he failed to awaken here!

Qin Xiu stretched out his hand and touched the white light.

The next moment, the light was introduced into his body, as if exploring his attributes.

After a long time, the voice of the system rang.

"Accept the first job transfer mission: Clear [Cave - Forest of Dead Crows (Nightmare Level)], Difficulty: SSS Level!"


SSS level.

This is probably the most difficult level, right?

Moreover, as far as he knows, all nightmare levels of dungeons are real worlds. As long as you pass the nightmare, the entrance to the dungeon will disappear.

Where is this Dead Crow Forest?

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