If they chose to run immediately, the tornado might not catch up with them.

But now, they were trapped in the fortress.

The tornado had already swept in.

Looking at the huge black dragon between heaven and earth, they all opened their mouths and screamed in terror.


The terrifying wind blade at the edge cut into the fifty-meter-high wall.

On the surface, the wall was made of reinforced concrete.

In fact, it was made of a lot of alchemical materials.

In addition, it was infused with gold and earth magic. It was very strong.

It could even withstand the bombardment of a seventh-turn magician.

Otherwise, in this era where a single soldier could destroy a country, how could a small fortress stand on the border.

However, in front of a wind speed that exceeded three times the speed of sound, the wall seemed to be made of paper.

In an instant, large pieces of stone were blown away and swept into the tornado.

The 7th and 8th level poison masters present, including the 9th level doom poison master, were all swept up by the tornado.

Everyone began to struggle and release their abilities, but in the blink of an eye, they were covered in blood.

The power of the terrifying wind blade was no less powerful than a thousand-degree high temperature, or even more terrifying.

The entire fortress truly demonstrated what a spiral ascension was.

And the powerful 9th level poison master was, after all, a mage, and a mage who mainly used strange toxins, and had no defensive ability.

After the spiral ascension, the wind blades cut him thousands of times, and he finally couldn't bear it!


The poison master exploded!

This is one of his passive talents.

After death, the poison in his body will explode, spreading over ten kilometers and forcing the enemy back.

But when he exploded, the entire tornado turned into a terrifying green color.

Containing huge toxins.

For a moment, the seven-turn and eight-turn job changers who were still struggling were completely wiped out.

There is a traitor!

And the resurrected nine-turn job changers were cut into pieces again before they could escape.

In just a few minutes, the Doom Poison Master died three times.

Qin Xiu has more than two thousand resurrection props, but not every resurrection prop can be used.

The higher the level of the resurrection prop, the more precious it is.

The Doom Poison Master only has three props that can revive him.


He screamed, and the place exploded completely.

The emerald green tornado swept through the Baal Fortress, sweeping away the entire fortress.

A thousand-meter-long pit was left behind, accompanied by the remains of highly toxic substances. The

Baal Fortress was completely destroyed.

Qin Xiu, who was at the border, heard a wonderful sound.


"Complete the job transfer task and get a job transfer certificate"

"Your level has reached the upper limit"

"You killed..., and gained experience: 0."

My experience!"

Qin Xiu screamed in his heart like blood dripping, and quickly took out a scroll, crushed it and used it.

Return to the city scroll.

When the white light dissipated, Qin Xiu looked at the surrounding environment and was stunned

"I went back to Ningcheng?"

Qin Xiu was stunned.

He then remembered that when he passed the Crow Forest before, he bound the teleportation point here.

As a result, this time he used the teleportation scroll and actually returned to Ningcheng.

But it was the same.

Qin Xiu quickly walked to the Job Transfer Tower.

"The Zhang Xiaowei before, I have seen me, change my image!"

Qin Xiu used the devil mask to reshape his face.

"Face up 25%"

The next moment, he turned into a handsome man.

Zhang Xiaowei, who was receiving the job transfer, quickly entered the job transfer tower and immediately saw Qin Xiu.

In an instant, she felt her heart pounding as if it was about to jump out of her chest.

‘"Mom, I'm in love!"

Zhang Xiaowei immediately went forward.

"Sir, do you want to change your job?"

"Submit the job transfer task, hurry up, I have urgent business!"

"Oh, OK, but I need to register your information."

"Why do I need to register my information? I have already submitted it elsewhere. This time I am just submitting the job transfer task!"

Qin Xiu said coldly.

He was not deliberately making things difficult for the clerk.

He was really in a hurry.

Sure enough, when he said this, Zhang Xiaowei trembled all over. She didn't dare to ask him anymore, and even didn't follow the process. She took him directly to a job transfer room.

"Sir, this job transfer room can be used!"


Qin Xiu quickly entered.

The light of the system was released in the job transfer room. He reached out and submitted the second job transfer task certificate.

The next moment, a ray of light fell on Qin Xiu.

"Your level has reached 200!"

"Unlock new features!"

"Faction Honor Store Opened"

"Void Battlefield Opens"

"You completed the second transformation!"

"Occupational coefficient increase……"

"+1 to this occupation's skills"

"Congratulations, you have obtained a new skill: Blessing (SSS)"


Just after reaching level 200,

Qin Xiu's level instantly increased.

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