【Devil Mask (Golden Legend):


Equipment requirements: Level 0, All professions

Defense +9999

All attributes +1800

Special effects:

1. Spell attack power +8000

2. Spell attack power +25%

3. Spell chanting -25%

4. Ignore defense +25%

5. Intimidation: Release a ghost face to scare the target.

6. Ghost face: Your appearance is hidden by the ghost face and cannot be detected. You can choose to hide your name or choose not to show the equipment effect and appear with skin appearance, but your appearance will be slightly changed, up or down 25%】

【Devil's Cloak (Golden Legend):


Equipment requirements: Level 500, Magic Occupation

Defense +9999

All Attributes +2500

Special Effects:

1. Spell Defense +15000

2. Spirit +6000

3. Spell Resistance +25%

4. Physical Resistance +25%

5. Extreme Dark Aura: When you are still, you will be wrapped in an extremely dark aura, allowing you to hide in the dark. The darker the surrounding environment, the better the effect.

6. Dark Shroud: Release a dark aura, so that the range of one kilometer is shrouded in darkness and vision is reduced. 】

Explosive data, six special effects.

Even more, this is the only trophy that Qin Xiu has obtained that can be equipped.

It may be because this is a special part of the equipment.

Unfortunately, the cloak still needs to be level 500. However

, this kind of special equipment may not be available even for the seventh-turn boss.

Why? Because it is scarce.

At this time, Qin Xiu's level has been rapidly upgraded to level 80.

This level requires 2 years for ordinary job changers.

Qin Xiu, on the other hand, only spent a few hours.

Excited, he gulped down another can of beer. He kept gaining equipment, materials, and experience.

Every time he looked forward to what the next item would be.

"You killed the Shoal Mermaid……"

"You have obtained the skill book: Water Bubble Technique."

A skill book has been released!

Qin Xiu has obtained hundreds of pieces of equipment, but only one skill book has been released so far.

It is conceivable that this thing is rare.

【Water bubble technique: summon water element to form a bubble, imprison and suffocate an enemy, lasting for 1 minute, learning requirements: magic profession. 】

Qin Xiu learned the water bubble technique on the spot!

This is a strong control skill.

With such a skill, he can team up with others to upgrade and brush dungeons!

Soon after, good news came one after another.

Perhaps it was because this area of creatures was particularly prone to water skill books.

So in just 20 minutes.

Qin Xiu once again obtained [Water Column Technique], [Water Shield], [Water Curtain], [Water Arrow Technique], [Waterfall Technique], and [Wave Impact], and even a healing technique [Water of Vitality] that can be used by water mages.

With this set of skills.

Qin Xiu completely became an elite water mage.

The skills of a job changer represent strength.

Qin Xiu has become a standard water mage!

The only pity is that there are several advanced skills.

Qin Xiu simply can't use them.

"You get epic equipment……"

"You get legendary equipment……"

"You get a skill book……"

The constant text prompts made Qin Xiu go from being excited at the beginning to gradually becoming numb.

Among them, he also obtained a new space backpack: the Swallowing Sea Clam, which contained 2,000 cubic meters of space and could be equipped with more!

""I'm so sleepy!"

It was already 11 o'clock in the evening.

I went out to sea before dawn and came back at night. I was very tired.

Add to that the drinking and excitement.

And the constant numbness.

Qin Xiu couldn't open his eyes anymore!

"System, turn off upgrades, get equipment effects, only keep text records"

"Automatically use backpack expansion stones, backpack equipment, and automatically replace more advanced backpack equipment"

"Automatically use fruits and potions that directly increase attributes"

"If the backpack is full, white and green equipment will be automatically removed."

Then, an emotionless reminder sound came from the job transfer system!

"Adjustment completed."

Qin Xiu fell asleep with satisfaction.

His fragile mage physique could no longer bear the fatigue.

Then wait for tomorrow and welcome the surprise!

The text of the system kept jumping.

At 12 o'clock in the evening.

Eight hours had passed since Qin Xiu released the natural amplification.

The inconspicuous waves had increased by 2,400 times.

Wave height: 960 meters.

Length: 300 kilometers.

In the world.

This is also a terrifying existence.

It is no less than the forbidden spell.

It is even more terrifying than the forbidden spell.

This is the power of nature.

What kind of terrifying existence is a tsunami of nearly a thousand meters?


Qin Xiu only thought that this amplified wave was making waves on the sea.

What was submerged was just some uninhabited islands on the sea.

In addition, in this world, the sea is endless.

It may even enter some strange spaces, such as the sea area of the cave world, and eventually dissipate.

However, the direction Qin Xiu released was not the direction of the endless sea.

On the world map.

On the east side of the Dragon Country.

Several huge islands formed a country.

The Sakura Country.

The Nine-Turn Powerful Man, the Onmyoji, and Yuan Minghe did not sleep late at night

"Why, I have a bad feeling!"

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