""Alas, there is still not enough camp honor. I have to continue to do something!"

However, his natural increase has not yet ended.

Even if he wants to do something, he has to wait.

After shopping, there are only more than 10 billion camp honor points left, and Qin Xiu kept them for emergency use.

Then, he looked at the Void Battlefield function.

Camp honor was opened together with the Void Battlefield.

So in addition to killing the job changers of the enemy camp on the front line, other camp honors should be obtained through this Void Battlefield.

""Open, Void Battlefield!"

Instantly, a black hole appeared in front of Qin Xiu.

A long string of words appeared.

They were all introductions to the Void Battlefield.

"System, simplify the content"


Soon, several important pieces of information emerged.

"In the Void Battlefield, you fight with your main body's projection ability, and your combat strength is 10% of your own.

All equipment cannot be brought into the Void Battlefield, and you can only fight with 10% of your own attributes and all your skills.

If you fail in a projection battle, you will not die, but will just quit the battle. You can only fail once a day.

In some special battlefields, death will lose attribute points."

Qin Xiu said he understood the rules.

"Do you want to enter the void battlefield immediately?"


The next moment, the black hole sucked suddenly.

Qin Xiu suddenly felt that his soul was sucked away!

But his body was still in the hotel.

In the black hole, a similar person appeared.

It was himself.

His attributes were only one tenth of his, but his skills were all

"Am I in such a strong shape now?"

Qin Xiu looked at his eight-pack abs and nodded with satisfaction.

Hurry up and put on some clothes!

Qin Xiu took out the short-sleeved shirt and jeans he brought from the fishing village.

It was a bit tight, but that's it!

Then, Qin Xiu focused his attention on the phantom, and suddenly felt his vision change, and he completely mastered this body.

This feeling was very wonderful.

It was as if this was originally his own body.

But in his heart, he could also feel that outside the void battlefield, his real body

"It feels a bit like a virtual online game!"

【You opened the void battlefield!】

【Please select the battlefield you want to participate in!】

【5V5 Canyon Battle, resurrection based on time after death, and you cannot join again on the same day after failure】

【100-player battle royale battlefield, death will lead to immediate elimination, and failure will prevent you from joining the battlefield on the same day】

【1,000-man faction battles on the battlefield. After death, you will be resurrected according to the time. After failure, you will not be able to join again on the same day. And every battle is closely related to the fate of the country!】

【10,000 people from all races are fighting on the battlefield. Death will lead to immediate elimination. Failure will result in partial deduction of attribute points. Choose carefully. There is no limit on the number of times you can enter.

The fifth choice reveals a scarlet color.

Extremely dangerous

"For a steady person like me, of course I would choose……"

"Ten thousand people are fighting!"

Qin Xiu said nothing and clicked to enter

【You have made your choice and are being teleported! 】

The next moment, Qin Xiu only felt that his body had entered another world.

The feeling of this teleportation was different.

He felt that he was not in the same dimension now.

Obviously, he did not move.

But the surrounding environment had changed!

He was in a universe.

In the endless distance, there were stars twinkling.

Is this the void battlefield?

At this time, white lights kept appearing around.

They were all people who were teleported here.

These people looked strange and of different races, but they all spoke a common language.

Or maybe it was because of the system changes after the whole people changed their jobs.

The language is the same.

Of course, although it is said that there are ten thousand races here.

But it is obvious that most of the people here are human.

"Do you want to team up together? Handsome guy?"Suddenly, a queen's voice came from the side.

Qin Xiu looked over and was instantly brightened!

Wow! So big!

This is a girl with long milk tea pink hair. This hair color is naturally dyed, very alternative and trendy.

She looks very beautiful, better than the big stars Qin Xiu saw in his previous life.

The most important thing is that she has an amazing figure.

The other party is wearing a black combat uniform, with straight and slender thighs, a slender waist, and the indescribable above.

A beauty on earth!

This is the first time Qin Xiu has seen such a beautiful girl.

""Okay! Why don't you ask me about my profession?"

Qin Xiu asked.

The other party didn't care and chuckled.

"In a battle of thousands of people, what matters is not strength but sense of smell. As long as you listen, you are guaranteed to enter the finals!"

"What about after the final round?"

She smiled evilly,"I'll personally escort you out!"


This woman is very dangerous.

But at the same time, she is also very attractive.


Qin Xiu came here for the first time and didn't know the situation, so it would be good to have someone to lead the way.

The two of them quickly teamed up.

Qin Xiu also knew each other's name.

Mu Xianxian: Level: 299.

Qin Xiu entered as a phantom and couldn't use his equipment, so his real name was naturally revealed.

Qin Xiu: Level: 235.

In fact, the level of the original body outside was already 236.

But the projection had already been completed, and it would not increase because of the upgrade outside.

At this time, another group of people came.

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