"You get 3645 honor points!"

"I hope you keep up the good work!"

"After 30 seconds, leave the battlefield of the battle between all races"

"Should I leave now?"

Qin Xiu chose to leave immediately and exited the Void Battlefield.

His phantom, with the extra attribute points, returned to his body again.

At this time, the tornado had stopped.

The natural amplification was completely over.

Qin Xiu called up the system text and started to see

"System text prompt: You created a giant tornado, Nature Comprehension (SSS) activated, you comprehended the passive skill: God of Nature·Furious Wind (SSS)"

【God of Nature·Wind Rage (SSS): You have comprehended the true meaning of the natural wind.

Special Effect 1: You are proficient in the true meaning of wind, gain wind acceleration, your movement speed +500%, and are immune to all wind spell damage.

Special Effect 2: You are proficient in the true meaning of wind, ignoring level and occupation requirements, and learning any wind spell.

Special Effect 3: Borrowing the power of nature, wind spell chanting time -99%, cooldown time -99%, mana consumption -99%.

Special Effect 4: Borrowing the power of nature, the power of wind spells is increased, depending on the surrounding environment. 】

Movement speed +500%

This is a real benefit.

His speed is terrifying, and this time it is even more terrifying!

By the way, after having Wind Rage.

Qin Xiu has learned all the wind skill books in his hand.

Among them is a wind wing, which is the fastest moving speed among the elemental spells.

In the future, using this to travel will be no less than a ghost warhorse!

See other system prompts

【You have completed the exclusive achievements for this profession. Do you want to check it now?】


"The giant tornado you triggered defeated 127,565 Asan professionals, including 1 ninth-turn, 7 eighth-turn, 105 seventh-turn, and sixth-turn...

You received the camp honor value: 19.3 billion.

Because of the additional immeasurable effect caused when you killed the ninth-turn, future Asan professionals and civilians will be affected.

However, this black pot will be temporarily borne by the poor dead Asan ninth-turn, so you don't have to worry. The violent giant tornado passed through the South China Sea, landed on the endless ice field, and destroyed part of the ice field.

Some mysterious monsters, annoyed by your behavior, have set their sights on you and come to retaliate, so please act with caution.

You get the exclusive achievement of this profession: the number of creators of world-destroying disasters +1.

Reward: God-level magic shoes: World-destroying speedster"

【World Destroyer (Colorful Myth):

Magic Boots:

Equipment requirements: Level 0, Natural Mage, Bind on Pickup, Cannot Drop, Never Grind.

Defense +900,000

All Attributes +60,000

Physical Resistance +500%

Spell Resistance +500%

Life Recovery +500%

Mana Recovery +500%

Special Effects:

1. Constitution +800,000

2. Spirit +1.2 million

3. Agility +1.5 million

4. Spell Attack +500%

5. Spell Chanting -500%

6. Spell Penetration +500%

7. Spell Critical Hit +500%

8. Movement Speed +500%

9. World Destroyer: Active release allows you to enter a 10-minute speeding state, the current movement speed is increased by 2 times, and the dodge rate is increased by 500% (in the world destruction, the speed runner will become the last survivor)]

These magic boots are something.

The special description, the current movement speed is increased by 2 times, is very interesting.

Qin Xiu currently has many attributes that increase movement speed, such as the Essence of Wind increases by 500%, and the special effect of boots increases by 500%.

These are cumulative, which is equal to the movement speed converted by one's own agility, increased by 5+5 times.

And this current movement speed is increased by 2 times, but it is not 10 times + 2, but multiplied by 2.

With this calculation, the special skills of this equipment are much more powerful.

Not to mention the dodge rate of 500%, which is equivalent to a BUFF that cannot be hit!

""Not bad!"

Qin Xiu put the equipment on his feet.

The World Destroyer was still level 0, and after a wave of equipment feeding, it was upgraded to level 269.

This is also Qin Xiu's current level.

As for being targeted by some ice monster, it would cause a disaster in the country of India.

As the saying goes, too many lice don't itch, and too many debts don't worry.

He is already immune to it.

"System prompt: The attributes of your god-level weapon, Source of Destruction, have been updated!"

【Source of Destruction (Colorful Mythology):

Special effects:

1. Heavy rain and tsunami

2. Wildfire in another world

3. Giant tree forest

4. Extreme wind (Infinite growth, using the staff to continuously cast disasters will gradually enhance the disaster effect. The current effect: summon a giant tornado to strangle the target, and the body can merge into the tornado and move at high speed. The fastest speed: 5 kilometers per second, duration: 1 hour.]

Extreme wind.

Let Qin Xiu have an extremely high movement speed.

Even with this skill.

Qin Xiu also has an additional means of saving his life and can escape.

At this speed, even the Nine Turns can't catch up, right?

Plus the special skills of the shoes?

Wow, Qin Xiu feels that he can run around the world!

Of course, Qin Xiu also knows that there is a speed faster than the wind.

That is the speed of light

"I wonder if light can be amplified. If so, what effect will it have?"

Can it become gamma rays?

Or a light-speed kick?

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