The temperature is minus 190 degrees.

The air filled with water vapor will be frozen and appear light blue.

The most important thing is that this low temperature will cause some unique phenomena to metals.

Particles will stop moving.

Some metals will remain motionless or even float, while some metals will collapse directly, turn into dust and disappear.

This phenomenon is called superconductivity!

Aircraft are all made of metal.

Science has no ability to resist at this temperature and fails instantly.

What about humans?

What will happen in this situation?

The cells in the body are instantly frozen and remain at this moment.

The time has reached the 32nd minute!

【Increase multiple: 288 times】

【Current temperature: -273.15 degrees. 】

According to the calculation of multiples, it should be 274 degrees at this time.

Don't underestimate this temperature of a few tenths of a degree.

From this moment on, this temperature will not drop.

Because, at this time, the temperature in the air has reached the limit of the lowest temperature known to humans.

-273.15 degrees.

It is also called: absolute zero.

The terrifying high temperature can reach up to 140 million degrees.

But the low temperature is only a few hundred degrees.

The gap is really too big.

But this is the law of nature.

The thousand-meter tsunami seems terrifying, the million-degree high temperature is also very terrifying, and the tornado of 5,000 meters per second has never been heard of.

But those are all theoretically achievable.

But the temperature is not.

The formation of high temperature is formed by the violent collision and high-speed movement of particles.

The lower the particle movement, the lower the temperature.

When the particles no longer move and are stationary, the temperature remains at absolute zero.

It is impossible to exceed absolute zero.

Because there is a fallacy here.

How do you make the particles that are no longer moving slow down again?

No one can do it.

Absolute zero has another terrifying effect.

Freeze time!

Under absolute zero, all particles stop moving, and any energy and heat no longer exist.

The concept of time and space will also disappear.

This is its horror.

After the ice mage reaches the ninth level, there is a forbidden spell called: absolute zero.

If the skills Qin Xiu used before were not considered forbidden spells, but natural disasters released on a large scale, then this time, it is definitely considered.

The terrifying cold current swept across the country of Kimchi.

In the country of Kimchi, the entire country has 13 ninth levels, but none of them are prophetic mages.

The most common professions in this country are assassins and thieves.

The theft technique is the best in the world.

The job changers who went to Luoxia Forest to upgrade were unable to escape and could not pass on the message.

However, as the absolute zero spread, more job changers discovered this strange situation.

Jinluo North City.

Before the whole people changed their jobs, this place was just a town.

In fact, there were only eight cities in Kimchi Country. After the whole people changed their jobs, it slowly developed to 15 cities, and the scale of the city was also very small. The whole city has a population of 3 million, small and exquisite.

At this time, snowflakes gradually fell from the sky.


"How could it snow? It's only June!"

"How romantic, Oppa!"

Many people looked at the snow outside.

Although the cold temperature in some areas did not spread as fast as the natural increase, this temperature difference still caused changes. The cold current caused the temperature to drop rapidly.

Snowflakes began to float in the sky.

This concealed the truth of the cold current.

However, some job changers still felt something was wrong.

On the Jinluo wall, the garrison looked at the bad weather and couldn't help cursing.

The terrifying white color swept from the horizon, making them terrified.

This was not the snow that had just fallen.

It was more like an ice spell.

"Something is wrong! Something is wrong!"

"I will report to the commander right away!"

One of the job-changers ran quickly.

His companion did not answer him! He looked very quiet.

This made him feel strange. He turned his head and glanced at his companion who had just stood beside him and defended the city with him. He saw a scene that frightened him.

His companion was frozen in the ice and snow.

He even turned his head to look at him.

His eyes were not closed.

His terrified face was reflected in his pupils.

A level 99 city defense soldier was actually frozen like this!

This made the soldier scream in fear in his throat, and then, as if he could not bear it anymore, he burst out


"All run!!!!"

"The cold wave is coming!"

""A cold wave that will freeze people to death!"

He ran at full speed.

Fortunately, he was an archer, and with his agility, he was very fast.

He shouted and ran away.

However, he realized at this time how powerless a person's roar was.

"What should we do? How should we remind people all over the country?"

"Live broadcast, yes, live broadcast, that's what Sakura Country did before!"

He turned on the live broadcast and aimed at the scenery behind him

"Run, everyone run!"

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