But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

When Qin Xiu was in the second-level store, he spent his honor points to buy 100,000 full attributes.

Others can also obtain attributes by fighting in the battlefield, but only the top Tianjiao can obtain these attributes.

One is krypton gold.

The other is liver.

Both have channels to improve

"If I calculate it based on an average of 400 points per game, wouldn't I have to play 250 games to get these 100,000 attributes?"

"No, the last battle was my first time entering, so I was a little cautious. Plus, Mu Xianxian was a hide-and-seek type, so I didn’t gain a lot of attribute points!"

"If I were alone, I would eliminate 10,000 people!"

"Wouldn't it be enough in four games?"

Qin Xiu looked at the time and then looked at the inferences on the Internet.

The cold wave will not land in Shouer City for a few hours.

It will take at least six hours to reach the border of Xian.

The purpose of Qin Xiu staying here is actually very simple.

He is afraid that the cold wave will blow to Xian and hurt innocent people.

After all, it is a friendly country.

It can't be cheated by itself.

So he stayed here and monitored it at all times.

When the cold wave comes, he can use natural control to push it back.

Since there is still time, let's fight a game.

Qin Xiu opened his panel and opened the void battlefield.

"You are about to enter the void battlefield. The surrounding environment is not particularly safe. Please take protective measures!"

It is also very humane.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiu summoned the ghost horse.

If he encounters danger, the ghost horse will also remind him.

"It would be nice if there was a pet with pure attack and high intelligence!"

Qin Xiu was a little greedy for Nine-Tailed Fox, but there was no way. Before he grew up, Nine-Tailed Fox must not be exposed.

"Enter the Void Battlefield!"

Qin Xiu once again felt his soul being pulled out, and then he entered the Void Battlefield.


At the same time, at the edge of the endless ice field, after a day of following the tornado path, the Nine-turn Ice Phoenix came over. Looking at the traces of the broken ice field, ice-colored flames appeared in its eyes.

"This tornado came from the sea!"

"Moreover, there was a lot of garbage in it, and the smell of steel and soil made me nauseous!"

"The dirty continent across the way!"

"Human! Job changer!"

"It must be you who did this!"

Thinking of this, the Ice Phoenix almost roared, spread its wings, and flew up.

In an instant, the sea surface was frozen.

It was going to cross the South China Sea to seek revenge.


In the Void Battlefield,

Qin Xiu chose the Myriad Races Battlefield.

In a white light, he entered the waiting hall.

Qin Xiu looked around and found a familiar face.

Mu Xianxian


Qin Xiu greeted him and then invited him to form a team.

Mu Xianxian saw him and raised her eyebrows and smiled:"It seems that you are not affected."

"How can I be affected? Didn't Tianji Elder have shielded me?"

Mu Xianxian nodded:"It seems that I can relax a little this time. After the fight, my attributes will be full. I hope you can reach the third level as soon as possible. Then we can be together, uh……"

Mu Xianxian blinked, a little confused.

The royal sister also turned into a cute temperament.

She frowned and thought,"Were you at this level yesterday?"

Obviously not!

When Qin Xiu entered the void battlefield yesterday, he was only level 235.

After leaving the void battlefield, his level has become 269.

And after today's freezing of the Kimchi Kingdom.

Qin Xiu's level has increased again.

It is already level 282!

I believe that after all the resources of the Kimchi Kingdom are frozen this time, Qin Xiu's level will be able to rush to 299.

Moreover, the third-level task is a ten-ring task.

He has made preparations to waste a lot of experience.

"This is not important!"

Qin Xiu hurriedly changed the subject.

Fortunately, at this time, the battlefield of all races also began.

In the square before, he had felt hundreds of eyes falling on him.

Even those who changed their jobs were communicating with each other.

It seemed that they wanted to unite.

Little did they know that sheep united together, but they were just a group of sheep.

And a lone wolf is always a wolf!

Landing on the battlefield.

This time Qin Xiu opened his eyes and encountered yellow sand all over the sky.

Desert battlefield.

There were sand dunes everywhere, and the surroundings were bare, and the enemy could be seen at a glance.

At the edge of the desert, a touch of yellow dust appeared and rolled up into the sky.


"You can do whatever you want. I'll go to a safe place and wait for you to kill someone!" Mu Xianxian said, using stealth to disappear from the spot.

Qin Xiu looked around.

"It's a bit uncomfortable to use water spells in this environment!"

"Forget it, what's the big deal if I reveal my trump card? I'm Qin Tianjiao!"

Qin Xiu smiled and then summoned a spell.

""Wings of Wind!"

Qin Xiu currently has few wind spells, but he happens to have a copy of the Wind Wings that can fly.

The speed of the Wind Wings is extremely fast, and with the right environment and the fact that Qin Xiu himself possesses the true essence of wind, he is naturally very cool.

In fact, skills such as Wind Wings, Water Wings, and Fire Wings are all S-level skills that can only be learned after the seventh transformation.

This means that the person who changes his job has changed from land to air combat.

The learning level requirement is very high.

Qin Xiu can learn it now.

If he is discovered, he will definitely be called a cheat!

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