【Nationwide alert!!!】

【Nationwide alert!!!】

【Nationwide alert!!!

At 1am, the whole country of Sakura was in an uproar.

On the Internet, because of the live broadcast incident, the cameraman passed on the tsunami footage, causing an uproar.

In addition, the city-wide alarm was sounded, and the protective shield was raised. Everyone knew the danger.

The whole city was in chaos.

"Are there any more monsters attacking the city?"

"It's a tsunami, a huge tsunami is coming!"

"Haha, it's just a tsunami? Will the Nine-turn of our country take action? How powerful is the Sakura Country? It's just a little bit worse than the Lighthouse. Some small countries without the Nine-turn are pitiful!"

"That’s right, it’s just a tsunami, no big deal!"

"What do you know, Master Shui Shang Wu, was drowned by the tsunami!"

Outside Jiuzhou Island.

Shui Shang Wu, who was drowned in the water, turned into water and did not die.

He was a nine-turn.

But he tried every possible way to stop the tsunami.

Fortunately, the other 28 nine-turns in Sakura Country,���Those who are not in the country have quickly come!

"Immortal Technique·Wood Release·True Thousand Hands·Buddha on the Top!"

Sakura Country.

Local Hidden Occupation: Ninth Order Saint: Thousand Hands Hongye's voice spread thousands of meters into the surrounding sea.

The next moment, at the edge of the beach.

A terrifying huge Buddha statue rose from the ground.

Thousands of arms, like a peacock spreading its tail, covering the sky and the sun.

It was thousands of meters high.

What about a thousand-meter tsunami?

"Break it for me!"

Thousands of arms suddenly moved, rushed to the seaside, and crashed into the tsunami.




The thousand-meter-high tsunami was smashed by the palm of the Buddha.

However, this only split the tsunami that formed the water curtain into two halves. Although the Buddha on the top was powerful, the tsunami was not limited to the beach where he stopped it.

Instead, it spread to a range of more than 300 kilometers, covering all the southern coasts of Jiuzhou Island.

The beach on Jiuzhou Island was just the first landing.



"Is this the power of nature? Even my magic cannot stop it!"

Thousand-handed Red Leaf stood on the top of the Buddha.

He resisted the tsunami.

Billions of tons of seawater hit him and disintegrated the Thousand-handed Buddha.


Qianshou Hongye was seriously injured and swept into the tsunami.

"Everyone is on alert, guard the city, cast the forbidden spell, and protect Jiuzhou City!"

The Jiuzhuan no longer thought about stopping the tsunami.

Instead, they returned to the city.

Abandoned the car to save the master.

They defended the city.

As for the villages, towns, and those who lived in the wilderness, they had to give up.

They did not live in the city, which was also a kind of elimination.

In this case, even these people did not hear the alarm.


The tsunami is coming!

It is carrying trillions of tons of seawater and pressing towards Jiuzhou Island.

The soil is impacted.

The houses are like paper and collapsed in an instant.

The originally deep blue seawater has mixed into mud. The most terrifying thing is that the tsunami has not stopped.

It seems that endless seawater has been drawn out of the ocean.

The tsunami is rolling in at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour.

In just forty minutes, it has reached Jiuzhou City.


The city lit up the protective shield.

Everyone felt suffocated.

Looking at the endless sea water, the moment it touched the protective shield, it made a loud"crunching" sound.

The protective shield flickered for a moment, and then completely dimmed.

Immediately afterwards, countless sea water fell from the sky.


The entire Jiuzhou City was submerged.

No one survived.


Shui Shangwu yelled, unable to accept what he saw.

"Mizukami-kun, this is not the time to be sad. This tsunami cannot be stopped. Don't defend it. Let everyone escape. Fly. Only by flying can you escape!"

"Our Sakura Country is going to be destroyed!"

The other nine transformations were also extremely sad.

Qianshou disappeared and Jiuzhou Island was destroyed.

Unexpectedly, what defeated them in the end was not the clamoring kimchi, nor the lion dragon country entrenched around them.

It was actually a tsunami.

As the national warning was issued again, countless people realized that the tsunami was only a thousand meters high.

As long as they avoided this thousand-meter height, it would be fine!

In this era, there are many people who have this ability.

Especially those who have changed their jobs.

As for civilians?

At this time, who still cares about the lives of civilians?

Moreover, with the whole nation changing their jobs, technology has not stopped, and even stronger gunsmiths and mechanics have appeared. Teacher.

Some large spaceships and airplanes can carry many people.

As long as you take action, you can complete self-rescue.

Of course, if you don’t have all this, there is a simpler way!

Climb the mountain!

Especially their treasure, Mount Futu. Mount

Futu is 3775.63 meters above sea level. If the residents of Honcho Island and Mount Futu receive the news and climb the mountain overnight, they may still survive.

But is there enough time?

After crushing Jiucho Island, the tsunami has begun to hit Siguo Island!

Hour 9:

Wave amplification multiple: 2700 times.

Wave height: 1080 meters.

Spread: 350 kilometers.

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