"I cleared the dungeon and eliminated a major scourge"

""If Yangcheng doesn't give me an honorary citizenship, I won't do it!"

Qin Xiu smiled slightly and then approached the vortex.

The other red flame bugs ignored Qin Xiu, as if Qin Xiu didn't exist.

This was because Qin Xiu was in ghost state.

Most of the time, the ghost state would reduce the sense of existence to the minimum. With the additional effects of the equipment, these red flame bugs would naturally not care about a ghost.

Then, a series of system prompts appeared in front of Qin Xiu.

"You have discovered the copy - Red Flame Insect Nest, do you want to enter?"


"Please select the difficulty!"

"Nightmare level!"

"The selection is complete."


Qin Xiu's figure disappeared from the spot.

In just a blink of an eye, the environment around Qin Xiu changed drastically.

The scorching temperature made the essence of the fire element in his body stir.

The power of the fire skills here can be increased several times.

But there is also a contradiction here.

The red flame insects are also fire element creatures.

The effect of fire spells on them may not be good.

This copy may require a large number of water and ice mages to pass.

Qin Xiu looked at his position.

He appeared at the foot of a mountain. In the distance, there was a red volcano.

Qin Xiu looked closely. His scalp tingled immediately.

This is not a volcano, but a mountain composed of red flame insects.

They all lie on the mountain, shaking their wings, as if combing their insect hair.

If they are startled, the next moment, there will be an overwhelming tide of insects to attack.

How to fight this?

If other teams come, they will naturally develop a set of clearance strategies.

Qin Xiu will not do those.

What he has to do is to be reckless!

It just so happens that he gained the ability to restrain these red flame insects yesterday!

""Absolute zero!"

Qin Xiu raised the staff in his hand.

In an instant, a terrifying cold current erupted with him as the center.

When the cold air met the high temperature, a large amount of water vapor rose immediately, but soon condensed the air.

The air that was originally hot and even deformed due to the high temperature was instantly frozen into light blue. The whole world, with Qin Xiu as the center, within a range of 500 kilometers, became bitingly cold.

But in this cold,

Qin Xiu was not affected at all.

Because he mastered the true meaning of ice.

In just 10 seconds, the red peak began to turn red and white.

Red is the color of the red flame insect.

And white is the color of ice and snow.

The ice and snow covered the red flame insect.

From the foot of the mountain to the peak, it covered the other side.

It seemed that the crisis was discovered.

The red flame insects on the other side of the mountain flew up one after another.

But Qin Xiu's absolute zero is not the absolute zero when it is naturally amplified.

The release range is huge and the speed is extremely fast.

Almost instantly, it covered these flying red flame insects.

These red flame insects froze one after another.

Then they fell from the sky.


These red flame insects were smashed to pieces.

At this moment, a piercing insect chirp sounded.

An extremely huge figure crawled out of the volcano.

It stuck its head out and locked onto Qin Xiu, its eyes full of cruelty.


It did not fly, but crawled out from the mouth of the volcano.

Qin Xiu saw its huge body.

The other red flame insects were all the size of millstones. Even here, Qin Xiu saw a bigger red flame insect.

Their bodies were like cockroaches.

But this red flame insect king had a multi-segmented and multi-legged body like a centipede. It was very huge.

Its body was a hundred meters long, like a train.

It ran down the mountain, crushing countless red flame insects along the way.

But as it crawled, thicker and thicker ice covered its body.

When it crawled in front of Qin Xiu, its movements were extremely slow, and it couldn't even open its mouth!

Qin Xiu raised his fist and punched the opponent on the head.


The huge force instantly smashed the opponent's head.

In an instant, Qin Xiu heard the system's prompt


"You killed the nightmare-level dungeon monster: the level 299 epic BOSS Red Flame Insect King, and gained experience: 0. The level has reached the upper limit and you cannot gain more experience!"

"You have cleared the nightmare level dungeon!"

"Evaluation is being generated."

After killing the BOSS, Qin Xiu cleared the dungeon.

Unfortunately, he could not gain experience from the monsters in the entire dungeon.

Moreover, Qin Xiu did not want to struggle anymore. For example, after clearing the dungeon, he quickly went out to hand in the task, completed the third turn, and gained experience again!

This time, it was different from the first turn.

Even if he left quickly now, he could only submit the second ring task, and the next task could not be completed quickly.

Who knows, what outrageous task he might come up with.

So he waited for the dungeon to be settled.

Soon, the evaluation statistics were completed.

"Your evaluation for this dungeon clearance is: SSS level!"

"You get a high reward: all attributes +10W, additional rewards exclusive to this profession, do you want to draw now?"

Another diamond-level treasure chest landed in front of Qin Xiu.

Qin Xiu opened it!

Another skill book

【Natural Camouflage (SSS): You can transform into nature. Under the natural camouflage, even the eyes of God cannot detect your existence. 】

Hidden skills!

Qin Xiu's eyes lit up.

This is exactly what he needs. He has been causing too much trouble recently.

If he continues like this, he will be discovered sooner or later.

This skill comes at the right time.

Qin Xiu learned the skill book.

The system prompts again:

"Your clearance record is SSS level, and a regional announcement will be made. Do you want to publish your name?"

"No!" Qin Xiu chose to hide without hesitation.

【Regional announcement: Yangcheng notice: The nightmare-level dungeon Red Flame Insect Nest that threatens Yangcheng has been cleared, clearance rating: SSS!】

【Regional Announcement: Yangcheng Notice……】

【Regional Announcement……】

The three announcements stunned people in Yangcheng and those not in Yangcheng.

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