Qin Xiu thought about it and decided that if natural disasters didn't work, then man-made disasters would do.

They were already a hostile country.

It was reasonable for him to destroy the other party's construction.

Red names are weird!

Nothing wrong with that.

He didn't waste any time and rushed to the border between Xian and Kimchi to find the location where the other party had built a job transfer tower.


At this time, at the border of Xian Country, countless Xian Country job changers gathered here.

Even in the sky, there were three Nine Turns, gritting their teeth and watching everything in the distance.

At the border of Kimchi Country, a prototype of a job change tower has been built.

If it is fully built and receives the light of the system, the defense of this job change tower will become extremely solid, and even Nine Turns will not be able to take it down for a while.

However, letting them build it like this will pose a huge threat to Xian Country.

It can even be said to be a humiliation.

The people of Kimchi Country will gather here, after all, other lands are temporarily uninhabitable.

Living here for a long time, it will gradually develop into a city, and job changers will live in this city and then move around.

What will happen then?

Steal your monsters!

Kill your people!

Collect your resources!

But now, the Nine Turns of Xian Country dare not move.

Because compared with the 13 Nine Turns of Kimchi Country.

Xian Country’s population is only half of the other side, and there are only three Nine Turns!

All here!

The Kimchi Kingdom left 3 Nine-turn here, and the remaining 10 Nine-turns were scattered to collect resources, which made the people of the Korean Kingdom cautious.

"Has the support from Dragon Country arrived?"

"Every Nine Revolutions is very busy. It is said that they will send General Longxue to come!"

When Xian Guo Nine Revolutions heard this, his brows relaxed immediately.

"Is that the female general?"

"That's right."

This female general is called Jiang Long.

A nine-turn dragon blood warrior.

She can control the power of thunder and frenzy, and is very powerful.

However, after reaching the ninth turn, every strong man cannot be called by his name at will, but has a title and honorific, which is convenient for people to call him, otherwise it will be disrespectful.

Jiang Long's name is Dragon Blood General.

She is also a veteran nine-turn in Longguo.

Age: 318 years old.

A living history.

Longguo has 29 such nine-turns.

With the support of Dragon Blood General, Xianguo's nine-turns are obviously relieved.


Yangcheng. After a day of dungeon fighting, the curtain fell as the nightmare dungeon was cleared.

In the direction of the teleportation array, people were returning everywhere.


A flash of light flashed.

A figure covered in dark red armor walked out.

If it weren't for the curves of her armor, it would be impossible to tell whether she was a man or a woman! Not even a piece of skin was exposed.

However, her armor was so gorgeous that it was unforgettable.

The next moment, the members of the surrounding big guilds exclaimed.

"Dragon Blood General!"


Everyone around him bowed slightly to show respect.

This was a sign of respect for a ninth-level general.

"Well, go about your business, I'm just passing by!"

Jiang Long said as she stepped on the ground and flew up into the sky.

This kick allowed her to jump 300 meters.

However, the ground she stood on was not damaged at all.

She had mastered the control of power to the extreme.

In the sky,

Jiang Long summoned her mount.

The next moment, a creature that was a hundred meters long and had a blazing fireball on its back appeared in the sky.

People only felt that the surrounding sunlight became dazzling.

The scorching breath baked the earth.

After they got used to it, they continued to look at Jiang Long's location.

A long red dragon appeared in the sky.


Jiang Long's mount


Zhulong twisted his body and swept across the clouds, breaking them apart.

Jiang Long rode on Zhulong and flew far away.

The people watching all this blinked their dry eyes, and some civilians even found that they had eye damage.

But they were reluctant to look away.

After all, this is the Nine Revolutions of the Dragon Country!

Watch it once, and you can brag about it for the rest of your life.

"Yangcheng is so lively today!"

"Where is General Longxue going?"

"This direction is not going to Korea, right?"

"Have some large resources been discovered?"

"Certainly not!"

"I know, I know, it is said that the Korean country is building a job transfer tower on the border, and the Korean country is protesting!"

"What’s the use of protesting without fists!"

"Yes, General Longxue will not go to support Xian Kingdom, right?"

"Very likely!"

Amidst the discussion,

Qin Xiu walked out of the job transfer tower.

He didn't know what had just happened.

He found a deserted place, rode on the ghost horse, and rushed out of the city.

The ghost horse had been exposed for the second time. Although its identity was exposed, its speed was so fast that no one could catch up.

Some people couldn't even see Qin Xiu.

Qin Xiu left the city, found a place with five people, and raised the source of annihilation in his hand. Although the ghost horse was strong

, the national-level rush still depended on the disaster skills on the source of annihilation.


A violent tornado appeared instantly on the spot, sweeping Qin Xiu up into the sky.

Then, it continued to move towards the direction of Xian.

At this speed, it would reach the battlefield in one minute.

"Hey? There are people in the stratosphere?"

Qin Xiu saw a red dot in the distance.

A man was riding a long worm with red armor on his body.

This man looked very cool!

He should be a strong man from the Dragon Country.

But Qin Xiu didn't care.

After all, his tornado was too fast, so fast that he couldn't stop at all.

He just glanced at the other party and continued to move forward.

It was like Qin Xiu was driving a 300-mile sports car on the road and saw an old man next to him riding a 28-bar bicycle.

And just as he passed by at high speed.

A strong gust of wind blew past Jiang Long.

Jiang Long was stunned for a moment.

"What just passed by?"

"Am I hallucinating?"

"Looks like a tornado?"

"Damn, how come there are still people inside the tornado?"

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