The fact that Qu Fei took away Qianshou Hongye's body could no longer be concealed!

However, the release of this body helped Longguo Jiuzhuan and opened a breakthrough.

After all, this was a puppet who didn't care about his life.

Of course, Longguo Jiuzhuan also paid a huge price.


On the endless ice field.

Qin Xiu looked at the equipment that fell all over the ground, and for the first time he felt the joy of picking up equipment.

The equipment he had obtained before had no disputes over ownership.

But this time was different.

Qin Xiu could only get 50% of the equipment that fell all over the ground.

This 50% ownership was because he hit the Ice Phoenix for the last time and destroyed the Ice Phoenix's Ice Egg stage, causing huge damage.

The remaining 50% ownership belongs to the Nine Revolutions teams of various countries.

However, there is a prerequisite.

These people pick up the equipment.

Otherwise, Qin Xiu would have the right to pick up the equipment within half an hour of it falling on the ground.

Qin Xiu immediately looked at the item with colorful light.

It was not equipment, nor a skill book.

It was actually another egg.

However, this egg was not the same as before, but had attributes.

【[Nine Nether Flame Ice Phoenix Pet Egg]: After hatching, you can obtain a divine beast that controls the Nine Nether Fire and the Hell Ice.

It looks awesome!

Plus it is a flying type, it can also be used as a mount. Qin Xiu didn't say anything and directly contracted it.

Soon, a white bird with a tube-shaped body hatched from the pet egg.

A pair of blue eyes, like ice crystals, with pure innocence.

Of course, there is no memory of the past.

""Chirp! Master!"

It can even talk!

""Not bad, I'll call you Jijiu!"

Qin Xiu, who was bad at naming, named the Ice Phoenix directly.

He touched the other party's little head and felt that it would take some time to ride the Phoenix.

The current Ice Phoenix was still level 1.


, the body had not grown.

It was only about the size of a black phoenix.

Qin Xiu held it in his palm, and it really looked like a small pet.

Qin Xiu opened the attribute panel of the Ice Phoenix.

【Jiuyou Yanyi Ice Phoenix (Divine Beast)

Level: Level 1

Pet attribute coefficient:

Constitution: 30,000

Strength: 20,000

Spirit: 80,000

Agility: 30,000

Initial talent: Ice Nirvana (SSS)

Current skills: Ice Flame (S), Ice Cone (S), Blizzard (SS), Ice and Snow (SSS)]


This attribute is strong!

However, Qin Xiu can understand that pets do not need to do job transfer tasks. The initial attribute of this kind of divine beast is the job coefficient of the ninth job transfer.

Therefore, in the early stage, a god-level pet will be much stronger than the owner.

In the later stage, the combat power of the pet may also be stronger than the job transferer. This depends on the job coefficient of the job transferer!

Of course, every job transferer who can upgrade to the ninth job transfer must be a leader, that is, a genius.

Qin Xiu is very satisfied with the attributes of the Ice Phoenix.

Then, it is other items. There are more than ten holy artifacts and hundreds of dark gold items. The attributes are good, but they are all Qin Xiu can't wear!

But his suits are infinitely growing, and he still needs a lot of equipment to feed them. Of course, all of these are kept.

After waiting for another half an hour,

Qin Xiu picked up all the equipment on the ground.

Moreover, he had not yet reached the ninth level and found it.

This journey to snatch the BOSS was completely completed.

"It’s time to go back to the city!"

Qin Xiu opened the scroll to return to the city.

The next moment, he had returned to Yangcheng.

The employees in the job transfer tower in Yangcheng were already very familiar with Qin Xiu!

"Sir, have you completed the job transfer task again? Your luck must be very high, it goes so smoothly every time!"

"Well, I've always had good luck!"

After robbing the world boss, how could I have bad luck?

Qin Xiu entered the job transfer room.

After completing the tenth ring mission, Qin Xiu obtained the job transfer certificate.

One more skill will be added to this profession.

I wonder what will be added this time!

As he submitted the job transfer certificate to the light of the system, a burst of light enveloped Qin Xiu.

"You completed three turns!"

"Occupational coefficient increase……"

"+1 to this occupation's skills"

"Congratulations, you have obtained a new skill: Natural Evolution (SSS)"

【Natural Evolution (SSS): You can designate a creature to undergo natural evolution and evolve it to its final form.

This skill?

It's a bit confusing.

What is the final form of a creature?

Evolving from a paramecium to all things in the world?

However, Qin Xiu has heard of this skill before.

Isn't this a golden finger for summoners?

Qin Xiu immediately thought of his newly contracted pet, Jiji.

But this skill is obviously not suitable for this place.

Then, Qin Xiu checked his career coefficient again.

Qin Xiu now increases 600 points of spirit, 200 points of physique, 150 points of agility, and 50 points of strength for every level he upgrades.

This is equivalent to an increase of more than 100,000 in the spirit attribute.

There is not much improvement.

Job changers are getting stronger as they advance to the later stages.

But the third job change is no longer a primary job changer! From the third job change to the fifth job change, it is the middle-level combat power in this world!

"Okay, let's try out new skills!"

Qin Xiu left the job transfer tower, rode the ghost horse, and left Yangcheng.

Outside Yangcheng, there are many hunting teams that have been frantically killing red flame insects recently.

I'm afraid this matter will not end in a short time.

Qin Xiu was thinking, if it comes to the point where people can't make a living.

He doesn't mind another heavy rain. After finally finding a deserted place, Qin Xiu stopped.

"Is the Hell Ghost Warhorse also considered a living creature?"

This warhorse is a dead creature, I don't know if it can evolve.

But it doesn't hurt to try!

"Natural evolution!"

A colorful light enveloped the Hell Ghost Warhorse.


The Hell Ghost Horse suddenly roared and began to twist its body.

Thick black fog rolled out of its body.

Its body began to grow rapidly, from a three-meter-long horse to a hundred meters long, like stretched noodles.

The armor on its body also fell off, and the fur disappeared, turning into black scales.

The ghost horse's head also changed rapidly, growing horns and a beard.

In a moment, the horse's head turned into a dragon.���

The Hell Ghost Horse disappeared.

A black dragon hundreds of meters long appeared in its place, emitting a dark aura and with blue ghostly lights in its eyes.

"You evolved [Hell Ghost Charger] using Natural Evolution (SSS)】"

"【Hell Ghost Warhorse (Diamond) evolves into Hell Nightmare Dragon (Mythical Beast)】"

【Hell Nightmare Dragon (Divine Beast)

Level: Level 299

Pet attribute coefficient:

Occupational coefficient:

Constitution: 40,000

Strength: 50,000

Spirit: 40,000

Agility: 90,000

Initial talent: Physical immunity (SSS)

Current skills: Soul Co-Ride (S), Death Gaze (S), Hell Dragon Breath (SS), Exile to Nightmare Land (SSS)]

So strong!

Qin Xiu discovered that the Hell Nightmare Dragon transformed from the Ghost Warhorse has a higher pet coefficient than Jiujiu. What if Jiujiu is promoted

? What will the attributes become?

Will it become a super beast?

However, he soon discovered that this natural evolution skill was stuck in CD.

After all, many of Qin Xiu's skills have no CD, entirely because of the influence of the truth of nature.

This skill does not have

"Seven days, not too long!"

This is because Qin Xiu has a magic set that reduces the chanting CD and cooling time.

Otherwise, it would take longer.


The Hell Nightmare Dragon lowered its head.

Now, its body was so huge that there was no place to sit.

But a throne automatically evolved between its two horns.

Riding on it was more convenient.

The field of vision was also wide.

Moreover, the Hell Nightmare Dragon was no longer a land mount. It could fly and swim.

"Good, you can talk now! From now on, you can call……"

Qin Xiu knew from the sound that the Hell Nightmare Dragon was a male.

Looking at the other party's domineering appearance, he couldn't come up with such simple names as Xiao Hei or Long Long.

"Black Flame, just call it Black Flame!"

"Yes, master!"

""Try your speed!"

Qin Xiu jumped onto the top of Black Flame.

Sitting on the throne, with a thought in his mind, Black Flame soared into the sky.


Black Flame soared into the air.

In an instant, he felt a strong push on his back.

Then, he found himself transformed into a ghost.

The feeling of stepping through the sky came to him. It was completely different from the feeling of using the Speed Wind.

How to say it? Fast and stable.

And it felt very cool and cool.

The black dragon was flying in the air, and the people outside Yangcheng City suddenly shouted.

"Recently, our Yangcheng is very popular. The Nine-turn bosses all like this place!"

Many people took photos!

However, they only saw the huge body of the black dragon, not Qin Xiu.

Hei Yan took Qin Xiu and flew casually all the way. In less than 20 minutes, they flew from Yangcheng back to Ningcheng.

Then they flew towards the sea.

At this time, a blast was heard in the distance.

"Who is fighting on the sea?"

Qin Xiu drove the black dragon and looked into the distance.

A long red dragon appeared in his sight.


It's General Longxue!

But soon, Qin Xiu frowned fiercely.

Jiang Long was in a mess at this time, covered in blood, her left arm had disappeared, and there was a touch of black air on it, which was obviously a curse spell.

In the distance, three figures with red light were besieging her.

The enemy camp, the ninth turn of the Philip country.

Qin Xiu was immediately furious.

Injured my country's ninth turn? Believe it or not, I will give you a natural amplification backhand, and let you destroy the country!.

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