""Crack, crack, crack, crack!!!"

The terrifying lightning with a diameter of six meters hit one of the job-changers without any warning.

This job-changer was Lawrence from Kangaroo Country.

Level 932.

Occupation: Wind Warrior.

He moved fast and accompanied by strong winds, so he was also called the Lord of Storms.

This term was generally used to refer to wind mages.

However, Kangaroo Country did not have a ninth-level wind mage.

So this title naturally belonged to Lawrence.

But no matter how strong his storm was, it could not escape the extremely fast lightning.


Lawrence screamed.

Huge damage suddenly appeared on his head.

-2.3 million

-2.2 million

-2.18 million.

An average of 2 million damage, one round, that's 250 million health points.

Lawrence's health points are naturally no match for the World Boss.

As a ninth-level warrior, he increases his physical fitness by 30,000 per level, and his physical fitness is as high as 27 million.

With a full set of equipment, this number can be doubled.

Converted into health attributes, it is 900 million.

One round���The thunder went down.

Lawrence lost a quarter of his strength.

"This lightning is wrong!"

Four, four, one, zero, one, zero" As he was shouting, the lightning in the sky began to brew again.

Ten seconds later,

121 lightning bolts gathered again.

And this time, the diameter of the lightning bolts increased by 10 centimeters compared to the last time.

121 lightning bolts covered the sky and the sun.

The picture was as if the whole sky was covered by lightning.

Lawrence stood on the sea, like a lightning rod.


Lawrence ran away frantically.

But the lightning turned a corner in mid-air and chased Lawrence's butt, shocking him fiercely.


"Is this what money makes the world go round? I will definitely give money to Lei Gong and Dian Mu when I go back!"

Of course, he said this, but he was not really stupid enough to think that this was a natural disaster. It was definitely a man-made disaster.

I just don't know who is helping him.

""Jeffrey, help me!"

Lawrence shouted.

Seeing this, Jeffrey, who was chasing Vance, felt compelled to help.

He raised his longbow and aimed at the dark clouds in the sky.

"Star-breaking Arrow!"


The arrow entered the dark cloud and exploded instantly, creating a hole with a diameter of 10 kilometers.

The sun shone through the hole.

It was obvious how powerful the arrow was.

It was not an exaggeration to say that one arrow could open the gate of heaven.

However, compared with the dark cloud with a diameter of 150 kilometers, the place opened by this arrow was just the tip of the iceberg.

""Is that a favor to you?"

Qin Xiu immediately controlled the lightning and aimed it at the archer Jeffrey.

Ten seconds to prepare.

122 lightning strikes, attack!

""Crack, crack, crack, crack!"

Lightning struck instantly, making Jeffrey dance.

Lawrence finally had time to catch his breath and flew up into the clouds.

He swung the giant axe with both hands, and the whole person spun like a top.

A terrifying tornado formed around him!

""Whirlwind Slash!"

The tornado surrounding him cut through the clouds crazily.

However, these clouds were certainly not the ones Qin Xiu had hidden.

"I think you are looking for death by hanging yourself!"

10 seconds to accumulate strength.

Strike again!

Clouds roll with thunder.

This time, it is not vertically downwards.

Instead, all the thunder gathers in the clouds and forms a thunder ball.


The huge thunder ball exploded.

Lawrence, who was in the center of the thunder ball, was hit hard again.

His health dropped below 100 million.

Moreover, this blow was obviously much heavier than the previous one, paralyzing him all over. After falling from the sky, he landed on the sea and could not move.

At this time, after being electrocuted, Jeffrey also felt that something was wrong.

"Lawrence, you still have the resurrection props, I'll go first!"

Jeffrey jumped up instantly, and three pairs of six-winged black angel wings appeared behind him.

With the wings flapping, he ran away

"Want to leave? Have you asked me?"

Qin Xiu controlled lightning with his left and right hands.

One of them gave 62


Jeffrey screamed and fell into the sea.

Lawrence, the Lord of Storms, was hit by another wave of lightning and disappeared.

This was a resurrection item!

Some resurrection items do not resurrect on the spot.

Instead, after resurrection, you can leave the spot for a distance to ensure your survival and escape.

10 kilometers away.

The resurrected Lawrence was running away frantically.

However, he did not realize that there were still dark clouds above his head!

The dark clouds covering an area of up to 150 kilometers were like the Five Finger Mountain of Buddha.

Lawrence jumped up and down, but still could not escape.


The terrifying lightning chased Lawrence and hit him hard.


Lawrence, who was trembling at the sound of being electrocuted, was extremely terrified.

This was his last resurrection item!

If he continued like this, he would have to die here.

However, it must be said that the two of them moved very fast.

Although Qin Xiu’s attack range was 150 kilometers.

But as the two moved in different directions, Qin Xiu could only choose to chase one.

Who to chase?

"He has a resurrection item, don’t you?"

"Are your wings special equipment?"

"It's you!"

Qin Xiu aimed at the archer Jeffrey.

Thunder and lightning chased him.

One minute later,

Jeffrey turned into charcoal and fell on the water.

"Defeat the enemy camp's 910th-level job changer and gain honor points: 10.3 billion!"

At the same time, in Kangaroo Country, a national announcement was refreshed.

【National Notice: Kangaroo Country's top combat power suffered a significant blow, national fortune -8】


Everyone was shocked

"What happened, my God, what kind of top combat power can reduce our national fortune by 8 points!"

"How much effort did we put in to earn these 8 points of national fortune?"

"what happened?"

"There is only one truth, Nine Turns has perished!"

For a moment, there was a huge panic in Kangaroo Country.

Lawrence, who was running away frantically, also realized that the dead Nine Turns was definitely Jeffrey.

"Dragon Country, it must have been done by the Dragon Country people. They mastered the thunder. It must be a hidden nine-turn lightning mage who could do all this!"

He used great hatred to cover up his guilt for abandoning his teammates..........

Put all the blame on Longguo.........

He sent this message out, causing the entire Kangaroo Nation to be indignant.

They had lost a ninth-level person.

The Dragon Nation must pay the price.


On the other side.

Qin Xiu picked up Jeffrey's body, his heart was surging.

This was the first time he picked up the body of a Jiuzhuan!

Killing people and robbing treasures in the same camp will make you red-named, but people can't get rich without windfall, and horses can't get fat without night grass.

Killing people for equipment is definitely the most profitable way!

Therefore, the killing of each other by job changers in the opposite camp is so bloody and crazy.

Human life is not worth anything on the battlefield.

However, to kill people from the enemy camp, you must manually dig up the corpse.

At present, Qin Xiu has no chance to touch the corpses of the two Jiuzhuan who died in his hands, Qianshou Hongye, and Doom Poisoner.

But a Jiuzhuan has a complete set of equipment on his body.

Qin Xiu quickly touched Jeffrey's body.

"Hmm? How come this ninth turn is a bit poor?"

Jeffrey is wearing a set of holy weapons, only the shoes and weapons are artifacts, even the wings that look very impressive are holy weapons.

This surprised Qin Xiu.

He is in the third turn, and he has to collect a set of artifacts.

In contrast, Jeffrey looks a bit poor.

He is not as good as this little natural mage.

It's really dead!

However, seeing the attributes of the wings, Qin Xiu is still very satisfied.

【Dark Angel Six-winged Wings (Red Sacred Artifact):


Equipment Requirements: Any profession, regardless of level.

All attributes +400,000

Life force limit +100%

Physical resistance +100%

Spell resistance +100%

Extra resistance to dark magic +200%

Special effects:

1. Constitution +35W

2. Spirit +30W

3. Dark spell attack power +200%

4. Spell attack +100%

5. Spell cooling +100%

5. Spell chanting -100%

62.5. Flying: After wearing, you will automatically have the ability to fly. When used with spell skills, the flight speed will increase by 200%.

7. Dark breath: Release the dark breath to corrode and burn the enemy.

8. Curse immunity: Can be immune to most dark and curse spells. 】

These wings are obviously more suitable for mage professions.

However, due to the scarcity of special parts and the blessing of attribute points, it is normal for Jeffrey to wear this equipment.

It is worth mentioning that the basic attributes of this holy weapon are better than the current Doomsday Set, but the special attributes are far inferior.

This equipment is probably because it has a very high hidden level, so its basic attributes are naturally high. The Doomsday Set is a growth-type artifact, and its basic attributes can be continuously improved.


Qin Xiu put the equipment on his professional panel.

When the wing equipment is not in use, the equipment can be hidden.

Qin Xiu is not such a high-profile person, so he naturally chose to hide it.

""Ding ding ding!"

Qin Xiu's friend's private chat suddenly rang.

He only had one friend, and he knew who it was.

General Longxue, Jiang Long

"Qu Fei's coordinates: XXXX, XXXX. He used the Thousand Hands Red Leaf of the Sakura Country to make a corpse king. Now he is being besieged by the Nine Turns of the Pickle Country and the Sakura Country. He is in great danger."


I love you: Lunar

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