Qin Xiu is now at sea.

Going west, he can attack Yue, Guo, Xiang, and Zhaizi.

Going south, he can cross a large area of ocean and reach Brunei.

Going east, he can reach the archipelago and touch the Philippine Kingdom. He really follows his heart and marches forward to conquer all directions.

"The one who just chased General Longxue must be a member of the Philippine nation."

"Three nine turns, I don't know if they have returned to their country"

"Let’s start with them!"

"It's you, Philippine"


At the same time, in the country of Philip, three Nine-turn masters returned to Philip.

The duck in their mouth flew away.

The Nine-turn masters of Philip were very angry.

Among them, Emilio, the Nine-turn master who was chasing Jiang Long, took out his online account and published a new log.

"I put in a lot of effort to defeat the world boss this time, and I almost killed him.

But I didn't expect that the despicable Dragon country people would steal the final blow.

However, we also made them pay a heavy price. My dark curse will make the Dragon Blood General of the Dragon Country lose his right arm forever.

This is the fate of offending us."

Emilio also posted a picture of Jiang Long being injured.

It immediately caused a series of followers.

"Our dark god Emilio is such a powerful being"

"Dragon Country is also worthy of competing with us? A bunch of backward scum"

"God Ao, you just lack a little bit of luck, it's definitely not because they are too strong, you are really kind, otherwise you would have killed General Longxue directly."

This series of compliments made Emilio very happy.

You say that a dignified ninth-turn job changer still has to become an Internet celebrity and attract attention. Isn't it a bit cheap?

In fact, Emilio did this not because he was bored.

Here, it involves a secret that only ninth-turn job changers know.

Tenth turn!

At present, there are no tenth-turn job changers in the whole world, not only because of insufficient resources and inability to upgrade levels.

It is also because of an important reason: Godhead!

Godhead needs the power of faith to be born. When the ninth turn reaches the tenth turn, it is necessary to brew its own godhead, establish believers, and absorb the power of faith.

So win over believers and let them worship themselves. At that time, they can soar into the sky.

Emilio has been preparing for this kind of thing for more than ten years. His believers currently... uh, the number of fans on social platforms is 1.2 100 million.

However, they are different from those job-changers who tend to believe in becoming gods in the West.

The Dragon Country people are absolutely weird. They believe that man can conquer nature, and they are also standard atheists. They actually refuse to take this approach. In fact

, more than half of the job-changers in Dragon Country are currently in another world, preparing to kill gods.

Killing gods and snatching godhood.

It's simply a fool's dream.

Why not take a shortcut and take a road that doesn't see the light at all?

Is he a dark wizard, or are these people dark wizards?

Emilio shook his head disdainfully.

Now, under his control, his fans have firmly believed that they are the strongest ninth-level, and they despise the Dragon Country people and hate them.

In fact, most of the people in the Philip Country are civilians and cannot leave the Philip Country at all.

What they see and hear are what Emilio let them see.

"God Ollie, I heard that disasters have started to hit many countries recently. Will it happen to us too?"

"Yes, two countries have already been destroyed. Will we be in trouble?"

"Dragon Country seems to have successfully survived the disaster and turned the desert into an oasis. If we also survive the disaster, can we turn the archipelago into a continent? Then we will have more land resources and a wider land!"

Looking at the innocent and sincere wishes of these civilians,

Emilio certainly wanted to fulfill their wishes.

He drew a big round pie.

"As long as I'm here, it will be like this"


In the South China Sea,

Qin Xiu controlled the dark clouds and moved them to the edge of the Philippine Islands.

Large patches of dark clouds rolled.

Without Qin Xiu's control, the lightning struck randomly.

Many fish in the sea were killed.

Except for the big fish in the deep sea, they were all electrocuted.

The corpses were everywhere.

Qin Xiu's level also began to rise continuously.

Soon, he reached level 305.

After the third transformation, it became more difficult for the job changer to improve his level.

The average promotion time from the third transformation to the fourth transformation is 20 years.

This means that normally, people who reach the peak of the third transformation are already in their 50s.

Qin Xiu achieved this at the age of 18.

He is really gifted.

Of course, there are also very strong professionals who are geniuses.

But their promotion speed is definitely not as terrifying as Qin Xiu.

With the push of the dark clouds, time came to 2 hours after Qin Xiu amplified the lightning.

【Amplification multiple: 720 times】

【Number of increases: 1440】

【Lightning diameter: 72 meters. 】

What does a 72-meter lightning represent?

A single lightning bolt can create a big hole in the ground. Lightning that strikes the ground can instantly clear an area within a hundred meters and turn it into a burning area.

All living things will be decomposed by electricity.

Metals will liquefy.

The blood of living things will instantly dry up and even turn into charcoal.

This horrific lightning can destroy any object when it falls.

Now, the dark clouds have finally covered the sky over the Philippine Islands.

In the northernmost part of the Philippine Kingdom, there are many warships wandering on dozens of small islands.

The Philippine Kingdom sits on the sea, has rich assets, and has a lot of maritime power.

They can fish monsters up and kill them on warships, or they can use warships as mobile fortresses to hunt deep-sea creatures.

There are many gunners, sailors, and fishermen in this country.

Near Babu Island, on a 500-meter-long warship, a team of hundreds of people is fighting a giant octopus that has crawled ashore.

This giant octopus is a level 450 diamond-level BOSS. After being killed, it can drop gold legendary equipment.

This is what their team has been looking for for a long time and planning for a month before luring it ashore.

Now, it's time to reap the rewards!

I don't know when a large patch of dark clouds appeared in the sky, but they are accustomed to the weather conditions at sea.

In addition, because the warships travel on the sea all year round.

There are many storms and lightning on the sea.

These warships are hung with lightning rods.

And now, this is the guiding light to lead to death.


A lightning bolt that was almost level with their deck slashed down, directly covering the giant octopus and the warship.

The blood of a 450-level diamond-level BOSS evaporated instantly.

Originally, this octopus BOSS had the ability to regenerate broken limbs.

But now, it can't be used at all.

The excessive damage killed the giant octopus instantly.

The warship was also split in half in this terrifying lightning.

Lightning ran wildly on the entire warship, and all the job-changers were vaporized in an instant.

And this scene happened 720 times in an instant.

Ten outer islands and nearly 100 warships were all destroyed.

Not only the warships.

Even those resource-rich islands were baptized by thunder.

Rocks exploded.

The ground seemed to have been bombed.

The huge sound was also heard far away.

In an instant, the entire northern part of the Philippine Kingdom and Green Pine Island heard it.

Moreover, this terrifying thunder made all the glass in a city more than ten kilometers away explode.

Civilians screamed, and job-changers also felt uneasy.

"What is that? Why is it so loud?"

"Is there a monster attacking? A monster that is faster than the speed of sound?"

"It's thunder and lightning as soon as you hear it!"

"My ears are bleeding!"

The people in the city were in a mess.

Emilio, who was also in Green Pine Island, heard the thunder and his face suddenly changed.

"what happened?"

"This thunder, something is wrong!"

At this time, as the thunder raged, the entire Philippine country exploded as far as the naked eye could see!

"Open the shield! Quick, open the shield!"

"Natural disaster, natural disaster is coming to my country of Philip!"

"No, the protective shield can't stop it, there's nothing I can do!"

"Run! Didn’t everyone from the Korean country run away?"

"What are you talking about in your sleep? How can you outrun lightning?"

"what to do?"

"Who will save us?"

At this time,

Emilio had already left the city and looked at the terrifying thunder in the distance.

This lightning was not just a single strike, but more than 700 lightning strikes every 10 seconds.

From a distance, it was a scene of annihilation.

"Unexpectedly, disaster really came to my country of Philip!"

His face suddenly changed.

His brain worked at high speed and soon came up with a solution.

The next moment, a national announcement was made.

【National Notice】:【[Ninth Revolution, Lord of Darkness, Emilio]: All residents of the Philippine country, enter the air-raid shelter and temporarily avoid the disaster in the basement. Leave the disaster to me!

The moment they heard this announcement, the civilians of the Philippine country all shouted loudly

"Long live!"

"Emilio, you are my God!"

"God, please allow me to give you everything I have. I am willing to give you offspring. Please give me your sacred genes!"

It seems that he heard these voices.

Emilio was extremely confident. He spread his dark wings and flew towards the dark clouds in the distance.

He was like a lone hero.

Qin Xiu in the sky saw this figure who was fighting alone for the first time.

"Hmm? It's him!" Qin Xiu 's eyes lit up immediately.

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