"Character panel!"

【Qin Xiu:

Age: 18.

Identity: Job Changer: Nature Mage.

Level: Level 99.

Constitution: 1.22 million

Strength: 1.82 million

Agility: 1.42 million

Spirit: 1.62 million

Introduction: As a nature mage who obeys nature, you launched a super tsunami, destroyed a country, and plundered a huge amount of resources.

Before you reach the first level, you have a strength that is 10,000 times stronger than that of your peers.

You must hide carefully and don't reveal your flaws, otherwise, you will face an irresistible enemy. There are 28 ninth-level masters who hate you to the core, provided that they know you did it.

Estimated lifespan: 200 years, or you may die the next moment, unpredictable】

"What about me?"

"How come it has a million attributes?"

Qin Xiu was confused.

You know, combat professions have professional coefficients.

For example, for the mage profession, from level 0 to level 99, the combat coefficient is 25 at each level, which will automatically increase 12 points of spirit, 5 points of physique, 5 points of agility, and 3 points of strength.

After a turn, the coefficient will become 100, or even higher. This requires���Is it a hidden profession or a special profession?

But Qin Xiu has not even reached the first level yet, and his attributes have exploded.

This total attribute is equivalent to the attributes of other people at around the fifth level!

How did it become like this?

He immediately thought of the order he gave before falling asleep.

"Automatically use fruits and potions that directly increase attributes."

But he didn't expect that there would be so many?

Is there no upper limit to this thing? It's so terrifying?

"My attributes have increased so much? Then how many treasures have I obtained?"

Qin Xiu opened his system backpack.

The next moment, he felt that he had entered a huge universe.

"System, text prompts appear, search keywords: backpack"

"The terms you searched for are: 3217 pieces of information."

Qin Xiu's mouth twitched fiercely, and he quickly checked!

That's right!

There are really 3217 pieces of information.

Among them, 2000 pieces of information were obtained by expanding backpack props, and the rest were backpack information obtained.

Now, he has 826 backpacks, the worst of which are gold-level, with more than 700,000 cubic meters of space.

Is he robbing a country?

"By the way, what is my introduction? What do you mean by"I launched a tsunami and destroyed a country"? What country did I destroy? Don't accuse me!"

"When I woke up just now, it seemed like some noise disturbed me?"

"What country was destroyed?"

Qin Xiu looked through the system text reminder.

The announcement of the world channel would ring in Qin Xiu's ears even if he fell asleep.

This news was too important.

But he slept soundly and didn't listen carefully. He only looked through the news now.

But when he saw this news, he was also dumbfounded!

"The Sakura Country was destroyed?"

"No, impossible!"

"Even if the country is destroyed, what does it have to do with me, a natural mage?"

"I am not a forbidden spell mage, how can I clean the floor?"

However, as this voice fell

, another voice suddenly appeared in Qin Xiu's ears.

【You have completed the exclusive achievements for this profession. Do you want to check it now?】

"Check it out!"

Qin Xiu clicked it.

The next moment, a golden light enveloped Qin Xiu. A grand and majestic system prompt was transmitted.

"The tsunami you caused defeated 2,842,794 Sakura professionals, including 1 ninth-turn, 22 eighth-turn, 245 seventh-turn, and sixth-turn...

You received the camp honor value: 100 billion.

You obtained the exclusive achievement of this profession: Creator of the world-destroying disaster.

Reward: God-level staff: Source of the world's destruction."

A staff of colorful light emerged from the void and landed in front of Qin Xiu, waiting for him to receive it.

Qin Xiu's eyes were slightly straight.

He was shocked that he was really the mastermind behind the destruction of the Sakura Country.

He was also shocked that he actually obtained a magic weapon because of this kind of thing!

This is a magic weapon!

Qin Xiu looked at the attributes of this magic weapon.

【Source of Destruction (Colorful Myth):


Equipment requirements: Level 0, Natural Mage, Bind on Pickup, Cannot Drop, Never Grind.

Attack Power +1 million

All Attributes +100,000

Casting Speed +500%

Spell Penetration +500%

Spell Crit +500%

Ignore Defense +500%

Special Effects:

1. Shocking Tsunami (Infinite growth, using the staff to continuously create disasters will gradually enhance the disaster effect. Current effect: 1199-meter tsunami, cooling time: 24 hours.)

2. Not activated

3. Not activated

4. Not activated

5. Not activated

6. Not activated

7. Not activated

8. Not activated

9. Not activated

Note: This equipment can evolve with the level, and evolution requires swallowing equipment to increase level bar experience】


"That’s right, it was me who destroyed the Sakura Country, so what?"

"It was me who did it!"

"I will sacrifice them to the heavens!"

Qin Xiu stretched out his hand and grasped the artifact fiercely.

In an instant, Qin Xiu seemed to feel a breath of destruction and disaster coming towards him.

This staff was pitch black, with nine black dragons entangled together, presenting a weird feeling.

One of the black dragons already had a blue gem in its mouth.

Looking closely, it seemed that through this blue gem, one could see the terrifying turbulent sea water inside.

This gem represented the first disaster. A tsunami.

As long as Qin Xiu released it, a tsunami that could destroy a country could erupt.

Moreover, the cooling time was only 24 hours.

With this artifact in hand, even if Qin Xiu did not have the ultimate defense, he had the lethality to destroy a country in a moment.

It took a long time for Qin Xiu to calm down his excitement and check what happened that night.

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