
Finally, the purification was completed, and only then did Lin Yun find that his energy was about to bottom!

"It took so much effort to purify it, this jade disc must be a good thing!"

Peeping eyes!

【Warning! Warn! The level is too low to detect! 】


The eyes hurt!

What the hell is the origin of this thing!

"It's really extraordinary." Lin Yun rubbed his eyes that were still aching: "I can't even detect this thing in a broken state!" "

It seems that we still have to improve our strength first.

In desperation, I could only put the broken jade disc into my backpack first.

Looking at his current state again, his body is injured, and his energy is almost consumed.

Lin Yun touched his chin.

"Since it has reached the 7th place, the brush monster is not in a hurry, and it still has to recover its state!"

Without staying here too much, Lin Yun hurried back to the stone house.

Take out all the collected star stones!

With the star stone coupled with the recovery ability of the stone house, Lin Yun felt the gradual recovery of his physical strength.

Staying in the stone house is also boring, and after recovering for a while, Lin Yun plans to see if there is anything new.

Chat channel -

"Let's calculate the account, the first level requires 100 experience, the second level requires 300, the third level needs 600, and the fourth level is estimated to be 1200, so that it takes 2200 experience to upgrade to level 5!"

"Yes, I don't know how to do it in the first ranking, it's only been less than two days, the first-level ferocious beast only has 30 points of experience, how many ferocious beasts have to be killed!"

"Are you stupid upstairs! If you can't beat a second-level or third-level ferocious beast, it doesn't mean that the big guy can't beat it. People must be strange with high experience!

"Oh my God, come and kill me with thunder! Playing blame me all day long, my brain is numb!

"Oh, I have always been a life player playing online games, and now I am forced to PVE all day."

"Daily spit on this damn world!"

After complaining, it can also be seen that the villagers have gradually adapted to the world. But think about it, it is estimated that those who can't adapt will go to Yan King.

Just then, the chat channel exploded again!

"It's coming, it's coming! The second level 5 person appeared! The cold year has also become level 5! "

The year is cold, this name is quite good, it should be a beautiful young lady."

"Hey, upstairs, are you focusing a little off?"

"I only hate the poor culture at the beginning, and in the face of such a situation, I can only shout: Niu criticizes !!"

"Grapevine! The first and second are cousins! "

Groove!" "Groove!" "Groove!"

As soon as this news came out, the chat channel was immediately brushed by the groove.

Even Lin Yun was slightly surprised! O cousins, natural alliance!

"No wonder, two super bigwigs together, that experience must not be rubbing up!"

"The first and second of the list join forces, it is difficult for the people below to cross over!"

"The point is that both of them are very strong, and they are both level 5 now! Can't catch up, can't catch up!

"But our village now has two level 5 masters!" When I came, it showed that we were a novice village No. 9527 in District 1, and I didn't know what the situation was in other villages.

"The two bigwigs on the list don't speak, and they don't even give us a chance to kneel and lick!" Crying!

Just when everyone was chatting hotly, suddenly

, Ding——

[Announcement: The number of level 5 villagers in District 1 has exceeded 10,000! ] Arena mode is officially on! 【Reminder

: The arena is divided into single-player challenge mode and team challenge mode. The rules have been released, check out the Forum Arena module for details! He

was halfway through recovery, and he didn't expect to hear a message from the Heavenly Dao.

Everyone was amazed!

Don't talk nonsense, immediately cut to the forum.

Sure enough, detailed rules for the arena have appeared in the forum!

Lin Yun was patient and carefully read the rules.

[Single player challenge mode: If the level is upgraded to level 5 or the combat power reaches level 5, it will be automatically turned on.] Each person has three opportunities to challenge each day, and Heavenly Dao will automatically match opponents with similar combat power. Those who do not participate or do not have enough battles will be automatically considered as failure! (

Note: The winner challenges the points +1, the loser -1, the points accumulate to -5, erase!) Streak


Three consecutive wins reward the Black Iron draw.

Five consecutive wins reward bronze draw.

Ten consecutive wins reward silver draw.

Twenty consecutive wins reward the Golden Draw.


Title rewards.

Points are accumulated up to 5 points, and you will be awarded the title beginner starter, 10 points each of the four dimensional attribute points, and 10 free attribute points.

Points are accumulated to 10 points, and the title is obtained for beginners, and 20 points are awarded to each of the four-dimensional attribute points and 20 free attribute points.

Points are accumulated to 20 points, and the title is obtained for the first glimpse of the door, and 50 points are awarded to each of the four-dimensional attribute points and 50 free attribute points.

Points accumulate to 40 points, and the title is slightly reduced, and the four-dimensional attribute points are awarded 100 points each, and the free attribute points are 100 points each.


[Team challenge mode: open on a village-by-village basis, refresh the number of active challenges every two days! ] Within six hours, the highest scorer wins! The loser, during this round of challenges, can no longer be challenged and challenged! 【

Note: In the first round of team battles, the winner will each be awarded 100 free attribute points; The losing party is deprived of 100 attribute points each. The attribute point is negative, directly erased! The

role of points... Streak rewards... Title reward....


Lin Yun realized in his heart! The arena is a great opportunity for the strong to improve their strength!

This place will become a show for the strong!

Especially this single-player mode, the generous rewards, and the brutal death mechanic will make people do everything to become stronger.

Otherwise, it will be eliminated, and there is only one result of elimination, that is, death.

Under this mechanism, a supreme existence will eventually be created, strong enough to pervert, strong enough to make everyone look up.

At this moment, Lin Yun's heart was full of trembling intent!

At this moment, Lin Yun's heart also had a clear goal, that is, to become the object that everyone looked up to.

Cut the chat channel again, it's already a mess!

"Lying groove, the arena is open, fortunately, my level is low and my combat power is low, otherwise I would have delivered the dishes properly!"

"Whether you send food or not, fuck, haven't you read the introduction of the team challenge mode!" The losing party deducts 100 attribute points!

"Don't be discouraged, everyone! There's nothing to say if the single-player mode is too far away, but once this team mode is turned on! The people of our village have to unite, this is a big thing for everyone!

"Woooo I still have less than 100 attribute points! What a challenge, this is a child's life!

"I'm good enough for 100, but the question is, once the team fails the challenge, what is the difference between being deducted 100 points and dying?"

7 days 10 levels!! And the beast tide!! Team mode can't lose, losing is death! "

It's time to finish the calf, I don't want to die yet~~~~!"

"Oops! Don't panic! Don't start yet, don't be confused!

"Exactly! It's not started yet, let's be positive!

"That's right! In the rules of the game, it is written that the score is based on killing the fierce beast, the higher the level of the fierce beast, the higher the score, who in our village has the ability to fight the high-level fierce beast!

"Do you still need to ask?" The higher the ranking, the stronger it must be! Especially those two level 5 bigwigs!

"Big guys! Come out and talk, I really need you now!

"Yes, yes, Su Boyang big guy, old cold big guy! Help me~~~~~~~! "

Now, everyone's expectations are focused on the cousins...

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