Gallop all the way.

Not long after, Lin Yun came to the soil system territory.

The territory of the soil system is somewhat barren.

The cracked ground can be seen everywhere, only the thick earth elements are tumbling in the air.

In other words, it's all earthy.

The smell of dust, the smell of earth, if it were not for Lin Yun's clothes with self-cleaning functions, I was afraid that he would inevitably be ashen.

Hit the look.

In addition to mounds, it is still mounds.

Just as Lin Yun was thinking about the appearance of the earth system fierce beast.

The ground under his feet shook, and Lin Yun quickly jumped away.

When he first arrived, he deliberately found a high point and looked at the panorama.

Unexpectedly, this big mound actually moved now.

Could it be

Could it be that this mound is a ferocious beast of the soil system?!

Although Lin Yun jumped away, his figure still rose with the ground.

Good fellow, as the ground under your feet rose, the other mounds as far as your eyes could see also began to shake and rise.

The dirt and gravel continued to slide downward, and gradually, the original appearance of the giant under the feet was revealed.

This is?!

Big eyeballs?

I lean, so big.

No wonder it's a big thing, well, it's a big thing.

It is worthy of being a fierce creature of the soil system.

Where he stood, the mound, turned out to be the eyes of the murderous creature.

The mound swayed.

Oh my God, how big is this thing.

Lin Yun threw out a true eye to identify.

[Fierce Beast]: Super Giant Earth Scorpion (Protector

) [Level]: Level 11 [Combat Power Assessment]: Level 19

[Talent]: Earth Control (Grade D), Physical Enhancement (Grade E) [

Explosive Rate]: 5%

Good guy, no wonder such a big one, dare to love, this is a protector.

The figure is still shaking with the earth scorpion under the foot.

Gradually, the head of the earth scorpion was completely exposed.

And with that, there are huge pliers.

Poof, boom -

huge amounts of sand and gravel churn, filled with giant spiked pincers lifted from deep into the ground.

Even several small mounds were set off.

Look at a small scorpion the size of a jeep thrown into the sky by giant pincers.

Lin Yun flicked out a true eye.

[Ferocious Beast]: Sand Earth Scorpion (Ordinary

) [Level]: Level 11

[Combat Power Assessment]: Level 17

[Talent]: Earth Control (Grade D) [

Explosive Rate]: 5%

Now Lin Yun is already a 24th-order combat power boss, seeing this jeep-sized scorpion, he is no longer in his eyes.

If it is someone else, if they encounter this sandy soil scorpion at level 11, I am afraid that they will fall into a bitter battle.

To say or not to say.

This super giant earth scorpion of the protection level is worthy of the protection level, and it has been half a day, and it has not revealed its whole body.

The broad back armor is gradually revealed, and a piece of back armor is as big as half a basketball court.

It is worthy of being a protector.

Two huge mounds scanned their territory with falling sand and stones.

Obviously, with Lin Yun's arrival, it found the breath.

It's just that the enemy, it has some doubts.

In the distance, ordinary earth scorpions converged towards it, already in a fighting stance.

Only then did it realize that Lin Yun should be on his back.

After sleeping for too long, its brain was not very bright, and it shook its huge body.

Lin Yun quickly leaned over and buckled the ground to prevent the huge inertia from throwing himself out.

The supergiant earth scorpion saw that the shaking did not work.

There was a loud roar.

It simply lowered its body shape, allowing ordinary earth scorpions to climb up and besiege Lin Yun.

Moreover, its body trembled.

At the edge of the back armor, holes appeared.

The next moment.

Among the countless small holes, densely packed puppy-sized earth scorpions drilled out.

This scene of secret fear of welfare.

Let Lin Yun be creepy.

Good guys, is this the Zerg blast stream?

Lin Yun was surprised, but his subordinates did not hesitate.

Just try out new skills!

Muhai Strike!

If you have a sea of worms, then look at my wood sea.

Countless tiny seeds and spores were sprinkled by Lin Yun.

Drilling into the earth and rocks and back armor, it began to grow wildly in an instant.

Giant vines are waving and stretching everywhere.

Vigorously pump away the small earth scorpion that is running wild.

The insect sea offensive of the super giant earth scorpion was completely suppressed by Lin Yun's overwhelming wood sea attack.

There are also several adjacent vines, intertwined with each other.

After a while, it became a giant rattan whip like a tall building.

The ordinary-level earth scorpion that climbed onto the back armor, although it was the size of a jeep, was still pumped by the giant rattan weaving and flew like a top.


The screams of the earth scorpion were endless.

The green juice continued to explode under the fierce slap of the vine.

[Successfully killed a level 11 ordinary ferocious beast: Sand Earth Scorpion! ] Gain experience 1650! Obtain the Earth Spirit Bead (Normal)*1]


The soil territory is vast and barren.

However, the number of ferocious beasts is a strange number, and if the level of subsequent people comes up, this is a holy place for leveling.

Lin Yun watched very leisurely.

In the distance, the sky was covered with dust, and the speed was very fast.

After a while, a sandstorm struck with a yellow mist.

Business again?

Lin Yun raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth smiled.

Come and kill as much as you want.

The earth fierce beast is too polite.

Experience gets your hands soft.

Hissing -

different insects roared one after another, resounding all over the world.

Giant sandworms drilled out of the ground, flew out of the ground, and plunged into the soil.

The huge body is about to catch up with the Harmony.

Like the subway bug in the Men in Black movie.

Lin Yun threw out a true eye.

[Ferocious Beast]: Sand Giant Worm (Elite)

[Level]: Level 11 [Combat Power Assessment]: Level 18 [

Talent]: Earth Control (Level D).

[Explosion rate]: 10%

look at the giant worm of sand with layers of rotating fangs.

Lin Yun smiled, looking at the baby insects, he only felt cute.

It's not strange to be a lot of people.

Too polite.

It was so polite, the first time we met, and I brought gifts.

Sand giant worms enter the battle.

Front with giant rattan whip hardened steel.

In the end, elite.

The powerful thrust of the giant vine whip has no effect on the giant worm.

It seems to be because the body of the giant worm of the sand is soft, and the scale armor in vitro is close to the soft armor.

The powerful thrusts bounced off their round bodies.

Q bomb!

The worms bite and gnaw at the vines, constantly dismembering the vine whips on the field.

Lin Yun is not in a hurry, he controls the overall situation with the 24th order combat power, and any skill is crushed!

Sandstorms, huh?

It's a smoky miasma here.

It's not environmentally friendly.

Watch me hit the tornado!

In the end, it is a B-level skill, which is better than the C-level Muhai Wild Attack.

In an instant, the heavens and the earth changed color.

The dark clouds were thick, and the sky darkened instantly.

The wind blows, and the lightning is hidden.

There seemed to be a sound of thunder in the air.

The storm is coming.

The giant sand worms seemed to sense the great threat that was coming, and they rushed into the soil, only showing their heads to look at the gloomy sky.


Rain or shine!

The cold ice rain turned into a hard shot on the face.

The raindrops turned into arrows and clanged on the scale armor of the fierce beast.

If you are unlucky, just in time for the gap and hit the point.

That's a green sap.

Tornadoes are generated in an instant.

The ordinary ferocious beast Sand Earth Scorpion, which had been beaten by the vine whip, was swept up into the sky by the tornado and was directly torn apart by the fierce wind.

Giant sand worms shivered in the soil.

Just wait for the storm to pass.

Lin Yun showed a cruel smile.

Staying in the soil, thinking I can't do anything?

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