All The People: Longevity! As A Mage, My Skills Are Infinitely Upgraded

Chapter 63 Strange Boss! I'm Your Little Girl!

Chen Fan left the main hall and went straight to the northwest corner of the dwarf palace. The observatory was there, and he noticed it when he flew over from the sky.

On the towering observatory stands a huge armillary sphere with extremely complex structure, which is slowly rotating, looking mysterious and mysterious.

Next to the armillary sphere, a figure stood with his hands behind his back, quietly looking at the bustling city scene below.

Chen Fan walked up to the observatory and frowned when he saw the high priest of the dwarves.

The high priest is more than 2 meters tall and thin, with messy long hair scattered behind him.

He was wearing an old standard mage robe, his exposed hands were bony, his skin was light blue, and his fingers had sharp nails that were more than an inch long, making him look a bit hideous.

Is this the high priest of the dwarves?

Just by looking at the background, he is definitely not a dwarf.

The high priest turned around slowly and stared at Chen Fan with a calm expression, as if he was not surprised by his arrival.

Seeing the high priest's appearance, Chen Fan was even more puzzled.

This is obviously the face of a human female, and the face is still very correct.

The skin of this face is also a normal color, completely different from the light blue color of the hands, as if it belongs to two different creatures.

The high priest spoke slowly, his voice a bit hoarse and hoarse, like a knife scraping on glass, Chen Fan frowned upon hearing it.

"Why don't you blast through the protective circle in the royal city? I know it will be easy for you."

Chen Fan stared at him for a while, then spoke with a calm expression.

"You want me to blast the protective circle? Why?"

The high priest's expression suddenly became agitated.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting? Do you know how long I've been waiting for an opportunity like this?"

"Three hundred years! I have waited for three hundred years!"

"Why didn't you break that protective circle?!"

Chen Fan frowned, he felt that the high priest's mind was obviously abnormal.

"Oh, I'm lazy and don't want to do it."

Chen Fan casually said something perfunctory.

Seemingly irritated by Chen Fan's casual attitude, the high priest suddenly became furious and roared ferociously.

"You don't understand at all! You don't know anything!"

Chen Fan's heart moved, and he asked earnestly, "I don't know what?"

The high priest hurried back and forth a few steps, raised his finger to the sky, and swiped back and forth a few times, with an anxious and hateful expression on his face.

"The world, the world, you know what the world is! It's a cage!"

"It imprisons us firmly in it! I have been imprisoned in this cage for three hundred years!"

Chen Fan's eyes flashed, and he probably understood what he meant.

He doesn't know much about the Tongtian Tower. If the small worlds in the Tongtian Tower will always exist, then the monsters in the small world can indeed be said to be imprisoned in these small worlds.

But it has nothing to do with him, he is just an innocent climber.

The high priest suddenly looked at Chen Fan seriously, with an extremely sincere and gentle expression.

"As long as this magic circle is broken, I can build a portal! Escape from this cage!"

"Help me, human mage, help me!"

The high priest's face-changing at the speed of light made Chen Fan immediately vigilant.

"Why don't you break the magic circle yourself?"

The high priest screamed impatiently.

"This magic circle is perfect. I can't find a weak point at all, so I can only forcefully break it! I am a space mage! I am not good at breaking the formation with brute force!"

"I can't even get out of this magic circle!"

The high priest stroked his face as if he was touching a rare treasure, his expression suddenly became intoxicated and crazy again.

"Look, we are the same kind! You should help me! Help me break this magic circle"々!"

Chen Fan looked at the crazy high priest and couldn't help but get goosebumps.

He glanced at the pale blue ferocious hands of the high priest, with an indifferent expression.

"I don't know what you are, but I'm pretty sure you're not human, at least not anymore."

"If you are not in my clan, your heart must be different. No matter what great grievances you have, what grand plans you have, I am not interested in it, and I will not help you."

"On the contrary, I'm here to kill you."

Chen Fan looked at the High Priest whose face was twitching non-stop, with various expressions crowded on his face, his eyes flashed.

"Looking at you like this, I probably understand why you are the boss of this level."

The various expressions on the high priest's face suddenly disappeared, he was stunned, and suddenly laughed wildly.

"Guard boss! Hahaha guard boss!"

The high priest laughed crazily, and even cried in the end.

"This damn heaven! Is this the fate you arranged for me? I turned out to be a guardian boss! Hahahahaha!

Chen Fan was silent for a while and sighed.

"You seem miserable, but I'm hard-hearted, and I don't have the heart to sympathize with you."

"Although you are a bit like a human, I know very well that you are just a monster.

If I sympathize with you, the ancestors of the human race who died in battle for thousands of years at the hands of monsters and beasts will not forgive me. "

Chen Fan raised his staff, his fighting spirit gradually became high, and the surging magic power began to boil.

"So, don't talk nonsense! Let's fight!"

The high priest was silent for a while, and nodded in agreement.

"You are right, words are powerless, fighting is the truth, and fighting is everything!"

He suddenly opened his eyes wide, and his expression suddenly became extremely excited.

"Come on, come on! Kill me! Or be killed by me!"

"Is this the smell of fighting? Is this the smell of death? It's so exciting hahahahaha!"

Chen Fan really can't stand this psychosis anymore.

With a wave of his staff, he threw out his most powerful skill with the fastest speed.

"Flame Dragon Strike"!

The tyrannical Flame Dragon rushed towards the High Priest roaring with blazing flames!

Facing the battle, the high priest finally seemed a little normal.

As soon as he raised his hand, a miniature armillary sphere the size of a human head appeared in his hand out of thin air.

This armillary sphere is bronze-colored, rust-colored and mottled, and the ancient rhyme seems to come from the depths of a very long time.

The high priest moved the armillary sphere with lightning speed.


The moment the fiery flame dragon hit the high priest's body, it suddenly changed direction, bypassed the high priest's side, and rushed out of the observatory.

Yanlong's speed was extremely fast, he crossed the entire palace in the blink of an eye, and bombarded the huge protective circle covering the palace!

The level 20 Flame Dragon Strike can be cast once, and it can cause a total damage of more than 2 million!

Under the bombardment of Yanlong Strike, the protective magic circle of the palace suddenly appeared and trembled violently! It seemed to be crumbling!

Chen Fan was taken aback.

Lying on the grass! The high priest can actually deflect my skills? And use my skills to bombard the protective circle?

With a turn of his mind, he understood in an instant.

The high priest is a space mage, and he should have deflected the space in front of him just now.

Chen Fan frowned.

How should the ability to deflect space be cracked?


All the space that can be deflected will be filled with spells for you, it doesn't matter which space you deflect!

Chen Fan is very sure, as the gatekeeper boss on the 51st floor, the high priest's strength has an upper limit, and the room he can deflect is definitely not much!

"Fire Dragon Roll"!

"Ice Blade Storm"!

Chen Fan even threw out the ridiculously weak Burning Hand and Ice Storm, which were only level 5.

The high priest was instantly overwhelmed by flames and ice!

Flames roar! Ice roars!

Every space on the observatory is filled with ice and fire!

The flames and ice circled vertically and horizontally, but they couldn't get within a meter of the high priest's body.

Chen Fan observed intently, and found that the high priest had propped up a space shield.

The so-called space shield deflects the space around the body by 360 degrees to form a closed loop, completely wrapping people inside like a hood.

The space shield is extremely powerful, any spell that cannot directly penetrate space, no matter how powerful it is, cannot harm the people inside the shield at all!

But it also has an Achilles' heel.

The space shield cannot be moved!

Because it is deflected by the space around the caster, the space is there, it can be deflected, but it cannot be moved.

Moving space, that is the category of other space spells.

After confirming that the high priest cannot move, Chen Fan is relieved.

The space shield consumes a lot and cannot be moved. To Chen Fan, it is a living target.

Let's see who can spend who!

Sure enough, a few minutes later, beads of sweat oozed from the face of the high priest.

After another half a minute, the high priest suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment.

With a wave of his hand, he removed the space shield, raised his hands in the flames and ice, stretched his neck and raised his head, with an expression of extreme comfort on his face.

"Ah! Ah! Ow! Ow! It's comfortable! It's so comfortable!"

Chen Fan: "……………

So you suddenly realized just now, did you realize the true meaning of death?

What a psycho!

In the flames, the ancient mage robe on Yinchasi was burned to ashes in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the high priest's naked body, Chen Fan's pupils shrank suddenly!

The body under the high priest's robe is covered with dense and randomly crowded tumors, scales, carapaces, and feathers, which is hideous and terrifying!

There are still a few scarlet, extremely thick and long suture marks on his body, as if he was stitched together with the bodies of several different monsters!

Damn, although I knew you were not a human race, but Lao Zhi never thought that you are more evil than a monster!

Chen Fan threw the Flame Dragon Attack, burning the high priest to ashes with the fastest speed.

I can't look at it anymore, and I will be blind if I look at it again.

The moment the high priest turned into ashes, the portal leading to the 52nd floor quietly appeared in front of Chen Fan.

Chen Fan pinched his forehead.

The gatekeeper boss on the 51st floor is really fucked up.

Chen Fan felt that he had been seriously polluted mentally.

Outside Tongtian Tower.

The moment Chen Fan broke through the 51st floor, Tongtian Square immediately burst into cheers!

51st floor! My God! He surpassed You Zi!"

"Niubi! Jinling City takes the first place in the college entrance examination! And it is very likely to be the provincial number one!"

"It's amazing! It's worthy of being a god-level genius of Emperor Star! It really deserves the word god-level!"

"It's so enjoyable! Being able to witness such a wonderful scene is enough for old paper to brag about for a lifetime!"

In the area of ​​Dixing Middle School, the students of Dixing cheered and shouted hoarsely!

"Brother Chen is number one! Brother Chen got the first place in Jinling!"

"The 51st floor! The strongest in history! It is almost impossible for someone to surpass it in the future!"

"Brother Chen is number one, our Emperor Star is number three!"

"Brother Chen is the strongest! Emperor Star is the strongest!"

Liang Qingning cheered happily, her face was flushed with excitement, she had thrown her reservedness out of the sky, and shouted with forgetfulness (of Li Mo's).

"Chen Fan, you are so amazing! So domineering! So handsome! I am your little fan girl!~"

The students of Emperor Star behind them laughed loudly,

followed by booing.

"Brother Chen, you are so handsome! I am your little fanboy!

In the area of ​​Xianhua Academy, You Zi stared dumbfounded at Chen Fan's progress on the spar wall, his breathing was short, and his hands trembled slightly.

He suddenly strode towards Xianhua principal Jiang Boyun, hissing and roaring.

"That's impossible! Headmaster! That's impossible! He must be cheating!"

When the city lord Tong Jiming heard this, he frowned immediately.

"Student You Zi, calm down! Don't lose your composure! This is Tongtian Tower, how could someone cheat in it?!"

Jiang Boyun looked at the city lord, his lips twitched, and he swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

He also suspected that he was cheating, but as the city lord said, this is the Tongtian Tower.

How can anyone cheat in Babel?

If it were a Fashen, it would not be so possible in the country.

Tan Qingyuan glanced at You Zi who was so excited that he lost his composure, ignored him, and turned his head to look at Jiang Poyun and Ma Zhongxing with a smile.

"Both principals, we have already lost our bet! Bring out the platinum equipment, please?"

Jiang Boyun and Ma Zhongxing looked at each other, and with aggrieved faces, each took out a piece of platinum equipment and handed it to Tan Qingyuan.

Tan Qingyuan took it happily.

"Thank you very much, remember to find me next time you have such a bet."

Jiang Boyun and Ma Zhongxing were choked, almost choked to death by his gloating words.

The two glared at him fiercely, and turned their heads away through gritted teeth.

And in Tongtian Tower, Chen Fan has entered the 52nd floor!.

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