All The People: Longevity! As A Mage, My Skills Are Infinitely Upgraded

Chapter 66: A Real Man! The Provincial Champion Has Been Determined!

Tongtian Tower, 60 floors.

Chen Fan found himself in a strange forest.

In this forest, flowers and plants are flourishing, and giant trees stand everywhere.

But whether it is flowers, plants, trees, or birds, beasts and insects that occasionally appear in sight, they all have weird colors and shapes.

Strange swellings, ulcers, abscesses, and tumors can be seen on these things, some of which emit a foul smell, while others emit a strange fragrance.

All kinds of strange smells mixed together, giving people a very weird and uncomfortable feeling.

Against the extremely dim light, this forest is like a monster corrupted by extreme evil,

It is slowly stretching its foul-smelling tentacles, ready to assimilate and corrode the creatures that break in here.

Before Chen Fan saw where the gatekeeper boss was, he was already annoyed by the forest environment.

He has no habit of wronging himself.


The sky suddenly turned red!

The scorching light instantly dispelled the darkness and spookiness in this forest!

Boom boom boom boom!

In the next moment, countless huge fireballs fell down like burning meteorites!

The condensed magma-like fiery flames flowed in all directions, and wherever they passed, the evil vegetation inside and out were all turned into fly ash!

The scorching air waves howled and swept across the entire forest!

In just a blink of an eye, within a radius of one kilometer, it became a world of lava!

Chen Fan took a deep breath of the scorching air and shook his head comfortably.


In the distance, in the depths of the forest, there was an extremely angry scream faintly!

A moment later, a slender figure appeared at the edge of the lava thousands of meters away at an extremely fast speed.

Swish Swish Swish!

The figure "023" flickered and rushed towards Chen Fan quickly.

In the lava world created by the fireball, there are scattered grounds that are not covered by lava. This figure flickered a few times, undulating on these intact grounds, and came to Chen Fan.

Seeing the gatekeeper boss, Chen Fan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

This is a female dark elf.

She is nearly two meters tall, with a very graceful figure and a very proud figure.

The skin of the whole body is lavender, with a delicate and smooth color, and the appearance is beautiful. The black and shiny hair is tied behind the head, revealing a pair of long pointed ears.

The dark elf looked at Chen Fan indifferently, his eyes lit up, and he licked his lips, revealing a mouthful of white and fine fangs.

"Wow, here comes a handsome human mage!~"

"Such a handsome human race is really rare."

The dark elf walked towards Chen Fan slowly, with charming eyes, extremely enchanting gait, and some obvious longing in his expression.

It seems that as long as the person in front of her speaks, she will agree to any request.

Chen Fan's eyes froze, and he propped up his flame shield.

With a wave of his magic staff, countless water arrows shot out densely!

The dark elf's figure flashed continuously, and was forced back several tens of meters by the torrent of ice arrows, barely standing firm on a ground that was not covered by lava.

Her face was ferocious, and her eyes were full of anger and bewilderment.

"This is impossible! Why is my charm completely ineffective on you?!"

Chen Fan was stunned.

When did you use charm on old paper?

The dark elf screamed angrily, revealing a mouthful of fine fangs, looking ferocious and terrifying, and his beautiful face became distorted.

"Evil human! If you dare to destroy my territory, I will kill you! Eat your flesh! Drink your blood!"

Swish Swish Swish!

The dark elf's figure flashed, and he quickly moved away, disappearing into the depths of the forest in the blink of an eye.

Chen Fan was stunned.

This dark elf ran away after uttering a harsh word?

The next moment, he knew he had guessed wrong.




Countless detailed voices sounded from all directions.

Chen Fan suddenly found that the whole forest suddenly came alive!

Flowers and trees are growing like crazy!

As they grow, countless dense abscesses and tumors also emerge on them at an extremely fast speed!

These grotesque, unspeakable flowers and trees suddenly looked more deformed and evil!

A few breaths, no! And the trees grow like mountains!

When these flowers and trees grow to the limit, they start to shake wildly.


Chi la la!

Under Chen Fan's amazed sight, these flowers, plants and trees sprouted their roots from the ground!

Then, endless flowers, plants and trees all over the mountains and plains, using their roots as their own feet, rushed towards Chen Fan from all directions!

The lava ground with a radius of one kilometer was directly ignored by them!

chi chi chi chi!

The roots of these flowers, plants and trees were immersed in the blazing lava, and suddenly bursts of smoke rose, and the flowers, plants and trees fell down in large swaths!

But there are too many flowers and trees, and soon the heat of the lava is exhausted.

Surrounded by deformed flowers, plants and trees like a flood, the area of ​​the lava world shrinks rapidly!

Chen Fan watched this scene, smacked his lips, and applauded appreciatively.

"A big scene, wonderful!"

"It's a pity that my brain is not working well."

"Although these ghost things don't have much to do with flowers and trees, they are obviously afraid of being destroyed.

"You do have some skills. If you want someone else to be here, you will be helpless. It's a pity that you met me."

"My ability to play with fire is probably beyond your imagination."

Chen Fan shook his head calmly and raised his staff.

The sky turned red again!

The sky with a radius of one kilometer is completely covered by blazing huge fireballs!

The flowers, plants and trees that rushed over like a flood shrank slightly, as if they had also sensed the power of these fireballs!

Hundreds of fireballs fell down like huge burning meteorites!

Boom boom boom boom!

The flames flow, the heat waves howl!

Another lava world is formed!

The next moment, a huge fireball covering a radius of one kilometer reappeared in the sky!

Boom boom boom boom!

Amidst the continuous and huge roar, this forest soon completely became a world of lava!

"Stop! You evil human mage!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

An ancient war tree with a height of 100 meters appeared in the distance, and it walked towards Chen Fan with slow and heavy steps.

The ancient tree of war is too big, even if it walks slowly, the actual speed is very fast, and it can reach Chen Fan in a few breaths.

The dark elf stood on a branch of this ancient war tree, glaring at Chen Fan.

"I didn't provoke you. Once you come, you will destroy the trees I have cultivated with my painstaking efforts! You humans will always be so evil!"

Hmm, it seems that I moved first?

Chen Fan smacked his lips, thinking about the extremely deformed and evil appearance of those flowers, plants and trees, he really couldn't feel any guilt.

"What you love and cherish the most, in the eyes of a human race like me, is extremely deformed and evil."

"Therefore, there is no point in arguing. Don't force yourself, let's have a fight, whoever has the biggest fist will be right!"

The dark elves were furious and murderous.

"Then you will die!"

The huge ancient war tree raised its foot and stomped down on Chen Fan!

"Flame Rush"!

With a flash, Chen Fan easily dodged the kick, showing a thoughtful expression.

Why does this scene look so familiar?

"Flame Dragon Strike"!


A tyrannical flame dragon shot out angrily, roaring and crashing into the leg of the Ancient War Tree with surging flames!

The Flame Dragon's attack, which dealt millions of points of damage, immediately broke this leg!


The Ancient War Tree let out a deep and powerful roar, and fell to the ground in embarrassment!

"Burst Fireball"!

The explosive fireball that has just been upgraded to level 50 in the previous layer can already be fired indefinitely!

Countless bursting fireballs spewed out, smashing around!

In the horrified eyes of the dark elves,

The body, arms, and head of the Ancient War Tree were instantly smashed down by piles of explosive fireballs!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!!!

The earth shakes and the mountains shake! The sound waves shake the sky!

An explosive explosion with explosive power, within a breath, the huge ancient war tree was blown into countless broken branches and pieces of wood!

The broken branches and broken wood like the tide were shaken by the howling explosion shock wave and flew all over the sky!

And the dark elf standing on the ancient war tree, when Chen Fan didn't notice it, was affected by the burst fireball, leaving no bones left!

When the explosion sounded, Chen Fan turned around leisurely.

Behind him, flames radiated everywhere, and the sky was full of flames! Remnants of twigs and broken wood flew away like fireworks!

Real man, never look back at the explosion!

Outside Tongtian Tower.

More than 10,000 people held their breath and stared at the spar wall without blinking.

The moment when Chen Fan's climbing progress on the spar wall changed to the 60th floor.

The audience exploded!

The roar of mountains and tsunami-like waves rushed straight into the sky! It seemed that even the clouds in the sky were about to be washed away!

"Chen Fan is mighty! Awesome! He is indeed a god-level genius!"

"The 60th floor! Really a genius like a god!"

"Chen Fan is mighty! Emperor Star is mighty! Jinling is mighty!"

"Jinling, the provincial champion! No one can take it away hahahahaha!"

The city lord, Tong Jiming, could no longer maintain his prudent Shangguan image, clapped his hands and laughed, his joy was beyond words!

"The 60th floor! Hahahahaha! The provincial champion of the college entrance examination must be my Jinling!"

"The 60th floor! Who can compete with me in Jinling!"

Tan Qingyuan's face was flushed with excitement, he clenched his fists, with high interest, he waved his arms and shouted 0.

"Provincial No. 1 Scholar! Provincial No. 1 Scholar is in our Emperor Star!"

The two principals, Ma Zhongxing and Jiang Boyun, were both happy and depressed.

The joy is that the provincial number one scholar was born in Jinling, and they are also honorable as Jinling people.

What is frustrating is that they are the principals of a top prestigious school in Jinling, and the brilliance of their school is completely suppressed by Chen Fan, a god-level genius!

In the area of ​​Xianhua College, the students of Xianhua couldn't help cheering.

"Brother Chen is mighty! The 60th floor! He's definitely the top prize in the province!"

"Great! The provincial champion is in our Emperor Star!"

"I am a classmate of the Provincial Champion, which is enough for me to play for several years!"

Although such a god-level genius is not in their school, but as Jinling people, they also feel proud from the bottom of their hearts for such an unprecedented achievement!

In the front row of Xianhua students, You Zi stood blankly, expressionless, but a little dazed in his eyes.

He just felt that his outlook on life had been greatly impacted.

It turns out that there are still geniuses of this level in this world?

For so many years, I have always felt that I am a rare genius. It turns out that this is simply a misunderstanding?

People like Chen Fan are called real geniuses, right?

In the area of ​​Dixing Middle School, the students of Dixing were already jumping with excitement.

The wild cheers of the students gradually converged into a uniform call sign!

"Chen Fan is invincible! Emperor Star is invincible!

"Chen Fan is invincible! Emperor Star is invincible!"

"Chen Fan is invincible! Emperor Star is invincible!"

In the front row of the crowd, Liang Qingning's pretty face was flushed, and she waved her hands vigorously, shouting along with the students of Emperor Star.

"Chen Fan is invincible! Emperor Star is invincible!"

Concubine Gong Luo also raised her hands excitedly, and shouted along with the crowd.

Then she suddenly came back to her senses, looked around, quietly withdrew her hand, and bit her lip in embarrassment.

Zhou Luozhi and the silent Yan Jing don't have such an image burden.

The two shouted loudly together with the students of Emperor Star, venting their excitement and joy to their heart's content!

In a corner of Tongtian Square, reporters from various TV stations and news platforms are roaring wildly at the camera with ecstasy that is about to explode!

"Chen Fan climbed to the 60th floor! The ancient times shine today! Unprecedented!"

"Jinling's god-level genius has set a new high! Break through the 60th floor!"

"60 floors! A god-level genius broke through 60 floors! Is this his limit? Let us wait and see!"

60th floor! Provincial champion!

This news spread from the live broadcast at 0.5, like a bomb, instantly blowing up half of Jinling!

In the classroom of the school.

"Look, look! Emperor Star's Chen Fan broke into the 60th floor! The provincial champion! Oh my god, it's so hot! It's so shocking!"

"Let's see, let's see!"

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze! I want to see too!"

"Lying grass! My role model!"

"Such a hero! I shall replace him!"

"Don't blow you up!"

In the company's office.

"Wow! The god-level genius of Emperor Star is too powerful!"

"The 60th floor! We have witnessed history with our own eyes!"


Everyone hurried back to their seats, pretending to be busy.

The supervisor walked over with a blank expression and went back to his office, but immediately took out his mobile phone and clicked on the live broadcast!

In the vegetable market.

"Boss, how do you sell this eggplant?"

"Don't make noise, I'm watching the live broadcast!"

.......Why is the live broadcast so beautiful, and the food is no longer sold?"

"A genius of the emperor star, the college entrance examination climbed to the 60th floor!"

"Lying grass! Is it true or not?! Let me see, let me see!"

The home of countless Jinling people.

"My son, you said it would be great if our son had such a genius. I can wake up laughing from my dreams!"

"What's the matter? Do you think the cub I gave birth to is not a genius? Don't forget, you provided the seed! Do you have the right to dislike it?"

"No, I...then what..."

"Hey, don't tell me, if such a talented cub crawls out of my stomach, how many lifetimes can I blow it!"

Chen Fan broke through the 60th floor, because half of Jinling was boiling!.

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