All The People: Longevity! As A Mage, My Skills Are Infinitely Upgraded

Chapter 74 Glorious Ancestors! Go To Liu's House!

After leaving the city lord's mansion, everyone went back to their homes.

The principal, Tan Qingyuan, was beaming with joy and his face was glowing. It was obvious that a group of elites in Jinling had praised him at the banquet just now, and now he was walking with wind.

He personally sent Chen Fan off, and before leaving, he reminded Chen Fan as if he suddenly remembered.

"The school will hold an award ceremony for you in two days! I will notify you then."

Tan Qingyuan winked at Chen Fan and smiled badly.

"Don't worry, this time it's a very simple awarding ceremony, I guarantee there is no other purpose.

Chen Fan looked helplessly at this unshape principal.

Tan Qingyuan laughed.

"Okay, okay, I won't laugh at you anymore. It's getting late, you should go back quickly.

When Chen Fan got home, it was already very late.

He stood at the door and squeezed the crystal card in his pocket.

There are a total of more than 50 million in the card, 10 million of which was rewarded to him by Tong Qiyuan in the name of the Jinling official, and the rest was presented by the upper elites of Jinling.

After taking the first place in the final assessment, the 3 million yuan rewarded by the principal is also included.

Now, according to the standards of ordinary people, he is already an out-and-out rich man!

Even by professional standards, he is well-funded!

These people spend a lot of money just to form a good relationship with Chen Xia.

Chen Fan was a little emotional.

No matter which world you are in, society favors the strong.

Even if he is not considered a strong man, as long as he shows the potential to become a strong man, he will be eagerly sought after by all parties.

Chen Fan secretly made up his mind and prepared to have a good talk with his father.

With his current economic strength and foreseeable potential in the future, it is already easy for him to take on the burden of this family. There is no need for his father to work so hard.

In fact, Chen Fan climbed all the way in the Tongtian Tower, climbed to the 100th floor, and only came out of the tower after meeting his limit on the 101st floor. It was extremely high-profile, which did not conform to his calm and low-key style.

He did this not only with the idea of ​​making a blockbuster, but also for another reason, which was to make his father fully aware of his abilities and make him willingly give up the 190 job at hand.

The last time he spoke to persuade his father to give up his job, he only had 200,000 to 300,000 yuan, and he hadn't won the first place in the final examination, let alone made a big splash on the Tongtian Tower. In fact, he was very unconvincing.

Although if he insisted strongly, his father would definitely listen to him, but he didn't want to.

After all, I am a junior. It is not good to force the elders to do things according to their own ideas.

But now, Chen Fan believes that his father should be willing to listen to his arrangement without forcing him.

But it's too late now, let's talk to my father tomorrow.

He opened the door lightly, only to find that the lights in the room were still on.

Walking into the living room, the old couple didn't sleep, they were sitting on the sofa in the living room waiting for him.

My younger sister, Chen Susu, also came back. Sitting beside her mother, she was so sleepy that she couldn't keep her eyes open. Her little head was bit by bit, like a chicken pecking at rice.

Hearing the movement, the old couple immediately became excited.

"Fanfan is back!"

Yu Qingmei jumped up from the sofa, ran to Chen Fan in three steps at a time, looked him up and down, with nervousness and worry on his face.

"Fanfan, are you okay? You didn't get hurt?"

Chen Fan hurriedly comforted his mother.

"Don't worry, it's all right, nothing at all! No injuries!"

"Oh, that's good! That's good!"

Yu Qingmei was still afraid that her son would lie to her, so she pinched his arms and shoulders a few times to confirm that there was really no injury at all, and then she was really relieved.

Chen Desheng watched helplessly as his wife squeezed around his son, and waited for her to finish pinching before opening his mouth.

"How worried are you about your son?"

Yu Qingmei threw the knife over with a sharp look: "If something really happens to my son, you will cry sometime!"

Chen Desheng quickly changed the subject, he hugged Chen Fan and patted him on the back.

"Good son! You have earned everything for our family! Glory to your ancestors!"

Chen Susu squeezed over sleepily and pushed her father away.

"Give me a hug, give me a hug!"

Chen Desheng: "...

Chen Susu hugged Chen Fan tightly, hung on him like a monkey, buried her small face on Chen Fan's shoulder, and rubbed against his face hard.

"Brother! You are too powerful! You are too domineering!"

"You know, when I saw the live broadcast at school, I couldn't believe it was my real brother!"

"You don't even know, those people in our school are crazy today! They almost treat me as their ancestor, hahahaha!"

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, and he patted her head angrily.

"What are you talking about! Outspoken!"

Chen Susu was beaten, but she was not angry at all when she touched her head, she was still beaming.

"Really! You can't imagine how much face I have at school today!"

"I accepted hundreds of younger brothers today! I am now the supreme big sister in the school, ahahahahaha!"

Chen Fan:

Chen Desheng and his wife: "..."

"You've been working all day long, you're not doing anything serious in school, you're just playing!"

Yu Qingmei glared at Chen Susu angrily, then turned and walked towards the kitchen.

"Fanfan, are you hungry? I left some food for you. It's been hot. I'll bring it out for you to eat.

Chen Fan wanted to say that he had already eaten at the banquet, but after thinking about it, he swallowed the words back.

Chen Susu was reprimanded by her mother, stuck out her tongue, and explained to the big brother in a low voice.

"No way, I usually study seriously! Today is an exception..."

Chen Fan rubbed her little head.

"Yeah, I believe you, my lovely sister is of course a good student.

Chen Susu looked satisfied.

"Hey, of course!"

When the food was brought to the table, Chen Susu waited too late and was hungry, so she followed suit with a supper.

Seeing the two brothers and sisters burying their heads in eating, Yu Qingmei looked relieved.

The next day, after Chen Fan woke up, he was about to tell his father about resigning and found that his father had already gone to work at Liu's house.

I rushed to the 100th floor in the Tongtian Tower yesterday, exhausting a lot of energy, and I overslept without paying attention.

Chen Fan had breakfast at home, and was about to leave for Liu's house to find his father.

Yu Qingmei was hesitant after hearing Chen Fan's plan.

When Chen Fan took out the crystal card and told her that there were more than 50 million in it, both Yu Qingmei and Chen Susu were dumbfounded.

Now, Yu Qingmei didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately agreed with her idea.

She looked at Chen Fan with relief.

"My Fanfan has grown up and can already take care of the family alone. My mother is so happy..."

As she spoke, her eyes turned red.

Chen Susu hugged her gently, buried her little head in (abff) her arms and rubbed gently.

"Mom, I want to make a lot of money in the future, and I want to support you and Dad!"

Yu Qingmei laughed through tears.

"Okay, Susu, be good, then mom is waiting for this day!"

Coming out of the house, Chen Fan rubbed his eyes, took a deep breath, calmed down, and hailed a taxi to rush to Liu's house.

Once in the car, the taxi driver recognized him immediately.

"Wow! It's a mortal god!"

Chen Fan was surprised, is he already so famous now?

The driver's face was flushed with excitement, and he took out his mobile phone, his hands were shaking with excitement.

"Fan Shen, can I take a photo with you?"

Chen Fan smiled: "Of course."

After taking the photo, the driver immediately sent the photo to various groups such as the driver group and the family group, and proudly posted a voice to show off.

"Look! Look! I met a mortal god! Hahahaha, are you envious?!"

Chen Fan:

After waiting for a while, seeing that the driver had completely forgotten that he was soliciting customers, he had to remind him.

"Well, master, can you drive?......"

"Ah? Oh! Oh oh oh! Sorry! Sorry sorry!"

Only then did the driver come to his senses, apologize desperately, and start the car at a flying speed.

The driver is in excellent condition, probably because he has brought out his decades of skills. The taxi rides so fast that Chen Fan is terrified. He has never been so scared when he was fighting a 100-floor boss!

"Master, slow down..."

"It's okay, a thirty-year-old driver with excellent skills! We can't miss the work of the gods!"

Like a wild and unruly lightning, the taxi crossed more than half of Jinling, and stopped quickly and steadily at the gate of Liu's mansion.

"Gods, please go slowly!"

Chen Fan got out of the car with weak hands and feet, and took out a few gold coins tremblingly.

"Master, I'll give you the fare..."

He turned around and saw that the taxi had shot out like an arrow!

"I don't want money! How can I want money from gods!"

Chen Fan: "........."

Master, I'd rather you ask for money, just drive slowly.

Through the gate of the fence, one can see that the Liu family's mansion is a large manor. A huge castle-like villa stands in the inner part of the manor. In front of the villa is a very well-kept large garden.

Chen Fan rang the doorbell, and soon, an old man with the appearance of a housekeeper came over.

"Sir, who are you looking for?"

Chen Fan said: "Hello old man, I am looking for a servant named Chen Desheng who works here, and I am his son."

The housekeeper took a serious look at Chen Fan and was suddenly taken aback.

"You look familiar, have I seen you before?"

Chen Fan thought for a while, and said: "I appeared on the live TV yesterday, maybe you saw me on the live screen?"

The housekeeper suddenly realized: "Ah! You are Chen Fan! That god-level genius!"

Then the butler was extremely shocked: "You are Chen Desheng's son?! Oh my God!...."

The housekeeper immediately opened the door and led him respectfully to a pavilion next to the door.

"Mr. Chen, please sit here for a while, let me report to the master first, and then take you to your father!"

Afterwards, the butler left in a hurry.

After a while, the butler came back, followed by a person, it was Liu Dong.

Liu Dong walked over and confirmed that it was really Chen Fan who came, and he couldn't help but look shocked.

The Liu family had many servants, and he didn't have the time to worry about who their children were.

He never thought that Chen Desheng's loyal and honest servant, his son turned out to be Chen Fan!

Liu Dong's expression was awed, but a little uncomfortable.

"Chen... Brother Chen, let me take you to find your father."

Chen Fan smiled at him: "Okay, sorry to trouble you."

The two walked in side by side, Liu Dong turned his head and looked at him a few times, as if he wanted to talk to him, but he didn't know how to speak.

Liu Dong led him around, walking past a row of well-tended green pines, and a beautiful small garden came into view.

In the small garden, a group of servants were standing in a row with their heads bowed, and Liu Changjin, the Patriarch of the Liu family, was scolding these servants angrily.

"I paid you to come here, just to chat?!"

"It's noisy together, what does it look like?!"

"Especially Chen Desheng! As an old man who has worked in my Liu family for so many years, he even took the lead in ruining the atmosphere of my Liu family!"

"Punish you with half a month's salary! Go face the wall and reflect on me for three hours!"

Hearing this, Liu Dong's expression changed drastically!

Chen Fan's face also sank suddenly. .

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