The smoke was thicker and thicker.

Zhao Shikuang had just exited the chat room with a happy mood.

Then he raised his head and prepared to wait for experience: ? ? ?

Where are the people?

"Wait, why is there smoke everywhere, cough cough cough... Shit!"

The next second.

Zhao Shikuang's body froze instantly.

He was a scum rookie who was finally brought up to level 4.

What did he see in the smoke?

"Gold, gold, gold... Gold and Iron Beast? Level 20 Boss Gold and Iron Beast..."

What to do?

At this distance, he couldn't escape the Boss's attack range at all.

Is he going to die?

No, absolutely don't do this!!

Tears and snot flowed uncontrollably, and the legs were weak and powerless and could not move at all.

However, the next moment, the beast changed its shape.

With a huge vibration, it rushed forward coldly.

"Ahhh... Don't come over here... ahhhhh..."

In extreme shock.

Zhao Shikuang's pants were unconsciously moistened by a warm current.

At the same time, his brain was in a trance, as if he was about to crash and faint.

At this moment, a terrifying scene appeared!

The blurred picture in Zhao Shikuang's eyes.

The huge beast seemed to be suddenly fixed.


Without any warning, a terrifying blood-red number appeared above his head:


It was exactly the upper limit of the health of this Boss.

Boom boom boom...

The beast seemed to be harvested by the god of death in an instant, and fell down with a bang, becoming a corpse.

Zhao Shikuang:?

"I... am not dead...?" Zhao Shikuang murmured at last.

This weird situation.

Could it be that dirty thing that appeared in the Novice Forest... No, it's simply a miracle!

Where is the dirty thing?

From now on, there is only God!

It is to exterminate the ferocious wild monsters and save everyone from danger. "Yes, Destroyer of God! From now on, I will call it Destroyer of God!"

At the last moment of fainting, Zhao Shikuang seemed to have made up his mind.

He wanted to spread the miracle of Destroyer of God who saved him from danger! ! !




Fang Ming ran down from the top of the mountain following the arrow of the phantom.

After killing several groups of hairy rock pigs in a row.

Finally, a huge figure wrapped in gunpowder was found in the middle of the road.

The golden skin on its back.

It was shining under the sun.

With the help of double vision, Fang Ming was surprised to find that

The giant beast seemed to be holding something in its mouth.

"It seems... to be an egg?"

And that egg was also very magical.

Not only was it not bitten to pieces by the giant beast, but it made the boss go berserk uncontrollably.

[Golden Iron Giant Beast] (Boss type wild monster)

[Level: lv20]

[HP: 12500]

[Boss type special abilities: "Rockfall", "Smoke"]

[Boss type special enhancement: "Physical damage received is halved and immune to all damage below 100"]

[Information: After the combination of Black Iron Beast and Blue Iron Beast, a very small probability of the birth of a different species, but combined with their respective advantages, it has extremely powerful strength and defense capabilities]


The Golden Iron Giant Beast Boss actually looks like a giant lizard.

It just has golden skin and is several times larger than ordinary Black Iron Beast and Blue Iron Beast.


No matter how violent it is, it can still kill Fang Ming with a glance.

"It's so ruthless!"

[You killed the Gold Iron Giant Beast lv20 (Boss), and gained 5.8w F-level experience]

Fang Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Another 5.8w experience was obtained simply and directly.

Similarly, it seemed to have dropped a special item that was directly put into the backpack.

It was not equipment, but - [Golden Sun Magic Stone]!

The school gave out a lot of information about items and props, so Fang Ming knew its function.

Two uses:


It stores the energy of the Sun. Using the light magic to activate it can make it emit 3 special skills "Sun Shining", a very good skill for range recovery and defense buff.


If it is not activated, it can be used as a power bank for pets or summoned beasts, continuously providing energy to promote their growth until it is exhausted.


Currently Fang Ming can't use any of them.

And to trade

If it is sold, this one will be sold for 200,000, which is really a big profit!

After all.

Its first use is that it has a very powerful effect of restoring life in a low-level team.

And its second use is also very popular with powerful summoning professions.

Fang Ming will naturally not sell it.

"If I raise a pet in the future, this thing will definitely come in handy."

Then, Fang Ming continued to look at the newly obtained achievements.

"Every time the boss is killed instantly, so it is guaranteed to trigger an achievement."

"I may become an achievement professional in the future, helpless┓( ´∀` )┏"

[Achievement]: (+1)

"Iron Breaking Giant Hand-No damage is less than 1000 and the boss Golden Iron Giant Beast is killed within 10 minutes!"

(Effect: +5% physical damage to wild monsters with iron attributes, and all physical damage received is reduced by 1%)


After all, it is a copy with a maximum limit of lv20.

It is still very difficult for a level 20 professional to achieve a damage of more than 1000 with each strike.

But Fang Ming is so unstoppable, a one-hit kill -12500!

Doesn't it also belong to a one-hit kill of more than 1000?


Originally, I didn't have any hope for the effect of this title, but it's better than nothing.


It follows "reduce all physical damage received by 1%".

It's not just for wild monsters.

It's also true for other people and other creatures.

"If I collect 100 titles of the same kind, wouldn't it be equivalent to physical immunity?"

100! ?

Even the real boss may not achieve it in his lifetime.

But Fang Ming, collecting is like playing!

As the Boss turned into a cold corpse.

Fang Ming didn't have any idea about these scraps.

He was too lazy to take up space in his backpack.

He then quickly stepped forward, muttering: "I think I saved someone."

Because Fang Ming quickly killed the Boss.

In fact, it was not just one person who was saved.

There was also the Boss after it went berserk.

There were several teams that should have rushed to the road below.

"Good deeds are not anonymous, I am a patriotic young man, hehe~"

Without threatening their own safety and interests.

Fang Ming is not a devil after all!


Compared to confirming the life and death of a poor guy who seemed to be unconscious.

Fang Ming was more concerned about the egg that rolled beside the Boss's body!

"Sure enough, it was not the original drop of the Boss."

Fang Ming remembered the information on the fork sign.

It turned out that the Boss was attracted by the egg and appeared on the left road.

Closer look.

The round egg body was covered with golden flame patterns.

"It is also golden, no wonder the golden iron beast wanted to devour and absorb it."

The information identification of wild monsters was invalid.

[Egg] (Unknown)

It seems that this is a monster egg of an unknown species.

"By the way, I can try to use "True Words"! "

Although the F-level may not be able to know all the information, it is good to know a little more.

After thinking for a while, Fang Ming took action immediately.

["Wish Index" - Generating! ]


Then, a relevant description really appeared.

Fang Ming immediately looked down excitedly.

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