"Wang Xue..."

Xia Yu looked at Wang Xue with a frosty face and said nothing, her breath was disordered, and her mind was confused by the evil thoughts in front of her.

"When you abandoned me in embarrassment and wanted to escape from here, you are no longer the person who cared about the common people back then."

abandon her


Combined with the word "seize the house" mentioned by the evil thoughts, think about what Wang Xue said that she has been dreaming of this city since three years ago, and there will be a time when the statue will appear.

Xia Yu had a bold guess.

If everything Wang Xue said is true, if she really created the underworld, then the truth...

The evil thoughts said a key word, three hundred years ago.

In other words, the entire underworld appeared three hundred years ago, and Wang Xue was the one who created this scene. The negative emotions of dividing the world into its own world should be too reluctant for Wang Xue, so after the underworld was formed, Wang Xue Xue had to suppress herself in the underworld to maintain the stability of the underworld.

The statue is to prevent those monsters from going out, and the statue itself should not have the power to suppress, and the power to suppress the underworld comes from Wang Xue.

With the passage of time, the underworld became more and more distorted, and monsters born in despair were born here, and black blood that was a hundred times more evil than blood was born.

She has traveled through so many worlds, and naturally has a perseverance that is unimaginable for ordinary people, but with her perseverance, she can only barely keep herself rational, and always remind herself to calm down.

An anger will be invaded by the pervasive atmosphere of despair, making you irritable and irritable, and all kinds of evil thoughts will breed in your heart.

Even if Wang Xue is an existence with unimaginable powers in this world, and being alone in this twisted world for three hundred years, the loneliness in it can easily drive her crazy.

Unless she doesn't have any feelings.

Bloodstains, black blood, despair everywhere.

There is no peer to communicate with, and it is inevitable that Wang Xue, who is full of loneliness, will be assimilated by this extremely harsh environment.

She might have had enough of it all.

Maybe Wang Xue regretted it earlier, but she chose to continue suppressing the underworld because of her responsibilities and not being influenced too deeply.

The pervasive negative emotions of loneliness, despair, and pain are intertwined with regret. Over time, Wang Xue will doubt whether what she did was right. Over the past three hundred years, the world has become more and more distorted, and even more evil things are being conceived. If this continues, an existence that she can't control will one day be born.

Wang Xue regretted it.

Just three years ago, she escaped from this world.

Xia Yu didn't believe the word "seize the house". She prefers that Wang Xue died three years ago, and now she has inherited everything from Wang Xue, not only her identity but also her memory. Everyone has forgotten.

This may be the truth.

"Looks like you've guessed it."

Evil Thought seemed to be able to read people's hearts. When Xia Yu was silent, she suddenly spoke up, which startled her, thinking that Evil Thought had the ability to read minds, and a heart immediately brought it up.

If evil thoughts can read minds, then the disguise on her face is useless at all, it will only make her feel ridiculous, and she is playing a good show.

"How is it? Are you surprised?" The evil thought took a step in her direction, but the black chains tightly bound her, preventing her from going any further. The evil thoughts didn't care about the fact that he was trapped. Those blood-red eyes stared straight at her, with a weird smile on the corner of his mouth: "You hate people like her, don't you? She is very hypocritical."

"Aren't you alone?"

Evil thoughts belittle Wang Xue, isn't she also belittling herself? She just said that the line between good and evil has been blurred.

The evil thoughts laughed lowly, very scary.

Going from grinning to belly laughing, the act of evil thoughts is puzzling.

"One person, yes, you're right, we are one person." The evil thought laughed until tears came out, but the smile stopped abruptly in the next second and looked at Wang Xue fiercely: "Destroy this thing that shouldn't exist. world!"

Wang Xue's eyes trembled when she heard the words, and she slowly closed her eyes. She was extra firm before and hesitated at this moment.

"A little bug has come in." Evil Thought could sense the movement of the entire dark world, his face became strange, and then he laughed and urged: "You have to make a decision as soon as possible."

"Immortal, you can't go back."

Xia Yu felt that the last sentence added by the evil thoughts made Wang Xue's mood even more disturbed.

"Wang Xue, calm down, there is no need to do this, we can go and find a remedy together!"

Evil Nian glanced at Xia Yu, but did not do anything bad to her, but said to Wang Xue: "The statue has returned, and there is not much time left for you. I was locked here with me and never seen again. Tianri, or correcting the mistakes that you once let go of, it's all in your mind. You... just think about it."

The evil thoughts deliberately disturbed Wang Xue's mood, made her nervous, and guided her decision. Xia Yuming knew, but she couldn't stop what she had already said.

Xia Yu said anxiously: "Wang Xue, calm down, I believe you are right, there is nothing you can't go back to, you have done enough!"

"Three years ago, you tried your best to open an opening. From now on, there will be no such opportunity again."

The evil thoughts are all justified. If it was Xia Yu, she would have a hard time deciding, maybe she would be selfish, she would think so herself, not to mention Wang Xue.

He kept persuading Wang Xue, but Xia Yu herself was a little guilty, preventing her from destroying the underworld, but the price was that she would be suppressed here forever and endure loneliness and despair, preventing her from being assimilated to death.

This pain needs to endure endless years.

This choice is really painful.

Resentment has formed this world, and now there are signs that the tail cannot be lost, which brings about extremely painful choices.

The evil thoughts provoked them one by one, and Xia Yu persuaded them one by one. The more she persuaded herself, she felt embarrassed. After a while, she had nothing to persuade after listening to the evil thoughts.

Wang Xue's face was expressionless all the time, no matter if she said evil thoughts or Xia Yu's words, she didn't seem to hear it, as if she didn't move like a statue.

"……I respect your choice."

Xia Yu felt that she was an extremely selfish person. At this time, she should use Wang Xue and her feelings for herself to make her choose.

But she softened.

There are two paths, and the other is a dead end where life is better than death. Xia Yu couldn't bear to force people to go to death.

No matter how ruthless she was, she never intended to kill a person, and this person still had a good relationship with her.

Xia Yu would think about things from someone else's position. She just thought about everything Wang Xue was about to face, and she couldn't help but feel a little hairy in her heart.

She admires Wang Xue, who has been alone in this twisted world for three hundred years.

"Would you like to hear my story?"

After a long time, Wang Xue's voice reached Xia Yu's ears. She hadn't made a decision yet, and seemed to be considering her own attitude.

Xia Yu smiled at her. Although her thoughts were flying, she could only press down those messy thoughts at the moment.

"I am very interested."

"It was a chaotic world, and it was a completely different era from now. People today don't believe in ghosts, but these things actually existed three hundred years ago or even longer."

Wang Xue slowly told what happened 300 years ago, as if unfolding a picture scroll recording the troubled times.

"No one knows how they were born. The monks in the temples, the Taoist priests in the Taoist temples, and those who pray to the gods and worship the Buddha are actually only mortals, and they have no ability to fight ghosts at all."

"Fortunately, the number of ghosts is limited, and in the encounter with them, people have gradually discovered some existences that restrain ghosts and ghosts hate."

Xia Yu couldn't help but interrupted her embarrassedly: "Is there really a ghost?"

Wang Xue shook her head and said, "It's true to say ghosts, but it's not the kind of ghosts you understand after death. Ghosts are a new species born from grievances, the faceless people you've seen before. is one of them.”

"Ghosts and ghosts in prosperous times are easy to change, and troubled times bring not only wars and plagues, but ghosts and ghosts will also breed in large numbers in this environment, causing harm to strangers everywhere, making the people unable to survive and have no way to survive."

"So every time there is a war, they will end the chaos in the shortest time. Three hundred years ago, the war lasted for a long time..."

Wang Xue was silent for a moment: "I don't know where I came from or where I'm going. Unlike ordinary people, I'm not a mortal person, I have power that they can't imagine. They treat me as a **** who came to the world, It is the living Bodhisattva who came to save the people of the world from the water and fire, and I saw with my own eyes the tragic scene of the chaotic world. I also firmly believed in the idea of ​​saving the world in this public opinion environment, and firmly believed that I would be the saint who saves them."

Wang Xue smiled, with an ugly smile: "So I have no past, and...no future."

"No one knew how the grievances came from before. It took me many years to restore the truth. They are all born from various negative emotions, that is, grievances, and grievances mainly come from people and from all living things. , As long as people don't die, as long as there is still fighting in this world, grievances will never disappear and become extinct."

"With the help of a friend, I found a path that I thought was right, that is, sacrificing myself to gather the grievances of the whole world in myself, dividing the world into two worlds, Yin and Yang."

"It's the only way to deal with grievances."

"I think that's my mission."

"She was crippled by those Taoist monks." The evil thoughts mocked Wang Xue maliciously, and also laughed at herself: "It is great to cross the world with one's own body, hehe."

Listening to the sarcasm on the other side, Wang Xue did not speak.

"Do you... regret it?" Xia Yu looked at her with a complicated expression and bit her lip lightly: "You regret being alone in this twisted and painful world, but no one remembers you?"

Wang Xue paused for a while, recalling.

The pain and loneliness of the past three hundred years, the tragic situation of the troubled times three hundred years ago also appeared in front of my eyes, and there were also friends who followed him to find answers and travel all over the country three hundred years ago. Wang Xue suddenly smiled brightly. of ice.

"No, I don't regret my choice back then."

She couldn't save the world completely, but she was able to give the whole world peace for more than 300 years without the harassment of ghosts.

These three hundred years are not meaningless.

Maybe sometimes she can't help but regret it, but in general, she doesn't regret it, she just keeps worrying about how to solve the swollen underworld.

The existence of the underworld is a disaster after all.

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