All The Stars Became My Cosplayers For The Anime

Chapter 64 After The End Of Ghost Slayer, The Man Is Revealed! (Seeking First Order)

Zhu is the strongest member of the Demon Slayer Squad!

The audience also wants to see what makes these strong men different from others.

In this episode, the actors of Ghost Slayer still performed superbly.

The pillars with distinctive images and eccentric personalities are perfectly presented in front of the audience:

Flame-red hair, righteous and awe-inspiring, Yanzhu Purgatory Xingshoulang with full of air.

A tall, handsome guy with white hair and a gorgeous voice, Yusui Tianyuan, with a catchphrase: "It's too gorgeous!"

Lianzhu Mili, a pink and cute big sister.

As soon as the audience saw Lianzhu, they immediately fell in love again.

The rock pillars, the mourning island Xingming, the giant man in the monk's costume, clasped his hands together, with a look of compassion, his eyes are still in a state of tears.

Xia Zhu, Shitou Muichiro, a boy with long black hair and an expressionless face, stared at the clouds in the sky in a daze.

However, he seems to have a bad memory.

Snake Zhu, Yihei Xiaobanei, a long-haired boy with a bit of a poisonous tongue and heterochromatic eyes.

A white snake wrapped around his body made the audience's hair go numb.

Then there is the very rough and fierce-looking Fengzhu, Immortal Kawasami.

His behavior of hurting Nezuko left a very bad impression on the audience.

The remaining two are Shuizhu Yiyu and Zhongzhu Butterfly Shinobu who are familiar to the audience.

The picture of Ansai waist drum is still lingering in their minds.

These pillars of the Ghost Killing Team only showed up for more than 20 minutes, but they left a deep impression on the audience.

Especially Lianzhu's lovely performance, once again made the audience call his wife!

Because compared to Zhu, she is more like a melon-eating crowd, and from time to time she mutters a little thought of her own, which is too cute.

Finally, the cheeks puffed up to hold back the laughter made the netizens 510 frantically pursue them.

When the directors watched this place, they were also amazed.

Lin Nian's high-end shooting techniques, the portrayal of the actors and the reflection of their unique personalities are amazing!

They took out their small books and kept recording and studying.

But even in front of these pillars, Tanjiro knocked Fengzhu down with a head hammer, which made the audience feel good.

They all praised, buying a pillar really lived up to its reputation!

The eleventh episode is over quickly, and there is still a suspense left.

Will Nezuko be tempted to attack Fengzhu in the end?!

The audience was anxious and worried.

But they can only honestly wait for the next day's update.

Although this episode is over, but because of the appearance of the Ghost Killing Team Nine Pillars, it has aroused heated discussions among netizens!

Some fans directly posted a poll on Vbo, guessing who is stronger among the nine pillars.

However, because there is no reference condition for the plot for the time being.

Most netizens voted according to their preferences.

As a result, the two beauties Zhu and Zhu got the highest number of votes.

After all, they have become the wives that netizens say...

In addition to discussing who is stronger among the nine pillars, there is another topic that is even more heated.

Based on the promotional image of "Infinite Train" released by Lin Nian, netizens guessed that the plot behind it must be related to Yizhu.

But they don't know which pillar it is, so they can only guess randomly.

And there are only two days left before the end of the first part of "Demon Slayer: Blade".

That said, they can only watch the last two episodes.

Then, if you want to see the new Ghost Slayer story again, you have to wait (bcj) for the release of "Infinity Train" a month later!

Think about it this way.

Netizens were in a hurry, leaving messages under the online platform account of Super Dimensional Film and Television, all kinds of reminders.

However, the other side.

The progress of Lin Nian's filming did not disappoint them, the progress has already come to the fight scene.

As always, playing Ghost Slayer is very difficult.

And because playing requires a lot of special effects, actors often need to perform without physical objects.

At this time, it was the turn of Lin Nian, the great acting mentor.

Once the system is turned on, the Buff is full.

All kinds of problems are easily solved.

two days.

flashed by.

The twelfth and thirteenth episodes of Ghost Slayer will be aired consecutively!

Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke's road to becoming stronger in the nursing home is full of laughs.

Originally, Zenitsu and Inosuke were quite depressed.

Tanjiro's daily hard training motivates them.

Coupled with the help of Butterfly Ninja, they also trained with high morale.

Butterfly Shinobi walked up to Inosuke and adopted the simplest aggressive method.

She patted Inosuke on the shoulder, smiled and said:

"I thought Inosuke's words would be easy to learn, but can't it be done?"

"It's natural to be able to do it, but there's nothing you can do if you can't..."

"Oh, no way, no way."

The more Inosuke listened, the more angry he became, the pig's nose sprayed out white air, and he gnashed his teeth and roared:

"Ah?! Of course I can do it!"

"Don't underestimate me! Believe it or not, I'll pick your bear off!"

And Butterfly endured Shanyi, holding his hand intimately, and then encouraged him:

"Come on, Shan Yi!"

Shanyi's face immediately turned red like a pig's head, he was so excited that he filled up his energy in an instant, excellent!"

Afterwards, the two of them trained hard and got up!

When the audience saw this, they were overwhelmed by Butterfly Ninja's methods.

This is teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, which is really too much fun!

A terrifying woman, she fully grasped the weakness of Inosuke and Zenitsu's character and inspired their fighting spirit.

This operation is astonishing!

However, after the fun, the knife came soon...

As the audience continued to understand, they learned that Butterfly Ninja's sister, Kanae, was also a pillar before, but unfortunately died in a battle with a ghost.

Since then, Butterfly Ninja, who was originally unsmiling and hot-tempered, has become like her own sister.

She lost her original character and became gentle, with a smile on her face all the time..

This also made the audience's dissatisfaction with Feng Zhu much smaller.

Because they also understand that the people who can become pillars are almost all people who have been severely hurt by evil spirits...

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the identity of Nezuko ghost.

And Chanel's childhood experience made the audience feel distressed.

Fortunately, he was saved by the two butterfly sisters.

But she still lost something, and the wound in her heart could not heal.

In memory.

The young Butterfly grumbled to her sister:

"Sister, this child is totally bad."

"If you don't tell her, she won't do anything, even eating, if you don't tell her to eat, she won't eat.

"My stomach is growling with hunger!"

"If she is alone, she can't do anything, she can't decide anything."

Kanae squatted in front of Kanahu, smiled and took out a coin, and said to her gently:

"Then when you're alone, just toss this coin to decide..."

Since then, Chanahu has become the girl who decides things with coins.

Butterfly Chanae is too good.

So good that the audience hated the Super Dimensional Film and Television to death, and asked Lin Nian frantically on the Internet, why should such a good person be written to death?!

Before Tanjiro left, he said goodbye to the people in the courtyard.

He touched the people in the courtyard with his gentleness.

During the conversation with Kanahu, Tanjiro borrowed a coin from her, and he said with a smile:

"Okay! Let's decide with coins!"

Chanel wondered:

"Decided what?"

"After Chanel, you must listen to your own heart!"

Tanjiro twirled the coin, then tossed it high, and continued: "Choose heads, if it's heads, Kanahu must live according to her heart!"

Kanaihu's originally calm eyes began to flicker.

Tanjiro finally caught the coin, held it in front of Kanahu, and then slowly removed his palm.

The coin was strikingly heads.

Kanao was stunned, but Tanjiro said excitedly: "It's positive!"

He grabbed Chanahu's hand, "Canaihu, come on! The human heart is the driving force, and the heart can become infinitely stronger!"

When Tanjiro left, he couldn't help standing up and asking:

"Why...why can heads be thrown?"

She had observed that Tanjiro didn't touch his hands.

Tanjiro said softly: "It's just a coincidence, and I was thinking, even if I get tails, no matter how many times I go again, I still have to keep getting heads.

As soon as these words came out, the light in Kanaihu's eyes was dazzling!

This piece of drama is superbly acted!

The delicate emotions of Tanjiro and Kanai are vividly expressed.

The audience watched this paragraph with a smile.

Tens of thousands of barrages expressed their emotion:

"This CP is really good!"

"Oops! It's a feeling of heartbeat."

"Tanjiro is too gentle, he is redeeming Kanai! Woooooo! N

"It is recommended that my uncle start the class, he is too good at it, he will run away after flirting.

"Can this pair be locked? Give me the key!"

"Canahu is in love!"

At the end of this episode, the clues of "Infinite Train" came out.

In the end, Yan Zhu's appearance also revealed the true identity of the poster black shadow!

The first part of "Ghost Slayer: Blade" is officially over!

The audience couldn't bear it at all, because Ghost Slayer had touched and shocked them too much.

But there is no permanent banquet in the world.

They are still in the final part, leaving behind the barrage of "End Sprinkling Flowers", announcing the end...

At the same time, I am looking forward to the release of "Infinity Train Arc"!.

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