All The Stars Became My Cosplayers For The Anime

Chapter 75 The You Guo Chapter Is Finished! With Suona Music?

The final fight scene of You Guo Pian can be said to be the most tragic scene in Ghost Slayer.

Lin Nian felt pressured to present it perfectly.

However, since you want to shoot, you must do your best.

So, Lin Nian led the super-dimensional crew and began to fight fiercely at night.

They changed their work and rest habits, resting during the day and shooting at night.

The flower street at night is as bustling and beautiful as a dream, but unfortunately, for the final battle, some places have to be turned into ruins

When Lin Nian made this decision, he felt extremely distressed.

But there is no way, after the original animation was finished, most of Huajie was destroyed.

They don't need that, they only need a small part of the site, and the rest can be filled with special effects.

Therefore, Lin Nian used almost all the filming manpower of Super Dimensional Film and Television to start filming the final fight scene of You Guo Pian.

The lights are in place!

Props in place!

The Wia army is in place!

Cast in place!

The entire Flower Street is full of employees of Super Dimensional Film and Television, and the production team is extremely large.

Nearly 1,000 people stayed up all night, obeying the schedule of Lin Nian alone, just to film the last few episodes of Guo Pian.

I don't know, I thought it was a construction company that wanted to repair the building...

This battle of thousands of people lasted for half a month. "two six seven"

After going through countless difficulties and obstacles, countless reshoots and NGs, Lin Nian finally announces that the Guo chapter of Ghost Slayer is finished!

The employees of the Super Dimensional Film and Television Company were so relieved that they almost cried...

It's not easy these days.

Energy is drained every day.

After watching the finished film, they knew that they had completed another feat in film and television shooting!

The way everyone looked at Lin Nian was almost like looking at a devil...

But only the devil can lead them to complete this inhuman shooting.

After Ghost Slayer Tour Guo chapter was finished, the crew began to rest.

And the company's strongest special effects department in the universe is busy again.

Under the request of Lin Nian to keep improving. Their work intensity is not much worse than that of the crew.

Every detail must be in place, hell-level difficulty!

In terms of special effects, there is a system, so it is not a big problem.

Lin Nian began to think about the soundtrack.

In the previous life anime, the final battle of the Ghost Slayer Yu Guo chapter did not have a particularly burning soundtrack, and the impression was not as deep as the previous song of Tanjiro.

Therefore, Lin Nian plans to create an explosive BGM to increase the texture.

He thought about many burning music from his previous life, and finally decided to use a special soundtrack based on the rhythm and point of the film.

The most ignited Suona Divine Comedy in the previous life, "Stunning Waves and Sunset"!

The top floor of the company.

Lin Nian handed over the arrangement of "Stunning Waves and Sunset" to Chen Xiaoguo, asking her to find Master Suona.

Chen Xiaoguo looked at the music score, a little confused, "Are you sure you want to use suona music?"

Lin Nian nodded.

Chen Xiaoguo said in disbelief: "The suona instrument, how should I put it, isn't it very hell...Aren't you afraid of acting?"

In this world, those Suona Divine Comedy did not appear in the previous life, so ordinary people's cognition of Suona also stays on red and white weddings...

Therefore, when Chen Xiaoguo heard that Lin Nian wanted to use Suona, she felt strange.

Lin Nian smiled, "Suona is such an awesome instrument, you don't understand how powerful it is, besides, the songs I wrote are different."

Chen Xiaoguo was dubious.


What can be so powerful, it is quite powerful to send someone away.

She thought about it and asked Lin Nian:

"Aren't you good at everything, why don't you know how to play the suona?"

Lin Nian was speechless, "You really think of me as a god, you can do everything?"

Chen Xiaoguo laughed, "You are no longer a human being in the eyes of others, okay, I'll make arrangements, I really know the master who plays the suona.


Master Suona was invited to the Super Dimensional Film and Television Building. He did not expect that there would be a film and television company asking him to play suona for the soundtrack of the film.

Moreover, it is still a company as awesome as Super Dimension...

Afterwards, when he read the music score of "Storming Waves and Sunset", he blew his throat twice, and was shocked!

This song is in seconds!

Blow it out with a suona, it shouldn't be too hot.

Chen Xiaoguo was also shocked by Suona's voice!

The employees in the company were also taken aback, thinking that there is such a burning suona?!

Subsequently, under the supervision of Lin Nian, the soundtrack of "Stunning Waves and Sunset" was perfectly recorded.

Master Suona grabbed Lin Nian's hand excitedly, and said that if there is such a song next time, he must find him, and he doesn't want money to play it for free!

In this way, "Ghost Slayer You Guo Chapter" was completed after half a month of perfection.

As soon as the major online video platforms heard that the second part of Ghost Slayer was finished, they were already preparing for the first broadcast rights.

After receiving the notification from Chen Xiaoguo, they immediately rushed to the Super Dimensional Film and Television Building without stopping.

The bosses have given them death orders, and they must win the premiere rights of the second part of Ghost Slayer!

Last time, it was because they failed to grab Penguin Film and Television, they lost too many users.

inside the building.

The copyright procurement managers of major video platforms gathered together again.

Everyone greeted Chen Xiaoguo politely, trying to establish a good relationship with her first.

Chen Xiaoguo smiled at everyone and said:

"Everyone, we meet again."

"This time, do you want to inspect the goods first?"

The Penguin representative stood up first, "Of course not, Director Chen, the premiere rights, you name the number, we Penguin Films will definitely be satisfied!"

The representative of Youku is not to be outdone, "I, Youku, also have sincerity. In the future, we will use the largest traffic in our department to promote any super-dimensional film and television works!"

Aiqiyi was indignant, "Compared with the previous two platforms, the environment of our platform is cleaner and tidy, and the quality of users is also better. Only by giving us the premiere rights of Ghost Slayer can we bring the greatest profit to your company!"

The penguin representative slapped the table, "Are you looking for trouble?"

Youku: "How is our company worse than yours?"

The three giants fought, and the small platforms only dared to tremble.

Chen Xiaoguo coughed, and the room suddenly fell silent.

She smiled and said, "Stop arguing, since you all want the premiere rights, it's easy to handle, each family has 1.2 billion, and everyone can broadcast together!"

When the three families heard the price, they felt a little numb.

This is much more expensive than the first one.

But because the popularity of Ghost Slayer is too high now, this price is still acceptable.

However, the right to premiere means that your own platform must first broadcast one more episode than other platforms in order to attract users.

The three families premiered together, so what else do they earn?!

Therefore, the three representatives hesitated.

The penguin representative asked weakly:

"The first broadcast right is 1.2 billion, what about the broadcast copyright fee?"

Chen Xiaoguo replied:

"200 million, the price is not negotiable..."

At this time, the representative of Youguo Video suddenly stood up, and Tian Fen said stiffly:

"Director Chen, I'll pay 1.5 billion for the premiere rights!"

Those bold words shocked everyone present!

These words frightened the three representatives of Penguin, Youku and Aiqiyi into confusion.

1.5 billion!

This is no small change.

Youguo video is going to fight?!

However, according to the current popularity of Ghost Slayer, they may really come back.

In an instant, the three giant platform people made eye contact.

This time I decided to truce, first to protect the current number of users of my website, so as not to be stolen by other small platforms.

Penguin said:

"Director Chen, does what you said just now count?"

Chen Xiaoguo nodded, "It still counts now."

The representative of Youku nodded, "Okay, the three of us are willing to pay 1.2 billion to buy it, but you have to sign an agreement to ensure that only the three of us have the premiere rights.

Aiqiyi represented the reconsideration.

Chen Xiaoguo laughed, as if!"

The representative of Yuguo Video was filled with righteous indignation: " are a monopoly!"

It's just that no one cares what he says...

In the end, the copyright fees of "Ghost Slayer: Guo Pian" once again broke the record set by myself. It has not yet been released, and it still earns more than 30 small goals...

Afterwards, Chen Xiaoguo and Youguo video representative Xiaowen drank coffee and laughed happily.

Chen Xiaoguo said: "This time I have to thank you for your help, otherwise that family won't be hooked. y

Xiaowen waved his hand, "Hey, Sister Chen, we are friends, besides, I have long been displeased with the big three platforms, it would be nice if I could pay them more, but it's a bad move. Thank you for thinking it out."

Chen Xiaoguo laughed, "It's not my idea, it was proposed by our boss Lin Nian. Although he is young, he has deep routines."

That's right.

This is Lin Nian's idea, in order to earn more funds, not shabby.

In contrast, this time "Ghost Slayer You Guo Pian" will be broadcast on 1.8, and there will be no further charges.

Anyone who bought the first part of Ghost Slayer for 50 yuan can watch "Ghost Slayer You Guo Chapter" for free, which can be regarded as giving back to old fans.

"Ghost Slayer You Guo Chapter" will be broadcast soon!

When the exploded PV was released, the whole network was boiling again.

When the news of the second free broadcast was released, netizens were even more moved.

The tall and friendly image of Super Dimensional Film and Television was established immediately!

Who doesn't like a film and television company that produces good dramas and doesn't charge too much?

The trend of chasing dramas all over the Internet has begun again!

Numerous netizens commented under the PV:

"The second part of Ghost Slayer is coming again, Lin Hou will never let us down!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo , do they still have enough funds for the free broadcast to the first paid users?"

"Super-dimensional film and television, the light of domestic film and television!"

"Let's not talk about it, I will support any super-dimensional film and television works in the future!"

"I'm so looking forward to it, watching the pv content, this time it's Brother Hua Yinzhu coming out, won't there be another knife, right? I'm scared of the knife..."

"My off-duty life has come back to life, thanks to Mie!"

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