All The Stars Became My Cosplayers For The Anime

Chapter 89 Difficult Casting, "Oath In The Morning Blossom" Is Finalized!

Lin Nian, while supervising the post-editing and special effects production of "Oath in the Morning", began to think about the role candidates for "Holy Grail War".

There are three female stars that he can think of now, Yang Mi, Di Lieba and Liu Yifei, all of whom can try the role of fate.

These three people have a good relationship with him now and are very familiar with him.

Moreover, with their good looks and figures, no matter what role they cosplay, they will certainly not be bad.

Lin Nian thought for a long time, and decided to contact the three of them to try on makeup, and then decide what roles they would be suitable for.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to all three of them: "I have a new script here for you, do you want to come over to audition tomorrow?"

Within seconds.

All three replied.

Yang Mi: "Okay, I can come now, do I need to wait until tomorrow?"

Di Lieba: "Boss Yang said we will come here today!"

Liu Yifei: "Okay, I'll be there at noon tomorrow.

Lin Nian didn't expect them to agree so quickly.

Do these people hold their phones all day?

And Yang Mi, they are too anxious

Lin Nian replied to her: "Don't come today, I'm busy with the "Oath of Morning Flowers and Evening", come tomorrow at 12 noon!"

Yang Mi: ""The Oath in the Morning" is finished?! When will it be released? Is there any screening? Remember to reserve a spot for us!"

Once she opened this chatterbox, she couldn't stop it...

Lin Nian simply ignored it.

In the next second, Yang Mi made a video call.

Lin Nian hung up directly, and let this girl get angry in various ways on the news.

He didn't have time to make a quick decision about many things in "Oath in the Morning, How to tell her?"

Afterwards, Lin Nian plunged into the post-production of "Morning Flowers and Evening Oath".

He also has to deal with the soundtrack and promotional PV.

the next day.

at noon.

Yang Mi, Di Lieba and Liu Yifei arrived at Lin Nian's office on time.

There are three flowers blooming, each with its own merits.

The three top female stars are in the same frame, and the air is full of sweet fragrance for a while.

The employees of the company are already familiar with it.

The current status of Super Dimensional Film and Television is just like this, the top actress Leimen is just commonplace.

When the three top actresses met, they all smiled and greeted each other.

At the same time, there was a trace of resentment in the eyes looking at Lin Nian...

Lin Nian coughed, "Let me ask, do you have any schedules later?"

Liu Yifei shook his head, smiled and said, "No."

Yang Mi crossed her arms and said, "For Director Lin's play, we have all the rest of the work here.

Di Lieba: "Lin Nian, what are you going to shoot?"

Lin Nian gave each of them a copy of the script of "Holy Grail War", "This is our second script project, you can take a general look at it, today's time is tight, so don't read it carefully.

As ultra-dimension movie fans, the three couldn't help getting excited when they got the script.

After looking at it for a few times, they were very excited as if they had discovered a new continent.

This kind of magical style and unique imagination are the biggest characteristics of Lin Quan's script!

All three are very fond of this surreal style.

Lin Nian was afraid that some people would be fascinated by it, so he hurriedly reminded:

"Okay, it's enough to get a general understanding, you first look at the setting of the female characters at the end of the script.

"Today, if you are the characters who try makeup, it is them."

The three obediently obeyed, and it was time for the final character introduction.

"Holy Grail War" needs a lot of female characters.

For the Master, there are Tohsaka Rin, Matou Sakura, and Illya.

Servants include Saber, Rider, and Caster.

It has to be said that each of these female characters is quite handsome, and there is nothing to say about the figure.

That's why Lin Nian asked a few of them to audition for a play, and ordinary actors really can't handle it.

Several people were shocked after seeing the settings and backgrounds of these female characters!


heroic spirit.

King Arthur.


These settings are so peculiar that many of them have never heard of them.

Yang Mi swallowed her saliva, "Lin Nian, are you sure these characters can really be played?"

Di Lieba also frowned, worried: "I feel so difficult to act..."

Liu Yifei rested her chin in one hand, meditating.

She was also a little hesitant, wondering if she could play these roles.

All three of them are top-notch actors and have rich experience. When they get the role, they will immediately think about whether they can control the role and be suitable for the role.

Lin Nian wrote:

"Since I'm looking for you guys, of course I'm sure, but I need you to obey my arrangement, try on whoever I think is suitable for you, you have to play whoever, how about it?"

If other directors heard what he said, they would probably be scared to death.

After all, these three actors are all top stars, they are usually afraid of offending, how dare they be as strong as Lin Nian...

The three of them agreed without much hesitation.

They are very confident about Lin Nian's script.

With their social status, in fact, they don't care much about the film salary.

They pay more attention to the script, and whether they can leave a good role in the hearts of the audience, and impressive good film and television works.


Lin Nian led the three of them to the company's make-up area.

The props and character costumes needed for "Holy Grail War" have been fully produced.

Lin Nian turned on the mode of top makeup artist and stylist, went off in person, and led the makeup artists to make up and design styles for Yang Mi, Di Lieba and Liu Yifei.

Seeing that Lin Nian rolled up his sleeves and thought about their looks seriously, the three of them stared wide-eyed.

Yang Mi asked suspiciously: "Wait, Lin Nian, do you know how to put on makeup?"

The female makeup artist on the side smiled and said: "Boss Lin is amazing, he taught us all our makeup skills!"

Di Lieba was a little confused, "Lin Nian, are you still human?"

Lin Nian pulled up Liu Yifei's long hair, and generally worked her hair seriously, while responding:

"It will be a billion points."

Liu Yifei's body was slightly stiff, and it was the first time for her to experience a male makeup artist styling herself, and she was a little uncomfortable.

With the efforts of Lin Nian and the team of makeup artists, these three top female stars started a drag show!

The costumes of the female characters in "Holy Grail War" were all changed by them.

Lin Nian carefully reviewed whether the images of the three were suitable for the roles, so I watched them to my full.

Especially when the three of them changed into Rider's outfit, it was a little sexy.

He sincerely praised the figures of the three ladies.

Especially now that the three of them are at the peak of their looks and figures, so there is no pressure at all to cosplay these characters.


After some hard thinking, Lin Nian decided on the roles of the three.

Liu Yifei starred in Tohsaka Rin.

Di Lieba starred in Rider, real name, Medusa.

Yang Mi starred as Saber, King Arthur, whose real name is Artoria Pendragon.

Under Lin Nian's top-notch make-up technique, the images of the three of them are not much different from the characters in the original anime.

The background of top female stars is still too good.

Basically, any shape can be controlled beautifully.

For example, Liu Yifei's double ponytails and Rin Tohsaka's style.

Lin Nian originally thought that a fairy sister should not be suitable for this kind of modern-style tsundere girl, but it turned out that there was no problem at all.

...ask for flowers...

After all, Liu Yifei in this world is still young, unlike her previous life who was older and lost her sense of youth.

This is a filter down.

The three women all felt like dolls, they were so tired after being manipulated wantonly by Lin Nian all day...

However, they are very happy in their hearts, and they can finally act in a super-dimensional film and television work!

Although the settings of these characters are very unique and almost never seen before, they all want to challenge.

Also, it has to be said.

The costumes and outfits of these female characters are very beautiful, with a beauty that transcends the sense of the times!

Yang Mi really likes her role as a female knight holding a sword and wearing light armor. She always feels inexplicably handsome.

The preparation stage of "Holy Grail War".

The post-production of "Morning Flowers and Evening Oath" has been perfectly completed, and the finished film is directly submitted for review.

Finally, the file is set for the Spring Festival!

The publicity pv will be released on the whole network at the same time!

Under the word-of-mouth reputation of the only one in China, Super Dimensional Film and Television, it quickly became popular all over the Internet.

Countless netizens are looking forward to the release of the Spring Festival file.

The film manufacturers in the same period complained one after another.

They didn't expect that Super Dimensional Film and Television would be able to finish filming "Oath in the Morning and Evening" so quickly.


This speed is much faster than the previous "Ghost Slayer Infinity Train Chapter"!

It's too tm unreasonable.

Now they can only gamble that Super Dimensional Film and Television can overturn once, and "Oath in the Morning and Evening" is shoddy.


After these people watched the promotional pv of "Oath in the Morning", they didn't dare to think that way anymore.

Netizens are already hooked just by watching the pv.

pv start.

The logo of Super Dimensional Film and Television appeared.

Then, Lin Nian's big director name emerged.

The screen lights up, and a large loom is working under the soft light, making a creaking sound, and a gentle female voice sounds:

"During hundreds of years, the long-lived family named Ioluff used time as the warp and career as the weft to weave the years..."

Then, the screen changed, and a moss-covered high wall in another world appeared, with white gauze fluttering, forming a beautiful picture.

At the same time, a beautiful female voice sang:

"La la la..."

Scenes in the play are presented with dreamlike pictures.

Girls and teenagers with blond hair lined up to go home under the setting sun, with pure white gauze on their heads.

One of the lively girls stretched out her finger, poked the face of a cute round-faced girl, and said with a smile:


The screen switches from scene to scene.

The voices of various characters sounded, and a line full of profound meaning came out:

"Why are you crying?"

"I have no idea..."

"Even if you have a new encounter in the outside world, you must never fall in love with anyone. Once you fall in love... you will really become alone."

"A lonely soul meets another lonely soul..."

The cloth of the years, the old man's instructions, the destruction of the private, the chance encounter of the homeless, the immature mother, the troubled boy, the country destroyed by the war...

The pictures flashed past one by one, constructing a grand story of another world that makes people infinitely reverie.

Accompanied by the beautiful and moving girl singing, "La la la la la..."

An inexplicable urge to cry.

This quality of PV still highlights the film's unconventional style and picturesque texture!

Netizens are eager to see the feature film!

(It was so difficult to choose the roles of those three people. Everyone probably has different ideas. Just lightly spray it. The author's strength is limited, and he has tried his best... a thousand).

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