All Things Wrong

Chapter 1005: Judge

"The troops have all been sent out?" Hearing the words of Li Huailin, the night flight here is obviously tight, "What happened?"

"These days are not the Terran and the Devils are fighting, you know. Say," Li Huailin said.

"Oh, yeah, the Mozu players over there are posting on the Internet every day to discuss this matter. How can you not know, it seems that the Terran is winning this time," said Night Flight. This thing was not very good at all. At the beginning of the Terran attack, it was still on the edge of the Devil's land. It didn't affect the players very much, but as soon as the troops advanced, they began to influence the players after entering the Mozu hinterland. After all, now the Terran play is a city and a pool of past, not only the npc of the Mozu, but also the Devils are dead.

"Yeah, so I also pulled the troops to the battlefield to brush the experience." Li Huailin said, "It’s too late to let them come back now."

"This..." The night flight support here, "This is troublesome. If the spirit world and the gods come together to attack, we really can't stop it."

"Don't worry," Li Huailin said. "You first told me about the situation of the guild territory here. I see if there is any way."

"The situation?" said the night flight here. "Probably the first to go to the local lord to apply for a battle. If the lord agrees, he can directly send troops. If he wins, he can take over the other's territory, but if he is the lord. If you disagree here, you can only choose to give up or send troops in private. If you take another person's territory, you can only choose to plunder. Each time you can plunder about 50% of the territory's property. After the war, the guild territory will be ruined. Consuming the remaining material for repair, if the material is not repaired after being repeatedly attacked, the guild territory will be downgraded. It will even be destroyed directly."

"How is the relationship between the winner and the loser judged?" Li Huailin asked, "How can I successfully score the other's territory?"

"Oh, that's it. There is a building in the center of the guild territory. The façade has a place to place the core, which is the heart of the guild. According to the game's settings, this is the magic core that provides energy for the entire territory. Something. This thing has a certain amount of blood. The first level guild is 1 million, the second level guild is 2 million, and the third level guild has not been reached yet. Now I don't know, but it is estimated to be about 3, 4 million. We are now a guild. The territory is second-class, so there are 2 million blood, if the enemy is attacked, the blood will be deducted. Then if the natural blood is beaten, even if the defense fails, the enemy can directly get our guild. Resources in the territory." Night Flight explained.

“So simple?” Li Huailin thought for a moment. “That is to say, just defending the building in the center is finished?”

"Yeah, in fact, the defensive side also has an advantage, because the defensive side can be resurrected directly in the resurrection point of the territory, and the attacking party can only be resurrected in the nearby city, so if the war is consumed, the offensive personnel will supply it. Can't keep up. But that's also the case with the water on both sides. We don't have any defensive measures such as the city wall to help. We must also resist the two great guilds of the spiritual world and the gods. It should be..." Night Airlines said.

"No, no, I feel that it is quite simple to listen to you for a while." Li Huailin suddenly said, as if he had thought of something. "You wait, you just said that the defender’s player died from the guild territory. It’s resurrected inside. Is it true?”

"Of course." The night flight here nodded. "Of course, after death, the equipment and experience will fall, but the time to return to the battlefield is obviously much faster."

"That is to say, as long as you block the birth point, you can always kill the opposite person." Li Huailin asked.

"Yeah. After breaking into the other's territory, the first time will block the resurrection point of the other side." The night flight here said.

"Hey." Li Huailin suddenly clap his hands and scared the night flight here. "What?"

"That, how big is the scope of the second-level territory?" Li Huailin asked.

"This... probably about the size of a village..." said the night flight here.

"Let's go and see." Li Huailin suddenly said, "I'm right in the neighborhood anyway."

"This is fine." The night flight nodded here. "Go now? I am going back. There are several guild officials here who are looking for me. It is estimated that there is something in the spiritual world."

"That line, go together." Li Huailin said.

And the next Su Ruyan said, Li Huailin followed the night flight to the guild territory of the Rebirth Guild. Now that the guild is upgrading, many facilities are not available, but the transmission array is still usable.

Just after landing, Li Huailin saw a lot of players around, not of course looking for Li Huailin. It is estimated that the night flight here said in the guild that he will be back soon, so people here are waiting for them at the gate of the transmission. .

"The president, the spiritual world has already gathered, although I did not say what I want to do, but it is obviously aimed at us."

"President, the guild upgrade will take 3 days and 7 hours. During this time, our walls and defense equipment can not be used. Now we are contacting the members who are not online, and the elite team is all in place."

"The president, the dog of the spiritual world, know that they want to engage us now and kill them."

"President, there is still no movement in the thunder, and now the president of Nangong can't find anyone. Their people said that Nangong Yishou is still in the copy of the 60th level of the Raiders. Now there is no time to reply."

"President..." "President..."

"It’s so quiet." The night flight here shouted directly. "If people don't come to us, they will become like this. You are like an official of the Great Guild. Let me calm down!"

"Yes!" was shouted like this. Everyone was a little quieter, but his face was still anxious.

At this time, someone found that standing behind the night flight, the tyrannical brother, no wonder the president would be so calm, it was found to help the tyrant, and remembered the cavalry led by the sergeant before the guild war. The team, the members here are a little more stable, it is the president, actually has already started.

"So, do we have reinforcements?" asked the fire from here.

"No, Huailin's cavalry team is not in the territory, there is no reinforcement," said the night flight.

"Hey?" Everyone is a glimpse. There is no reinforcement. The problem is not solved yet. But in this case, what is the reason for the bulls?

Li Huailin did not care about this group of people, and directly looked at the guild territory of the rebirth. The territory is built on the left side of the mountain, and the right side is on the flat land. The floor space is similar to that of the night flight here. It is about the size of a village. There are many buildings inside, but now it seems to be in the process of renovation. It seems to be because of the relationship between the territorial upgrade. There is a circle of stone walls around the territory, but now it is still half-demolition, and a little further away is a new row of walls that are being built and look much stronger than the original wall. However, it is still half-finished, so the current territory has no defense.

Looking around, Li Huailin couldn't judge which building was the core of the territory, so he asked the night flight next to him: "Which building is the core of the territory?"

"This side." The night flight took a two-step walk and took Li Huailin to the door of a building in the middle of the guild territory. This building looks like the largest building in the guild territory, but it is still in the process of upgrading. Half of it. Night Airlines pointed to the door and said to Li Huailin. "This is the center of the guild territory. It is the core. Do you want to go in and see it?"

"So what about rebirth?" Li Huailin asked.

"There is a rebirth point." Night Airlines pointed to another building not far away. "The members of the guild bound here can be directly reborn here. Of course, ordinary players can pass our registration. Reborn here, this is also a way to make money for the guild, such as registering a fee for what to pay."

“So close?” Li Huailin looked at the distance between the center of the territory and the point of rebirth, and then said.

"Yes, the defense is good. If the other side breaks into the center of the territory, we can get a counterattack nearby." Night Airlines said.

"Well..." Li Huailin suddenly smiled and said, "All the guild territories are this layout?"

"The layout of the first-level guild and the second-level guild is not the same. Of course, the rise will be different. However, the layout of the guilds at the same level is similar, and the similarities are similar." The night flight here said.

"Understood." Li Huailin smiled and nodded.

"Do you think of any solution?" Li Hualin, who was smiling at the night flight, asked him that he was quite familiar with Li Huailin. Seeing Li Huailin’s appearance seemed to be thinking of a very terrible thing.

"I suddenly thought of a way of two birds with one stone, just the problem on my side can be solved, and the problem on your side can be solved." Li Huailin said with a smile.

“Really?” asked the night flight.

"Is it true? Niu brother." The rebirth members later asked.

"I’m telling you, let’s follow you.” Li Hualin’s fans immediately ignited.

"How do you do this?" The night flight here pressed the hand, letting the players behind quiet, and then asked Li Huailin.

"Passive defense does not mean anything at all. I think, we still have to go directly to the guild territory of the spiritual world." Li Huailin said with a smile.

"Ha?" Everyone is a glimpse. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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