All Things Wrong

Chapter 1018: Perfect defense

Like Li Huailin’s thought, what the current counter-attack is considering is also a formation problem. After listening to the spiritual spy of this side, the process of the whole thing is finished. The back-end here suddenly feels a little headache. This spy is Not an elite team member, so he did not arrange for him to break into the center of the territory when he arranged, nor did he see Li Huailin’s transformation skills. - But I heard the monsters yelling inside, and he also thought of the transformation skills that Li Huailin used in the round robin before, so he told the story. Therefore, the reverse front now basically knows all the skills of Li Huailin. Although the specific value is not clear, I know it.

The most troublesome skill is the 5% deduction of blood per second and the aura of 30% attribute reduction. This is really no solution. Although I don't know the scope, it can cover at least the entire arena, that is, the radius of the halo is at least 200. More than the code (the judgment of the reverse front, of course, the real 240 yards), as for the defense method, unknown, there is no time to find, can only eat hard.

The spiritual world here has already thought of it. Naturally, it is the healing chain. There is no other better way to reverse the front. It can only link the treatment out and receive it from the periphery of the territory. This will make Li Huailin unable to get close to the territory. If you can solve the battle outside, although you can't avoid a little loss, but the people inside the resurrection point will not be threatened, it is better than the resurrection.

Other warrior skills, the back can also be accepted, the trouble is another transformation of the skills, this from the current known information, comes with a wide range of attack spells, and the blood volume is also very much, still not Knowing that any method can only be forced to break, the back is not convinced that this skill can be used without cooling time, of course, the best way is to break through the perimeter of the territory. In short, once the resurrection point is blocked, the final situation is estimated to be the same as the spiritual world.

Therefore, the integration of the situation here, the core of the idea of ​​the counter-attack is that Li Huailin here must not enter the interior of the guild territory, the battle should be carried out outside, or it will be troubled once it is blocked.

Of course, this method of response was immediately conveyed. The members of the gods here also started the whole team immediately. First of all, the personnel were very dispersed. Then most of the troops were set outside the territory, and the treatment was standing in rows, basically every 35 yards is a row, which is of course the farthest distance from treatment. Such treatment queues are always in the middle of the territory, so that the last treatment should be said to have exceeded the coverage of the aura. Such a treatment chain can be very long. time.

Ready everything. The time of the guild warfare here is beginning to come close. Everyone is looking around and looking for Li Huailin’s position, because this is not the final formation. Now I don’t know which direction Li Huailin will come from, and wait until I see it. The final adjustment.

System prompt: The guild war has begun.

As soon as the time came, the guilds on both sides received the system information prompt, and the guild war officially began. The reverse side here stands on the top of the best watchtower in the entire territory. Looking at the route from the nearest city, after all, this is where Li Huailin is most likely to appear.

"Come on. Niu brother." The back of this side said to himself. The sleep beside it was to see the irritability in the back of the heart, a little open mouth, but found that he could not say anything comforting.

"What seems to be?" The guild war on this side has just begun. Someone immediately reported it in the guild channel. The counter-attack immediately responded and immediately asked: "What have you seen?"

"President. Heaven..." Another member said here.

The back was a little slammed, and then I immediately looked up. I saw a golden little spot in the sky where the nearest city came over there. The back looked at it with a slight squint, and soon he saw what it was. .

"Dragon..." The back is amazed. Of course, he knows that Li Huailin has a legendary pet. The pet’s mission is to do it with himself. In some ways, he still grabs it from his own side, but like many guild presidents, he does not watch professional games. I don’t know that Li Huailin was riding a dragon at the time. Although the legendary pet can fly, but it needs 80 to fly, can it be said that Li Huailin has already reached level 80, which is too exaggerated, how is this? Can think of it.

"The president, see clearly, is a dragon." The members below also saw the things flying in the sky, and immediately reported.

"I am a tycoon! I just saw it yesterday." This obviously was the game that I saw last night, and I remembered the picture of Li Huailin riding the dragon.

"President, what should I do?"

Yes, what to do, this question is very good, because at this time the back of the side does not know what to do, the preparation for each other is the preparation of the other party from the ground, the other party directly from the air, how is this? Can think of it.

The adversity began thinking about the response immediately, but he immediately found that there was no way to stop Li Huailin. The farthest range of long-range attacks is the hunter. The distance is 41 yards. This is still the hunter who needs to be transferred to shoot hunters. The shooting range of the Beastmaster Hunter is 35 yards. The scope of the mage's casting is also 35 yards. Needless to say, such as melee, and now look at the dragon in the sky, how to see the distance of the flight is more than 41 yards, which is impossible to attack.

However, the farthest attack in the territory is not the player, but the defensive arrow tower. The defensive arrow tower of the gods here is level 2, and the attack range is 60 yards, but it is still the dragon that cannot shoot in the sky.

This is really difficult to do. All the members of the gods here can only watch the flying dragons in the sky flying closer and closer, but they just don't know what to do. Of course, the millet here has already flown to the heads of the gods. Everyone looked up at the dragon, but there was no way to deal with it.

"It turned out to be like this. It is a god." At this time, the array of gods on the side of the gods was naturally seen by Li Huailin, including the front of the blocking force, the latter treatment chain, can be said to deal with Very scientific, if Li Huailin really walks over, it will take some time to get into the guild territory of the other party. However, this time, Li Huailin flies over and completely does not care.

Seeing this configuration of the other party, Li Huailin thought a little and immediately understood what he should do. Of course, the first thing to solve was the treatment group here. If there is no treatment, all other occupations will not last for 20 seconds under Li Huailin’s hands. Naturally, there is no threat, but the treatment chain is more troublesome. Although the black beast is very buggy, it still has blood. If it is forced to fight or die, it will be enough to cool for 45 minutes. Long, if you can, Li Huailin can't be dragged for so long. After all, when you die, you can know the situation of your own black beast skills. If you don't have much pressure on the second time, you can get it once. .

While thinking about it, Li Huailin flew into the sky above the territory, because the interior of the territory is basically a treatment. If the treatment here is blocked, there should be no problem. However, Li Huailin could think that the head of the counter is not bad, and Li Huailin’s thoughts are understood in a flash.

"All the treatment teams dispersed and distracted, and the output career followed the dragon!" The back of this side immediately commanded.

Hearing the sound of the command of the stable and stable, the team of the gods, who was slightly confused, immediately quieted down and immediately began to act. I have to say that the team's execution ability of the team of the gods here is simply metamorphosis. Although it is such an urgent situation, the wrong move does not have a little panic, and all the treatments are immediately dispersed to run outside. Melee entered the middle of the guild territory in an orderly manner.

Li Huailin has a little headache. It is no problem to catch one or two treatment groups when he goes down. But it is impossible to kill all of them. When you go up, you will be surrounded by a large number of output occupations, and then you can only be forced to change. Body, then you can see if you can kill them all. This is very unsafe. The following tens of thousands of people, although the black beast has a lot of blood, but one person can beat him for ten times.

"If you want to find a way to concentrate all the treatment, a wave of a, and then directly block the live point ..." Li Huailin thought a little bit here, then suddenly turned the faucet and flew away.

"Well?" This move makes everyone a glimpse, how come suddenly? Looking at this side, Li Huailin slowly disappeared into the field of vision, and everyone could not believe it.

"Abandoned? Did we win?" Someone asked.

"No..." The opposite side said immediately. "This is impossible. According to my understanding of the tyrannical brother, it is impossible to leave without thinking. It is definitely a tactic to study."

"That president, what do we do now?" asked the members here.

"Yeah." The counterattack here thought a little, then said: "Everyone performed very well this time. Now adjust the **** to the original position and continue to guard against the defense."

The backwind can only wait for the time, because the guild defensive war here is not infinite time. The duration of the application is 6 hours. If the attack is not taken for 6 hours, it is defensive success, but if the strategy fails, follow the The game set the lord will have a distrust of your guild, which will lead to a decline in feelings of goodwill. If you want to apply again, you have to brush your feelings. Of course, Li Huailin cannot fall here. It’s just that the wind is not known, and Li Huailin is not giving up. He is preparing a big surprise for the counter-attack here. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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