All Things Wrong

Chapter 1025: call

"Hidden mission? Now?" Li Huailin really did not expect to call the Jade Emperor to find him remotely, and it is still a hidden task. He is brushing his head and having fun. How can he manage the hidden tasks? △nw.

"Yeah, the s-level task just received, or the team competition mode." The call of the jade emperor here said.

"S-level hidden, are you sure?" Li Huailin said a little, although there are many hidden tasks, at least he has triggered a lot, but the s-level hiding is really rare, remember that the last level of this task is The task of the pet egg competition of Xiaomi, is this a similar task?

"Of course, I am sure." The call of the jade emperor here said, "According to the introduction of npc here, there should be a total of four teams to participate together. I need a five-person team now."

"The s-level mission is estimated to be a legendary equipment or something of the same class. However, it is impossible for the five-person team to send five legends directly. It is estimated that four teams compete for a legendary prop." Li Huailin thought a little. For a moment, although the attraction of the legendary props is still very large, but I think that this thing is not necessarily suitable for my own use, and even if it is suitable for myself, it is not necessarily available, so I think, it is still directly unsealing the sword Cost effective.

"I have something to do with this." Li Huailin pushed away.

"Do you have something? What?" asked the jade emperor here.

"Oh... I have recently got into a little trouble, and I am fighting with the gods here." Li Huailin said honestly.

"The gods? That super guild? You guys really can cause trouble." The call of the jade emperor here said, "How is it now, need help?"

"Hey... help? I don't think so. I am now blocking the tens of thousands of gods at the resurrection point and killing them." Li Huailin said the truth.

"Ha?" Summon the Jade Emperor does not know the current situation, but how can it block a few people? "Do you really? Is it just a reason to smother me?"

"How is it possible. Really." Li Huailin immediately said, "I lied to you to dry hair, here is really something."

"Well?" Summon the Jade Emperor a little bit unbelievable, but since Li Huailin said something, that is, he did not want to come, think about it. The summoning jade emperor here is still forgetting. "That's it, you slowly block it."

"Yeah." Li Huailin nodded.

Hanging the remote, summoning the Jade Emperor to the next Enron said: "Slightly troublesome, the wind is flowing and the change for a thousand years is willing to come, but the Huai Lin guy actually has something."

"What's the matter? What?" Enron asked while eating strange black unknown food.

"It seems that the people who are with the guilds of the gods are fighting. According to him, he is now blocking the tens of thousands of killings of the gods." Summon the Jade Emperor.

"Excuses?" Enron here is still very simple to say, of course, summoning Jade Emperor has become accustomed to her way of speaking.

"I see it too. It is estimated that it is too troublesome to come." The call of the jade emperor here said. "This guy is also very troublesome. If you don't want to come, you can't find someone else."

"Wait, I have a way." Enron suddenly said.

"What?" summoned the Jade Emperor.

"Let me say." Enron said simply.

On Li Huailin’s side, Li Huailin, who hangs a long-distance call, continues to block the door. He is completely unaware of the reinforcements in the back, and he has not considered this aspect. He now has a headache. That is after a few rounds of people, the zombie crows here are coming soon.

The zombie crows who are attacking the core of the territory are already dying. The zombie crows who are blocking the door right now have to start to die. Now there is 22% of the blood in the core of the territory. The problem that Li Huailin encountered was that once the zombie crows died, Li Huailin could not leave the door of the resurrection point.

There is no problem with the dark aurora blocking the door, but you can't attack the core of the territory, unlike the previous spiritual world. I changed myself outside this time, and I couldn’t enter the door to attack the core of the territory. I couldn’t directly cancel the change, because my own transformation would take 45 minutes to cool down, so now Li Huailin met. The problem with the embarrassment is that once the zombie crow is dead. There is no way to balance the door and attack the core of the territory.

Of course, the main task of Li Huailin is to brush the head. This is a bit of a hassle, but as long as the block has been blocked, the members of the gods who are stuck here can not stand the line, and then Li Huailin can go in and break the core of the territory. What makes Li Huailin more happy is that the members of the gods here are very strong. Now they have been blocked for several rounds. The members of the gods here still want to give up completely. Li Huailin doesn’t know why. It is waiting for the reinforcements. These waves are very refreshing. Li Huailin looked at the mission record. Now there are 3.22 million heads, which means that only 1.78 million can be completed.

"There is hope and hope." Li Huailin nodded with satisfaction, because the war there could give him more than 100,000 people a day, and 9 days, almost able to catch up, he was busy for an afternoon. Still not in vain.

I am about to continue to brush my head. The remote call here is coming again. Li Huailin looked at it. This time it shows Enron.

"Enron, what?" Li Huailin answered the call.

"There are tasks here, come on." Enron is still very succinct.

"Hey? You also have a mission? What is the mission?" Li Huailin asked.

"The task of summoning." Enron said simply.

Li Huailin directly supported the amount. The result was still the previous task. It was just a change of one person to call him: "Enron, I really have something here, I am fighting with the gods. If you hit half, you can’t let me go. Let's go."

"You promise me, don't forget." Enron here is simple.

Li Huailin really promised Enron, that is, last night's national league finals took Enron's secret treasure, Li Huailin promised to help Enron to do a task, I did not expect this guy is really welcome: "I said Enron, I The promise is to help you with the task, not to help call the task."

"It's all the same, in short, we are waiting for you at the main city hotel." Here, Enron said that he hangs directly on the remote.

"Hey..." Li Huailin also wants to say what the call on this side has been broken. Li Huailin directly supports the amount.

"Which is wrong, this is really killing myself." Li Huailin really has nothing to say, it is completely a mess of things that he has promised, and the opposite is still Enron, this guy Li Huailin really does not know how to marry her. speak politely.

"Forget it... After all, it’s an s-level task, maybe you can get something good." A little thought about Li Huailin, I still feel that I’m returning Enron’s personal feelings now, and the province’s back is more troublesome. Although the brush head said that the total number is still a little bit, but after all, it is enough, and there are still 9 days of preparation time, so it is really not enough to be able to make up at any time, and then find a guild to start the war. In this way, it is still the speed to get the task over there to get things done, and you have to concentrate on brushing the head.

But now the question is coming again, whether or not we must break through the core of the guilds of the gods here. Because if you don't move, you can continue to brush your head tomorrow. Anyway, the gods must be defensive, which is equivalent to a stable brushing place. However, considering it a bit, the gods here have already done a round with themselves. Now their own skills are known to each other. This time, the resurrection of the body is also a negative for them. The next time I don’t know if the other party has Grasp the response.

Another thing is that the situation on the Internet is now, although they are likely to provide themselves with the head, but their own bulls have already blown out. It seems that they are playing a face when they don’t hit it today. Weighed a bit, Li Huailin thought it was the first. I’ll call it here, and if the number is not enough, it’s fine to find other guilds.

Now that he has decided, Li Huailin directly controls the remaining gang of dead zombies who have rushed toward the center of the guild territory. It is estimated that the core of the residual blood can be broken in minutes.

At this time, the gods here have also received a very bad news, that is, the reinforcements have not been able to reach this side. The rebirth was still shot, directly blocking the people who were coming to the World Association, and asked God to know that they could not reborn, so they did not intend to shoot, so they said that they were ready to retreat.

The reinforcements couldn’t get there, which means they couldn’t get out. The team of the gods was a little panicked. Did they really lose? There is no way to go against the front, and now I can call another guild. Can you get it?

Just when they were tangled, they didn't notice the sudden drop in blood volume at the core of the territory, and soon they were close to the danger line.

Battlefield Tip: As the core of the territory was broken, the guild war was won by the Red Women's Legion, and the territory was successfully robbed.

Soon the people of the gods and the Red Women's Guild saw such a hint in their own battle record, officially announcing the end of the guild war. At the end of the day, the gods still couldn't support Li Huailin's attack, but they should be lucky, because if there is something else here, Li Huailin will be blocked from the resurrection point and killed.

The change of ownership of the territory, the members of the gods here can not be resurrected here, Li Huailin ended the transformation, went in and solved the remaining people inside, and informed the red moon here to receive the goods. . Li Huailin used the back to the city directly, after all, he was still waiting for him. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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