All Things Wrong

Chapter 1046: greedy

Ps: I want to hear more of your voices. I want to receive more suggestions from you. I will search the WeChat public account "qdread" and pay attention to it, and give more support to "The Online Game".

At the time of the online slogan, Li Huailin has begun to prepare his own game. He also knows what happened on the Internet. He also saw it when he responded to him. But now it’s totally useless to slobber. Anyway, there are still 7 days, and so on. More than anything.

What types of players are in other countries, what skills are there, and what special equipments are there. Although these people are collecting in the company alliance, Li Huailin has no time to look at it, or is it better to improve his ability.

According to his own plan, the first task of Li Huailin is to rise to level 80. This work is already the simplest job. After all, what needs to be done is... jumping off the building. Because of the proficiency of the business, Li Huailin's leveling work only took half a morning. The sooner Li Huailin was officially reached the 80th level. According to the current situation, it should not be possible for someone to be higher than Li Huailin.

All the property points, Li Huailin is still above the power, and now Li Huailin's attack power has reached a very subtle situation. When holding the light, Li Huailin’s ordinary flat cut hurts about 8,000. It feels so bad that he can directly hack and hack a player. The difference between a knife and two knives is very big. If you can, Li Huailin Of course, I hope that I can kill a knife, but I don’t know why it is so bad.

There is no way to do this. The only way is to use the equipment to support the property and try to push your strength up to see if it can meet the requirements. This is naturally why Li Huailin is now looking for a set of 80-level equipment.

Of course, before playing equipment. Li Huailin first wants to find his own tutor to learn the skills, 70 to 80, you should be able to learn two skills, although I do not know if it is useful, but still go and see.

Li Huailin, the transfer point of Dashe Juggernaut, is still preserved, and the white light flashes. Li Huailin here directly transmitted the past. When the light was dark, Li Huailin looked at the situation around him and immediately realized that he had come indoors. It seems that this time Dashe Juggernaut did not go hiking.

"How is this kid again?" The Dasher Juggernaut here also immediately discovered Li Huailin. It seems that Li Huailin, who suddenly appeared, was not surprised. After all, there was more knowledge. "What are you doing?"

"Learn skills." Li Huailin immediately said.

"Well?" A little glimpse of Dashe Juggernaut here, you must know that Li Huailin had just learned the skills a few days ago (accurately four days ago), so come again soon? Dashe Juggernaut blinked a little. I looked up and down Li Huailin. "Oh? You have grown so much in these few days, even if I want to see your strength, I have to work hard. I didn't expect your talent to be so good."

Dashe Juggernaut is also a bit of a surprise. After all, the guy like Li Huailin who has risen from 70 to 80 in four days is really a bit too embarrassing. Of course, Li Huailin’s time is not enough. The upgrade is expected to scare Dashe Juggernaut.

“Generally average.” Li Huailin casually said, “In short, let me learn the skills first.”

Of course, Dashe Juggernaut here will not refuse. Soon, the layout of the skills teaching was opened, and Li Huailin looked at it a little. Sure enough, there are two skills that I can learn. It is still the same as before. Every five is a passive skill, and every ten is an active skill.

Fighting armor (no level): Passive, your vindictive power is strong enough to protect your body without accumulating, passively reducing your damage. The amount of damage you can do is related to your current mana cost. When your mana is full, you can reduce the damage taken by 20%. As the mana is reduced, the effect of the armor armor is reduced to a minimum of 1%. Learning needs level: 75.

"Yeah." Li Huailin nodded. This passive skill is not bad, because this thing is definitely not a buff, so the injury-free should be added to your own body, although 20% is not too much, but it is better than nothing.

I didn’t think too much, Li Huailin learned it, but Li Huailin regretted it when he was leveling. This temperament armor reduction injury reduced the damage by 20%, causing him to fly higher to fall into the blood. Of course Now that he has not leveled, he still hasn't found it.

Sword Dance (1st level, 0/700): Rotate your body at high speed and directly counteract a spell damage. When the effect of counteracting damage is triggered, your damage will temporarily increase by 20% for 10 seconds. The effect of increased damage can be superimposed, stacking up to 5 layers, and the buff time is reset each time the overlay effect is triggered. Instant, consumes 150 points and cools for 8 seconds. Learning needs level: 80.

"I rub!" Li Huailin was depressed when he saw this. It was a magical skill. You think that 8 seconds can offset a spell damage and you can also add 20% attack power, up to 100%. The occupation is simply invincible, but the problem is that this superimposed thing is a buff. Li Huailin knows that this thing is superimposed on himself and is 20% less damage. This tm is awkward. A good skill, you are stuck in your own bugs into general skills.

However, although it is a bit of a distraction, Li Huailin still learns this skill. This thing can at least have the effect of counteracting the spell attack, and it can also be used at critical moments.

The two skills are OK, at least there is no such skill as the last time of the knife extraction, but Li Huailin is still a little dissatisfied. Now, when he needs the most strength, he is finished, and Li Huailin directly faces it. Dashe Juggernaut said: "Uncle, if you want to learn the meaning of the righteousness, how many levels do you need?"

Li Huailin really wants to learn the righteousness. The practicality of the last Olympiad tide is too strong. The only weakness is that the cooling time is a bit long. Besides, Li Huailin can't find any dissatisfaction, so now he is righteous to this. Things are also very valued, but unfortunately this skill learning does not have the same as the last time and can not learn the righteous skills this option, which means that their level should not be enough, so ask how many levels to learn.

"Is it right? Didn't you just learn one?" Dashe Juggernaut here immediately said, "I don't want to chew well, go to the sea and look for me."

"Hey?" Li Huailin’s head hurts. This is not good news. According to the meaning of Dashe Juggernaut here, is it true that the condition for learning the next righteousness is to train the skill level of the previous esoteric degree to a certain extent. For example, level 5 and level 10 can you learn the next meaning? This tm can be pitted. You must know that Li Huailin can't be proficient at all. All his skills are still level 1. Most of the skills are negative proficiency. Improve the skill level of the tide.

This is the worst news I heard today. If the level is not enough, Li Huailin can go to practice again, but Li Huailin’s skill proficiency is really no way. I thought about Li Huailin’s high degree of sensibility to Da She’s Juggernaut. Again, I asked: "The uncle, I really need to improve my strength here. Now I really have no time to get through the tide. Can you let me learn the following meanings?"

"Well? Why do you need to improve your strength?" Dashe Juggernaut here really responded, which made Li Huailin very happy. If he couldn’t say mechanically, it would be the system. Now it seems that he can still talk. of.

"I... that is going to play against players of other servers... How do you say this in your words?" Li Huailin really doesn't know how to explain other servers. I don't know if Dashe Jiansheng can understand.

"You are talking about adventurers from other continents?" Dashe Juggernaut here did not know how to understand, and asked.

"Right." Li Huailin nodded quickly. The original npc was called someone else on the other side of the server. "There is something similar to the contest. I am here as the captain of our mainland adventurer." Competition, we must compete with people from other continents."

"Well..." Dashe Juggernaut nodded here, because the feelings were quite high, and Li Huailin said that he did not doubt. "It is indeed the best person I have ever seen among the adventurers in our mainland." When the captain is also inevitable, after all, it is my disciple... But other continents may have some more powerful masters... Can’t marry our mainland’s reputation...”

"Right right... this is not a shame if you lose." Li Huailin immediately said.

"According to your current strength, it is not impossible to learn the next righteousness." Dashe Juggernaut here said, "It’s just that you haven’t understood the tide. In theory, you have not met the requirements."

Li Huailin understands that his level is enough, that is, his skill is not enough, but he really can't practice skill proficiency: "Uncle, help me, I really need it here."

"Yeah." Dashe Juggernaut thought about it a little. Finally, he nodded. It is estimated that Li Huailin’s feeling of goodness is really a bit high, so Zhangkou said, "That’s right, let you try. Look at whether you have this strength, so, I heard that Meg Ryan’s disciple, Novena, has a very good reputation recently. Since it is a disciple of Meg Ryan, the strength should be very good. You should defeat her. And then report my name. If successful, I will agree to teach you the righteousness."

System prompt: accept the aa level task, the test of the righteousness -2

Mission Objective: Pass the test of the instructor.

Mission reward: esoteric acquisition.

“Oh? It’s easy.” It’s a relatively simple task to fight. Li Huailin immediately said, “Give it to me.” (The novel “The Reverse of Online Games” will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, as well as 100% lottery gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click on the "+" in the upper right to "Add a friend", search for the public number "qdread" and pay attention, the speed is fast!) (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, novels more Good update faster!

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