All Things Wrong

Chapter 1052: situation

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The copy of the reincarnation here was sent out very quickly, but as the firehead said, now these copies are just knowing the location, no other information, compared to the previous information given by the spiritual world. It’s really simple, but it’s basically enough. With the help of the Excalibur, Li Huailin thinks that basically the copy can rely on the past.

Of course, there are exceptions, such as the copy of the undead, the battle is definitely the difficulty of the abyss level, the 80-level abyss copy is not difficult to play alone without the sword, so the copy of the undead does not have to think about it. . There is also a copy of the mechanical family type. This thing is also a lifeless thing, and it can't be made, so these names are a copy of the mechanical undead. Li Huailin doesn't have to think about it. After screening, Li Huailin has only 3 left. A copy.

Of course, these copies should not be enough. I have to change a whole set of equipment. It is not enough to play three copies. However, the rebirth here has already been checked for myself, and I will wait for it.

In the next few days, Li Huailin was basically busy everywhere between the various copies. After the night flight, I would contact Li Huailin on the line. I said a little about the current situation and helped Li Huailin find a few. A copy of the 80-level data.

After a few days, I will jump out of a full copy of the abyss difficulty of Li Huailin’s Raiders, but in fact most of the players don’t know what copy this copy is. Most people have never heard of it. The names of these 80-level copies, but this incident did not cause any commotion, because now their attention is not here, even if Li Huailin's hard copy of the abyss has not attracted their attention.

Now the player pays attention to things. The first is the news of the National Cup. The second day of Li Huailin’s start of the Raiders copy is exactly the time when the total amount of the National Cup’s prize pool was announced. This directly scared everyone, the total bonus of 282.4 billion, which is simply The amount of life. I just feel scared when I hear it. I heard that there are a total of 55 countries participating in the competition. That is to say, if they are equally divided, each country can be divided into 5 billion yuan. Is this a good result for some small countries whose registration fees have only paid 100 million?

But of course, this bonus is impossible to divide. What the audience is thinking about is, what is the first prize? According to the experience of previous years, the first prize is almost half of the total prize. . Can this year’s first place earn $140 billion in prize money? This is too exaggerated.

Since the amount involved is really too big, this has caused the attention of the governments of various countries, and even the officials of the Zheng government have talked about this issue in their conversations. I have to say that this game of "Glory of the Heart" is even more flamboyant. People who didn't care about this game also began to care about this game.

At the same time that the National Cup competition caused heated discussion around the world, the Huaxia District also immediately had a problem that caused everyone's attention, that is, before the Grand Council of China.

It is well known that the situation of the former Grand Council was the formation of two guild alliances, namely the Alliance of Gods and the re-casting of alliances. The strength of the two alliances is similar, and the two sides are always in a state of opposition. But this opposite relationship has not kept going. Because the Alliance of Gods has suffered an unprecedented blow.

The guild territories of the gods and the spiritual world were all taken away by the tyrants. This attack on the guilds on both sides is too big, but the guilds on both sides have not issued any official statements, but everyone wants to know. This is all about big news brewing.

Sure enough, just after the issue of the National Cup was just released, the big news here was as scheduled. The first is the spiritual world. The current president of the spiritual world, Wang Wang, officially announced his resignation and sold all the shares in the spiritual world. It is really a big news for the spirits to change the president. Although the loss of the spiritual world is indeed very big, the president of the world should be responsible, but the news of directly resigning and selling all the shares is still a bit unintelligible.

Even more strange is the message behind. Because the rebirth here has announced the direct dissolution of the guild, all the guild elites have once again merged into the spiritual world. As for ordinary members, they can apply to join the spiritual world within one week. After one week, they will follow the original rules of the spiritual world.

To put it simply, this is what the spiritual world has brought to the rebirth. Everyone feels a bit strange. Now it is clearly reborn here. Not only does the guild scale slowly catch up with the spiritual world, but it also brings people to the spiritual world. I bought it, and suddenly you were swallowed up by others. What happened?

When I haven’t responded yet, the news of the spiritual world’s official announcement once again, this time everyone understands, because the news announced by the spiritual world is the candidate of the new president, and this person is the president of the rebirth, night. Air.

At the same time as the president of the spirit industry, Night Flight also announced the issue of the equity of the night flight in the spirit world. In fact, the night flight used the rebirth funds and acquired about 21% of the equity in the spiritual world. Half of this is obtained from other shareholders, plus 2% of its own holdings. In short, Night Flight holds 23% of the equity in the spirit world, and it has become the spiritual world. The two largest shareholders, second only to the founder of the spiritual world, Liu Jia.

Now everyone understands why the night flight has to use its own 3rd-level territory to change the 2nd-level territory of the spiritual world. For such behavior, some people applaud, because the night flight is also going out from the spiritual world, and the leaves fall back to the roots. The night flight still has feelings for the spiritual world. It is obvious that such a large guild has been made, and now it is still going back when the spiritual world is in trouble. However, some people say that this is obviously a smashing of fire, and when the spirit world is not good, it grabs the equity of the spiritual world and the position of the president.

But no matter what, now that the rebirth and the spiritual world have merged again, this is really a big news. It is conceivable that the new spiritual world after the merger is definitely a very powerful Grand Council. The pattern before the former Grand Council was completely broken by this situation.

Since the rebirth and the spiritual world have merged, the former alliance of the gods and the recasting alliance are obviously disbanded automatically. There are only a few of the current guilds in the light, the gods, the spiritual world, and the thunder. Lei Zhu has recently developed from the wind. After all, they have also plundered each other's assets to develop themselves. Now they also have a level 2 guild territory. The development of the guild is stable, so now Slowly and distanced from the back of the guild, but still a little bit different than the spiritual world and the gods.

The gods, though they were much more powerful than the spiritual world and the rebirth, but now they merged on both sides, but they lost their territory on their side. This time, the gods seem to be a little disadvantaged. . Now, in the eyes of all players, this new spiritual world seems to have replaced the position of the boss of the gods and became the largest guild in China.

The reverse front is really a bit vomiting. He was really miserable. Before the king said that he transferred his equity to himself, he suddenly announced that he would transfer the equity to the night flight. On the night flight side, he directly became the president. He naturally participated in the company's equity meeting. Although he has a 12% stake, but because of the night flight, 23%, and Liu family has 30%, Liu family supports the spirit of the world. As the president of the night flight, the two add up to more than half, and he can't stop it.

Of course, he immediately questioned the king of the world, but there is no way. Although the former king said that he sold the shares to him, but he said it on the verbal, and did not sign the contract, the back is also unexpected to the king. So soon, I talked with the night flight. It is clear that the two of them were still enemies who didn’t share the sky. What the **** is this.

I have to say that this time he was given a pit by the spiritual world. Anyway, he was very miserable. According to his own plan, after the split of the spiritual world, the plan of dragging the general to the back of his **** is definitely no play, new. The spirit is extremely strong, and he feels the pressure of bursts.

The fate is that he is still lost in the guild territory, because the things in the spiritual world have not been able to deal with this matter in the past few days. Now things have moved in the worst direction, and he must also immediately deal with the problems of the gods. And then prepare for the challenges of the new spiritual world.

At the equity meeting, he also heard the new president here night saying: "I think the scale of the spiritual world, a level 2 guild territory is not enough, it is better to buy another guild territory. ”

Rebirth now has money, help the spiritual world to pay off debts and there is still a lot of money left, buying a territory is not a problem. Although it was only a proposal, it was not passed on the spot, but it was a little anxious to let the counter-back here. This matter could not be delayed, and it must be resolved immediately. So after going back, the counter-front here began to pay attention to its original territory problem.

"Up to 16.2 million? Is there really someone quoted?" The frontier was shocked. He didn't look at the price one day, and the price actually rose more than three times.

"There are still a lot of people who quoted." The sleep of this side said, frowning.

"This group of people!" said the sullen sorrowful voice. Everything went wrong in the past few days. He also had a sigh of relief. "Are they really afraid to buy it and then we will take it back?"

"What should I do now? Are we ready to grab it back or quote the other party?" asked Mengmian.

The counter-attack took a breath and calmed down a bit, then said: "Try it first. Let's first show our attitude and see how the other person's reaction." (The novel "The Online Game" will be available on the official WeChat platform. More fresh content, there is also a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click on the "+" sign in the top right, "Add a friend", search for the public number "dd" and pay attention, the speed is fast!) (unfinished To continue, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!

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