All Things Wrong

Chapter 1056: Solicit

"What? There are still a lot of people like me. I have also established a race called the Undead, and even established a country?" Hearing the Undead has actually established the state, and the Shuiluoan here seems very Surprised, the face is also a bit uncertain. ≧

"You don't know about this?" Li Huailin asked here a little curiously.

The Puluoan here shook his head: "I just thought that the people of Tutemus created us just to help him guard something. After all, those who have died can no longer die. We have almost endless life. But actually created a race."

"I was also very surprised at the beginning. I woke up and saw that the previous test article actually developed well. It was so fun." The light here is also heartless.

"I didn't hear that the undead people also participated in the offensive of the Titans..." Li Huailin said.

"We did participate in the attack on the Titans, but at that time it was not called the Undead." The singer Puluan here replied, "We are just weapons of war created by the giants of Tutemus relying on the power of the glamorous adults." And already."

"That is what I created anyway. Now you have to listen to me." The faint light here is another akimbo.

"I am also curious..." said Xu Puluan here. "I always thought that I was very lonely. I didn't expect that there were many people like me. I also established a country. I... really. I really want to see...but, I have the task that Master Tuttmos gave me..."

"Task?" Li Huailin asked.

"Well, it is to guard the urnos." Supraan replied here.

"Watching?" Li Huailin said a little. "You didn't use the word wrong? That is, Totem Moss put Urnos here and then let you guard?"

"Of course." Xu Pu Luoan nodded here.

"Is it true? Urnos." Li Huailin said directly to the air next to him.

"Yes...really..." After a little while, the voice of Urnos passed over here. "Sorry, I didn't explain in advance. Let's go down first. I will tell you the whole story."

"I don't agree." Supraan said suddenly. "The task I received was to execute any intruder who tried to enter the underground prison, so I can't let you go."

"Hey? That means you want to do it with me?" said the faint light on the side. "Be careful my new owner is crying."

"This..." Hearing Puluan here is a little hesitant to hear the light. For him, Thutmose is his master, and the light is almost the second life. Both of them are very important to him. Now the orders on both sides are different. He suddenly does not know what to do.

"You are a soldier?" Li Huailin suddenly asked.

"Yes." Xu Puluan nodded here.

"The situation is very simple now." Li Huailin said, "The former King Tutemus has died. The person who succeeded the throne is me. Do you understand what I mean?"

"What do you mean to make me loyal to you?" said Xu Puluan here.

"Do you still have any other loyalty objects? As a soldier, you must always have a loyalty object." Li Huailin spread his hand. "Or you are not prepared to go home and farm." ”

"I..." The repairing Puluan here really can't keep his mouth. It's true that his main lord is dead. Now he really doesn't know who to listen to. This human celestial person claims to be the undead empire. The new emperor, according to this theory, he should really listen to him. But... Is this really correct?

"Is the Tutemus adult really dead? Are you really the new emperor of the undead empire?" Supraan here asked.

"I don't know. The thing that Tutemus hangs is what she said. I don't know." Li Huailin said.

"Tutmos guy is really dead." The light here immediately said, "I certainly know, because he is the one I killed."

"Ha?" "Ha?" Li Huailin and Shu Puluan are both a glimpse.

"What's wrong? It is he who betrayed me first. Why can't I kill him?" The light here is of course, "I said that my master was not Tutemus, but Hopps. Tutemus is an enemy. It’s no surprise to be a weapon to help the master fight."

"Tuttoms is going to seal you, and then he screams Hopps. As a result, Hopps launched an attack on Thutmose, and then you were sealed?" Li Huailin asked.

"This is the case." The light on this side said.

"This relationship is really... I don't understand what your undead is doing." Li Huailin helped. Then I looked at Supraan here. "The situation is like this. What do you think of you?"

"I... I want to go outside and see..." Supraan here was silent for a while and suddenly said, "I don't really want to go out like this. Does anyone think that my existence is very strange?"

"So all said, there are a lot of undead people outside, and there is nothing strange about you." Li Huailin said, "But be careful, there is no enemy outside the undead."

"Really? There are enemies? This is really good, I can fight again." Xu Puluan here immediately said, "Can I go to the undead empire? If all you said is true I will be loyal to you."

"Just go and ask for evidence, I have people from all over the country to testify to me." Li Huailin said casually, "but now I need to go to the seventh floor."

It may be because Li Huailin said that he is very confident, or it may be because the glory here proves to Li Huailin. Anyway, the repairing Puluan here has considered it for a little while, and nodded: "I... understood."

It was indicated that Li Huailin had let it go a little. The Shuiluoan here was slightly on the ground for a while. It might be unwrapping the seal. Anyway, after a while, the ground on this side was shocked. The sound, the soon underground door slowly opened, and the road to the seventh floor appeared in front of the two.

"The following is the prison." said Xu Puluan here, "I am going with you. This Urnos is a Titan and is not worth trusting."

"Understood." Li Huailin nodded. In fact, he did not believe in Urnos. At least this guy is now hiding from Li Huailin.

Soon the two walked into the seventh floor. This is the smallest floor in the entire trial tower. Just down the stairs, you can see the whole room. What makes Li Huailin a little surprised is that they are waiting in this room. The person is not what the huge Titans Li Hualin imagined, or something like a talking ball of light. He only saw a normal-sized person locked on the ground, or the undead.

"Ha?" Li Huailin had a slight glimpse. The guy who was locked on the ground looked like a dead soul. Although the opponent’s head did show Urnos, isn’t the cargo a Titan?

"It seems that you are very surprised, my child." Urnos on the ground suddenly spoke. This time it was not the voice in the air. The real thing is that Urnos spoke. "It’s weird, why am I? Look like."

"As a result, do you even lie to me in your own race?" Li Huailin went to the side of Urnos and asked.

"You misunderstood." Urnos said here, "I am indeed a Titan, at least a thousand years ago."

"I remember that even if the undead resurrected, it will not change the size of the body." Li Huailin said, in fact, the body will indeed change after being resurrected, but the general reminder will not change, so the undead resurrection of the dwarves must be A little shorter than the average undead. The Titans are at least 4 meters high. Li Huailin has seen it. How can it be reduced to such a small size?

"This is not my body." Urnos said slowly, "I will tell you the whole thing."

"One thousand three hundred years ago, the Protoss led the various races across the continent and encircled our Titans, but I was not in the city of Harghita at the time. I should have told you about this." North said.

"Yeah, you said that you and the Titans are in conflict." Li Huailin nodded.

"I know that the destruction of the Titans is the latter thing. It was too late to do anything at the time." Urnos said here painfully. "I said that those Horcruxes are things that cause disasters, but no one. Trust me……"

"Okay, let's talk about the point." Li Huailin said.

"Although the kingdom of the Titans was broken, the gods did not intend to let go of the Titans who were left in other corners of the mainland. At that time, they carried out a cleaning campaign to eliminate all the Titans on the road, no matter what they did. There is no knowledge of the Horcruxes or Horcruxes," Urnos said. "Nature, I am also attacked here."

"The result is that the person responsible for catching you at the time is Tutemos?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yes." Next to Shuopuoan nodded. "At that time, Tutemus arrested Urnos, but Urnos's ability was too strong, so he could not completely destroy him, so He is here, and I am responsible for guarding."

"No, it is not like this." On this side, Urnos shook his head directly. "Although I have certain abilities, it is impossible for Tutemus holding the Excalibur to destroy me. He is deliberate. Keep me here."

"Oh?" Li Huailin smiled a little. "What is his purpose?"

"It's a seal of the sword." said Urnos here.

"What?" Everyone is a glimpse. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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